The Site-Wide Plot & You

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by WillowtheWhisp, May 13, 2013.

  1. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    As many of you already know, Ribitta has just recently left the site. However, if you don't keep up with the site-wide plot, or talk to him directly, some of you may not know that he was almost solely responsible for the current plot occurring on HC. That said, I've been left with the responsibility of continuing and finishing what he started. I will be working with his notes, but I may not use the entirety of them.

    That said, I believe an explanation is due. While I fully support what his ideas for the plot were/are, and I personally enjoyed what he had planned, it never seemed as if the members of this community were very involved in it, not necessarily because the plot was disliked, but because it was not very high on the list of priorities. It always seemed to be more of a cool side-story for player characters who had their own more important stories, as if people looked at the plot and said "Oh, hey, that's pretty cool. But I'm already pretty busy doing this over here." or similar statements.

    I don't want to be the guy that quotes himself, but if you've taken a look at my Roleplay Ramblings thread and read my post, it should be fairly apparent that I hold the belief that some of the best roleplaying comes out of being in a community setting. Reflecting that, I also believe that the plot should be the same way: flexible enough to incorporate the desires of those characters involved, yet rigid enough to keep those same characters together.

    Which brings me to the purpose of this thread: What would you like to see happen in the Site-Wide plot?

    While I cannot promise that I can incorporate the ideas of everyone that posts in this thread, or that every idea will be accepted, I want to try my best to keep in mind the wishes of everyone involved, as we press forward. That said, it should go without saying that some ideas will not be accepted because of their basic premise, i.e. "X character should kill Ganon.". If you're unsure about the idea(s) you want to post, post them anyways, as it will still still be valuable information for me.
  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

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    this dick
    I don't necessarily have any ideas; primarily because, as the plot is in its current stages, it seemed very well planned and organized, to the point where each event would seamlessly flow into the next like a river. This doesn't leave very much room for suggestions on something like this, in my opinion, so I can't really suggest anything other than perhaps increased activity with the Gorons and other racial groups. Perhaps some activity in Woodfall with the Deku?
  3. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    The HC plot and setting are quite unique, they take aspects from throughout Zelda lore and at the same time it creates an entire story in and of itself. I think they have a certain value to the site that can't simply be replaced. For even those who don't participate in quests directly driving the plot, they can use the material to build their characters' backgrounds and even drive whatever they might be doing.

    Now, I usually had to turn to the old Setting sheets to build my characters off of. With the plot, I have a whole extra layer I can use to weave my story. What I would like to see, is maybe some more colorful looks into who characters like Mahirid are, and what the politics of each mini-nation like the Deku Palace or the Gerudo Fortress consist of at this place in the history. Do the Gerudo leaders condone the use of sorcery? Do the Gorons have trouble finding rock supplies with monsters strewn about? These little things could all even fit into questlines, if given enough thought.

    Now, I keep losing the links to the old setting threads, and I guess that's because of all the site layout changes. But I think with some expansion of the plot threads, players can be inspired to do more than just find a task to do at any given season.

    I suggest that while plots should remain hyrule-wide events, they should focus on expanding the materials that players can draw from, rather than something like a new plan to tie Ganon to a rocket and send him into the moon. Maybe it can focus on a skirmish to reclaim a Goron mine, and while some players might have a LotR style battle royale on the mountains, others will be doing old fashioned dungeon crawling and puzzle solving to remove an ancient evil from the depths. Focused, but open-ended. This is the sort of thing I think people will want to play. I really think dungeons and temples shouldn't be reserved to side-stories outside of the HC canon.
  4. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    I love your suggestion Genz. When Ribitta was still here and all, he and I planned on making in depth race pages that had all of the information on the races in them, and it would go far beyond the rudimentary descriptions in the character creation thread. We wanted to put the political stuff into them, and all of the interesting history and information about them. I still want to do this, I think it'd be cool to expand all of these type of things to make the RP world as rich as it possibly can be.
  5. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    I guess this is somewhat of an add-on to Geebo's post, since it's related to what he said and it's part of what I would've said initially anyway.

    I don't think you should make a massive storyline. My reasoning is, these are fun to make and can be really interesting and fun to read. . . But we're a roleplay site, not a fanfiction site. Most of the time, it is very hard for members to participate in them, at least not without shafting a majority of the memberbase from most of the fun for a select few. They may have details or changes members can incorporate into their roleplays, definitely, but overall they're not able to do anything except read. In some cases, that's fine if there's just pure story that the members can't really play with, but it should be avoided. I think that's a big reason there was a lack of interest in the plot for so long, aside from it being a lot to read.

    Ribs is a great writer and storyteller, don't get be wrong, but there wasn't really much the members could do with it, and by the time they could do something with it no one really cared. This brings me to my next point though, using the current event with Mr. Gerudo King as an example. The Mahirid event is very. . . selective. I don't mean that as in you're just kicking people out, but more in the sense that only certain kinds of characters could participate or even be effected by it. Which in some cases is absolutely fine, not every character should be able to do every story related thing, it would be way too difficult to do properly if that were the case.

    However, I feel like, especially for it being one of the first big parts of the plot, it was kind of hard for a lot of characters to get into. Of course, I can't blame Ribs for it, it's not really his fault, it's simply because of how far south it was and the fact that most characters are situated in Northern Hyrule. As such, travel to the south is difficult unless you join the militia(If they didn't, would most people even have a reason to go to the south? I can't say much on this since it's a character by character basis, but I think in general not many people would have reason to go south other than pure wanderlust, which isn't really a very good reason), and knowledge of anything even happening would be even more difficult to learn. I'm not saying don't do anything in the south, though, quite the opposite actually.

    Back to the initial point I made, about not having a massive plot. I think overall, you should try to go for something similar to what Geebo said. Events that flesh out the lore and give greater detail and interest to the site and areas. Something members can interact and have fun with on a more direct scale, even if it's not as big as being the hero in the war or whatever. As Clooby said, the current event is very well made, allowing members to participate a fair amount while still displaying the story, but I already talked about the current event above.

    Also, just as a side note, don't make it a ton of battles and fights. Those things will and should happen, but there's so much more you could do, even on a smaller scale, like Geebo was saying. Even if it's not a massive event, a small story post that gives greater insight or depth to an area or race could give a really great roleplay opportunity. Maybe make a post giving more information on the thieves' guild. Does it have a leader, is it a coordinated guild or is it just a band of thieves, some of which come together for thefts only to steal from the one to the left of them seconds later? It's just an example obviously, but I think things like that would be great.

    Well that's about it, I mostly repeated stuff me and Ribs talked about or that he decided so some of it may already be in place. I'm kind of exhausted so sorry if the wording is a little awkward in some places.
  6. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

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    Drawing from what a lot of the others have said, something I would find interesting would be to start with plenty of smaller plot quests/events, spread out around the entirety of Hyrule. You could have the Gerudo plot in the south, but also something like, a sudden plague sweeping through Castle-Town, a war outbreak between the River and regular Zora, and so on. These initial events can seeming have no connection, but as the plot moves forward, background motives and twists and layers become apparent, and the different threads come together and meld into one, massive spanning plot. This gives all different kinds of characters a way into the plot, while still keeping a diverse, but coherent connection of events culminating in a final "Grandmaster" event.
  7. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

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    I don't really have much to add, I just came to say that I am in 100% agreement with Jarin's idea. That would be really awesome.
  8. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Hmm... I've always had a slight intrigue for the plot though I'm not sure if it was handled right before... Actually.... Now that I think about it, it was being handled in a pretty good way a while back. Remember the winter threads from a year ago? Those are pretty good examples of what to strive for. The plot there was more than just "Let's make you pretty much a pawn" because the characters don't really matter in the long run, and I think it'd be better if the characters were a tad more involved in it. I've seen a lot of things said on this issue, and it varies person to person.

    Some people believe characters should be just like everyone else. Some people think being a PC means they're innately more powerful and skilled than the NPCs. I've seen a lot more backing for the latter though, so I guess I'll side with that. That said, the characters should definitely feel like they're doing something worthwhile. Like... Imagine a plot point where the king offers a reward to whoever can bring him a certain object? The characters taking part would be independent of an army or anything, and can make decisions on their own.

    Additionally, this brings me back to something I've been mentioning for a long while now. I still think the plot should base around standard RPs and that those should be tracked in a "current events thread" No point ranting about that again though, y'all have heard it :P
  9. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    Tsu, you already know that the mods have a lot on their plate already, it really isn't feasible to make the plot based off of what every single RPer is doing and put it all in a thread. It's just never going to work that way (especially now that Ribitta is gone and Quill will be absent this summer.)

    Also, I will say that we are planning to have ways that what player characters do can become RP canon and their character's names will be placed in the plot posts to be seen by all. More information on that once we get it all worked out.

    As for PC's being innately stronger than NPC's, I have an issue with this. Not because I feel that PC's should be weak, or that they should be peasants, but because there are going to be some pretty powerful NPC's. NPC's can range from more much more powerful than PC's, to much weaker, to just as powerful. It just depends on the NPC.

    I do agree with you that the plot needs to be more interactive, and from what Willow and I have discussed, it definitely will be!
  10. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Uhh, it's just a tiny thing, but personally, I'd like it if maybe the Sage Academy could be somehow included in a part of the plot?

    It doesn't have to be anything big, but it might help in attracting more people to it, as right now it's kind of really small and empty. ._.
  11. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    The main reason I've never been involved in the plot is that it came too late. I got excited for it when it was first announced, but by the time it was finally implemented, I had already kinda forgotten about it and instead started coming up with arcs for my characters themselves to keep myself occupied and tie most of their RPs together. Of course, that's not something you can fix now...

    Another thing is that it's just too HUGE and takes itself more seriously than I (and probably other members) do. I'm with Eev in that it felt like a grand-scale fanfiction. It just felt like a huge writing project of Ribs' that we could react to in our RPs, but my actual sense of 'my characters are getting the chance to be significant' was non-existent. Some of my characters, such as Prici and Elliot, have been established and approved for high positions (albeit none of governmental influence), but the plot hasn't really given me any opportunity to use that, something that I personally think a site-wide plot would be ideal for.

    Simply put, there's nothing I'm currently getting out of the plot that I don't get out of my normal RPs as well. I'd suggest making less story posts and more story QUESTS. Like Tsu said, the Winter Event (Wolfos, Wizzrobe, Moblin and... what was the last monster?) was well handled- it was something that would have affected Hyrule if left unattended, but it didn't require textbook reading. All you had to do was check up on a short post about the current situation, choose a monster you wished to fight, sign up, and get to it. To this day I'm letting Autumn take credit for the killing of the giant White Wolfos and she still has its pelt as a trophy. Honestly, to me, that one thread was more memorable than anything I've seen in the current plot.
  12. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Thank you for this term BP, I'm going to be using it from now on. I do agree that story events shouldn't require a massive backlog of reading. You should be able to read the relevant thread, maybe another if it's a continuation, and be able to go, you shouldn't have to read a bunch of gigantic story posts. However, I think both story posts and story quests have their place. We can still have an awesome badass overarching storyline about punching Ganon in the face, while still having a bunch of smaller story quests that members can participate in, similar to the winter event(Although I guess it wasn't exactly "smaller" considering it almost did more damage to Hyrule than Ganon. . . )

    I think what would be great is posting story hooks like that, then letting members take the hook and catch whatever fish they want, if that analogy makes any sense. If it doesn't, start up an event and let members go wild. There wouldn't be anything planned after, either that would be the end of it, or maybe what whoeverisvoting decides is the most interesting or creative thread gets to be picked as the "canon" continuation to that event, or maybe there could just be no continuation like I said. It would vary on the story quest and I think both have their place.

    I don't know about you guys but something like that seems like a lot of fun to me.
  13. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    I could definitely find myself in this. Post a hook, as Eev calls them, and let the members figure out what we want to do with it. In case of emergency, a mod or someone else involved in the plot could come up with and run a story-driven RP to move the plot along. At any rate, shift the focus away from reading and towards RPing.

    Admittedly, Eev, the Winter Event was kind of large because of how it would have affected Hyrule if nothing had been done, but I could wait until the blizzard was stated to have spread as far as the Lost Woods until I jumped in. That was my incentive to jump in, knowing I had a character who wouldn't idly sit by and let that particular part of Hyrule freeze over. In ways like that, you can involve more people.

    As a side note, I would suggest spreading the locations of the events according to the ratio of characters in each part of Hyrule. If Ikana has less than 5% of all existing active PCs, it's obvious that you shouldn't have 90% of the plot take place there- at least not if you want RPers to be involved. Likewise, with the majority of our PCs in the North, the majority of the EVENTS should be in the North so we actually have a CHANCE to participate without bending over backwards to justify our characters being on location.