Arena Tourney

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Quill, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    So, some of us have played with the idea of doing a team Arena. The large-group nature of these makes them really susceptible to bouts of inactivity, which would be horrible in an intense place like the Arena. Still, the idea of doing them with a bunch of people is really appealing, and that's when I thought of this.

    Player's Tourney Match. Here's what the Arena Description Thread has to say about them.

    We could do that, if there were enough people interested. Loft may have finished 2 fights, but I don't think that'd count as "renowned combatant." We'd have to make a pot, but that's easy to do. Each character could chip in 10 or 20 rupees or something, and we could use a Mario Party-like system to hand out rupees to 1st place, 2nd place, and so on, depending on how many people signed up.

    We wouldn't be starting this right away. I've got a fight with Tsu I'd like to do before moving on to a Tournament. Still, would anyone be interested in this? We'd probably use normal Arena rules for individual matches. We could do a round-robin or bracket style, whichever people feels would be best. I think which we do would depend on how many people we have; I feel that a smaller Tourney would lend itself to a round-robin so everyone could fight everyone, whereas a large Tourney may work better as a bracket.

    Would anyone be interested in doing one of these?
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    Holy shit yes. Let me get back to you sometime with who I want to use.
  3. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Hooray, interest! I was just re-reading the Regulations of the Arena thread, saw that, and realized that hey! We actually have enough active RP'ers to pull this off, if they're interested. When you think of someone, just post it here. If anyone has an idea for the pot, feel free to speak up c:
  4. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    I shall provide my ultimate champion to rise forth and conquer all.

    The mightiest of the mighty.... Derpiest of derp... Masaro Otak. Let's do it.
  5. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    I'm very tempted to sign up Horus and Luna, who only ever appear in threads together, but if I do that Horus has to pay 10 Rupees for the both of them. Luna desperately needs the ones she has and can't miss any.
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    BP, if they're a package deal and will be fighting in all the same fights, it sounds like they'd only chip in one person's worth of the pot.

    I like what you said about 10r. That seems the easiest thing to do, and after all, this isn't really about rupees. So, I'm thinking that every entry chips in 10r. For rewards, I took some inspiration from the Mario Party Battle Mini-Game system

    1st Place: 70%
    2nd Place: 25%
    3rd Place: 5%

    We can round down whenever the percentages come out to decimals, and we can give what's left over to a randomly selected entry.

    The more the merrier, guys, so if anyone else wants to join in please just post here c:

    EDIT: Oh, I'm also wondering whether the above rewards system would really work. After all, we also have individual battles to deal with. We could either include those in the reward system or allow individual people to cast mini-pots in their own fights. What are your thoughts?
  7. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

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    I shall throw in my lot with the young Edric Snow.
  8. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    Trophy Points:
    this dick
    Uh, sure, I guess.

    If I do somehow stay active enough to see this thing to the end I'm using Julius.
  9. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    It's great to see that people are interested in this! I'll start drawing up a roster in a couple days, to give people some more time to sign-up.

    My tentative plans for this involve a round-robin system. Each round's fights would all happen simultaneously, to save time. Then, we can either wait for everyone to be finished before starting the next round OR each contestant can just wait for their next competitor to be free and just start on their own. Probably the latter. The Arena Lord would grade each fight as he normally does. Individual fights wouldn't get a portion of the grand prize, but if individual contestants wish to make pots they may do so. The Arena Lord also may chip in some rewards himself, if he so deems it appropriate. At the end of the rounds, the fighter with the most wins wins and receives first prize. Woohoo!

    The round-robin system will help deal with inactivity. If someone's taking too long, try to work it out first. If they're still not going, you have a choice to either wait for a really long time for them to post, get their inactive permission to end the fight and declare yourself the winner, or put that fight on a side burner and progress to the next fight in the round for the time being. I'm not sure if we'll have a real system in place in the future to deal with Arena inactivity. We'll need something, because it's inevitable; we will face inactivity. The round-robin system, by its very nature, will minimize ripples. These were just tentative ideas; feel free to pop up your own or put in input.

    While signups will remain open for a while, I will eventually have to close them. I'll need a while to draw up a concrete roster and round-system.

    Just as a recap: This is an Arena Player-Run Tourney, run in a round-robin system. Inactivity will not be allowed to halt the Tourney. Each entry chips in 10r. The usability of pets should be discussed with each RP'er before the start of a fight. Players may make pots for individual fights, but the main pot will not be used. The first-place winner of the tourney will receive 70% of the pot. The second-place runner up will receive 25% of the pot. The figurative bronze medalist will receive 5% of the pot. Any rupees left from the rounding-down of the percentages will go to a randomly selected contestant. The Tourney will commence once the QuillvsTsu Arena Challenge-Match is complete.
  10. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    In the hopes of this not taking half a year, how about we just disqualify people if they don't post within a certain number of days. The days could be decided per fight or across the entire board. You could also make it so the RP has to be over after like 60 days or something. Arena threads aren't often horrendously long, nor do they change locations a ton, so this seems completely do-able.
  11. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    I already said I'd love to do something like this before :haa: So I'm definitely in!
  12. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Ribs, that sounds like a great idea.
    Squish, XD
  13. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Oh, of course I'm using Locke for this :haa:
  14. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Great! So far, we have...

    - Quill (Loft)
    - Blonde Panther (Horus and Luna?)
    - Tsubori (Masaro)
    - Squishy (Locke)
    - Idarian (Edric)
    - Clooby (Julius)

    Pot: 60 Rupees

    Anyone else interested? Sign-ups are still open, you know! c:

    I'm liking what Ribs said; maybe an absolute post deadline of a week, and the thread has to be over once 60 days pass. Arena fights aren't that long, after all; most are 2-3 pages long, and that really doesn't take too long to RP if both people post consistently. Inactivity is the biggest danger we'd be facing, and with this, hopefully it won't be that great of an issue. But, if anyone has another idea, it'd be great to hear it :)
  15. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Sure why not. No good reason *not* to. :haa:

    I will throw in with Cecil, because bombs in the arena cannot possibly go wrong.
  16. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    lol bombs everywhere! Also, guys, remember that you've got some time if you want to finish up any current threads you're in for treasures or somat similar.

    - Quill (Loft)
    - Blonde Panther (Horus and Luna?)
    - Tsubori (Masaro)
    - Squishy (Locke)
    - Idarian (Edric)
    - Clooby (Julius)
    - Unnamed Dude (Cecil)

    Pot: 70 Rupees

    So, update on the inactivity system. Each person will have exactly 1 week to post; exceptions will not be given except under extreme, deserving circumstances. If 7 days have passed and there has been no post, that person will be disqualified from the Tourney. The person who was RP'ing with the ex-contestant will have to wait for the next round to continue fighting. Since everyone will miss out on 1 fight with that person, scoring will not be adversely effected.

    Each round's going to take 60 days. That's plenty of time to do a two/three page fight. All fights will end once 60 days have passed, to keep the Tourney moving; the AL will come in and grade however much has been completed by that time. I'm thinking that most fights will be finished by then, but it's okay if they haven't. They'll still be graded and stuff.

    Anyone else? c:
  17. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Sounds good, but I'm a little confused; is this going to be battles in teams, or just one-on-one?
  18. Darth_Slaverus

    Darth_Slaverus Member vet

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    I'd like to sign up with Farley, if it's not too late.
  19. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    It's not going to be too late for a while, when my Arena Challenge fight with Tsu is close to completion.

    Squish, this is going to be a tournament of 1-on-1 matches, done in a round-robin style (unless there's so many people that y'all would rather do a ladder).

    - Quill (Loft)
    - Blonde Panther (Horus and Luna?)
    - Tsubori (Masaro)
    - Squishy (Locke)
    - Idarian (Edric)
    - Clooby (Julius)
    - Unnamed Dude (Cecil)
    - Darth Slaverus (Farley)

    Pot: 80 Rupees
  20. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    If I can get away with having Horus pay for both of them I'll confirm my participation.