Will's (Recent) Anime Reviews

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WillowtheWhisp, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Yeah, Death Note is also a great series. I haven't watched any Hunter x Hunter, but I hear good things about it. As for anime to start with Double, a good recent one to start with is Sword Art Online. It's pretty easily available online. If you're looking for more of a classic, though, Cowboy Bebop is another terrific anime.

    Also, updated the first post. Added Psycho Pass to recently watched, and finished Casshern Sins and Witch Hunter Robin. Also added Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Magi, and a Certain Scientific Railgun to recently watched (though I watched them while ago and forgot to add them). Deadman Wonderland has been added to the list as well.

    Psycho Pass was really great, and although it was short (22 episodes), the plot was compelling and the characters very well developed. Will really get you thinking about where technology and society is headed.

    Puella Magi Madoka Magica is probably my all time favorite anime, tied for that position with Noein. This anime made me cry manly tears, because it was so good. It's like fourteen episodes, so it's pretty easy for anyone to fit into their schedule to watch.

    Magi was pretty good, but not currently airing, but it might get another season. Anyways, it's pretty good, and light hearted most of the time. Definitely good for some laughs, but also for some pretty good action/adventuring.

    Deadman Wonderland is also still airing, though I haven't been keeping up with it. I read the manga, which is almost over, and is also good. Definitely good for its genre, being sort of an Action Thriller. Definitely would recommend it.

    A Certain Scientific Railgun is GREAT. Season 1 & 2 are done, but I believe they are starting Season 3 soon (or maybe have already). If you like anime about psychic school girls (that is actually awesome, and not all about breasts or something), then this is a must watch. It's funny, has good action, and a fairly interesting plot.
  2. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    A Certain Magical... Railgun? ._. I think you have the names mixed up, Will.
  3. adad64

    adad64 Admin admin

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    I like Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Subverting the whole magical girl genre in fun and horrifying ways. Death note was really good, though I preferred the manga. Angel Beats was absolutely amazing, loved the characters, the plot, the music. Pretty much the everything except the short length. Currently Sword Art Online is my top anime, it was really good and the concept was fantastic.
  4. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    Okay, seeing your edit, you're talking about Railgun and not Index. So I should correct you: Railgun has ONE season complete, and is starting on its second season, Railgun S. Both are good, but someone who saw Index first should keep in mind that Railgun's pacing is MUCH different from Index's.
  5. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Might as well name off my top three anime I've seen.

    Third place is Stiens;gate. Jeez, if any anime has had me going "My oh my what a clever concept" it's this. The characters are all mostly likable and the show transitions well between comedy and pretty crazy drama. And the main character Hoooooououin Kyoooouuuma (Yes you have to say it like that) is friggin amazing.

    Second place is Angel beats. This show targets your feels and punches them so hard. Like... So much of this show is so perfectly dramatic, but it mixes in some good Action too. Very few characters aren't likable, and most of the ones that aren't fix themselves later on. Just like everyone with Yui. Start = "JEEEZ annoying". End = "FEEEEELS BRO". And might I just say, this show has the best side characters ever. TK. What soul-less monstrosity could dislike TK, unless they watched the show dubbed.

    And first place is.... Baccano. By the great flying spaghetti monster.... Baccano. Whereas Angel beats has amazing side characters, I can't say that about Baccano because the story barely HAS side characters. Everyone is important, and what starts as one of the most confusing anime I'd ever seen grew into my favourite one ever. Not only is the action amazing and surprisingly gory, the characters are so likable. There are two characters in particular that every scene they're in is comic diamond. Seriously. Finish reading this sentence, then go start watching the DUB of Baccano. Yes you read that right. The DUB is infinitely better because hearing italian americans voice italian americans is better than hearing a japanese guy try to voice an italian american. Immersion ftw.
  6. Gouf

    Gouf Puckish Rogue new

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    This really bugged me. I don't see how anyone could see SAO as their top anime.
  7. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

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    this dick
    My favorite anime of all time forever and always will be Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.