The Reborn Light

Discussion in 'Sandbox Role Plays' started by twilightlink7, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

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    Aw, any chance for a late entry as, well, anyone?
  2. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    (Anyone could join.)

    Link after playing for a while fell asleep on his mother. He snuggled on her stomach as he began to dream some of the good times in Hyrule.
  3. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

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    (Yes, but as whom? Should I take a character off one of your hands to make your job easier? Should I pick a separate character that you help me worm into the story?)
  4. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    (I don't mind)
  5. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Zelda stepped out of the carriage and thanked the driver for holding the door. It felt wonderful to be standing on solid ground after the bumping and swaying of the carriage. She stretched, wondering how long it would be until she could sleep in a real bed again. She glanced up at the dark night sky, at the bright silver lights dancing against the backdrop of dark blue swirls. The sun had long since set, and the glowing moon had already risen halfway through the great heavenly dome above.

    She was standing at the foot of a marble staircase. The path the carriage had taken wound back down a hill, through the surrounding empty countryside, and off into the unseeing horizon. Before her was the grand palace of the Labrynnan Queen Ambi. It was constructed of a curious combination of black and white stone, and the gate standing between her and the palace was forged of forbidding black iron.

    The second driver was hurrying up the steps towards the black gate. He rang a small bell beside the main entrance, and within moments the face of a grizzled old soldier appeared through the bars. After a brief conversation with the driver, the warden rushed off towards the castle. Soon, a robed figure appeared in the distance, approaching the gate.

    Zelda's heart leaped. Could this be Queen Ambi? Were hot beds and warm baths about to be theirs again?

    Sure, E, you can join. I dunno who you'd be. Do you have any ideas? Wants? We could even create new characters if you wanted. We're that flexible :P
  6. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    Link continue to sleep on his mother as he snuggles. He began to wake up and slowly open his little blue eyes.
  7. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Zelda ran through the hallway of Hyrule Castle. Her hair waved wildly around her face as her slippered feet sprinted past gawking maids and frozen statues, rounding corner after corner and not even pausing to greet her stunned father. She raced into the west wing of the Library and headed straight over to the non-fiction section. Zelda threw open a window hidden behind a bookshelf and leaned her torso out of it. "Link," she cried happily, waving her hand happily through the mid-day air.

    Several stories below, a group of horses stood on the cobble-stoned road beside the Castle Entrance. The leader, a man clothed in the green of the fields and accompanied by a glowing ball of bright blue light, looked up and smiled at her. "Zelda," he cried, smiling, "come to see me off?"

    She laughed, her tinkling bell of a voice clearly audible over the birds' singing. "Always, my love! Come back to me, alright?"

    "Always!" He said. His eyes were gleaming through the distance, and even through she was stories above him they were still clearly visible. Bluer than the deepest ocean, the tallest sky, the msot polished sapphire. They were just so blue... Zelda knew that she could stare into their depths forever and they would never dull. They would always be his eyes, the eyes of her love.

    Three years later, and Zelda was still captivated by those same eyes. Except now, those eyes were in a different body. Her son stretched his little arms and yawned, his bright blue eyes staring up at her in the groggy, half-awake state that comes directly after a too-long nap. Zelda smiled and poked him in the belly mischeveiously with her free hand, awkwardly holding him against her chest with the other.

    "How's my little prince feeling?"
  8. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    "I'm good mommy." Link said.

    "Welcome to Labryanna Princess Zelda." Queen Ambi said nicely seeing the Hyrule queen and hyrule prince.
  9. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    "Thank you, Your Majesty." Zelda said, inclining her head slightly to the Labrynnan Queen. Zelda and the Queen led the group through the opened gates and up the marble steps into the palace. She could hear the warden closing the gate behind her. The iron clanged shut with a grim sort of finality, and Zelda smiled. How ironic it was that the gates that were supposed to protect her instilled her with a feeling of imprisonment.

    "Your Majesty," Zelda said, "we are all quite tired. Where are our rooms?"
  10. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    "The maids already set up a royal room for you and prince Link to stay in." Queen Ambi said. "The last time I saw prince Link he was still in your tummy." Queen Ambi said
  11. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Zelda smiled and nodded at Queen Ambi, gazing down fondly at her little boy. "He's gotten big, hasn't he?" She asked. "He used to be such a small baby, and now he's all grown up." They continued walking down the hallways, passing through corridor after corridor before finally arriving at the group of suites where the Hylians would be staying. Impa's room was directly beside Zelda's, and Zelda wouldn't be at all surprised if the two suites were connected somehow. And, if they weren't, she had a funny feeling that the Sheikah would make them connected. And, while she was at it, she would probably dig several escape tunnels back to Hyrule. Just in case. Zelda remembered her girlfriend of her youth. She had been a lesser noble, but Zelda had been attracted by her gung-ho attitude and the two had become great friends. The first time Zelda had visited her home Impa had, of course, accompanied her. The Sheikah had insisted on being shown every corner of the estate, its grounds, and forgotten closets, before allowing the Princess to even set foot on one blade of grass of the noble's holdings.

    She turned to Queen Ambi. "Aren't you worried," she asked, "about how Ganondorf will react when he learns of this?"
  12. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    "I already summon the sages to create a barrier around the kingdom so the entire kingdom is sealed." Queen Ambi said. Link look up and smile. "How old are you Link?" Queen Ambi asked. "3" He said "Thats good." Queen Ambi said as Link felt sleepy.
  13. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Zelda blinked. "You sealed your entire kingdom? But, what about trade? Commerce? Your Majesty, I can't ask you to cut off your economy for us!" She looked down at Link, frowning slightly as she thought. "Or is it a barrier specifically against Ganondorf? That would make sense," she murmured quietly to herself, "it would be easier to maintain, too...." She looked up and smiled at Queen Ambi in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Ambi- may I call you Ambi?- I should have known you had thought this through. My deepest apologies."
  14. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    "Is too keep Ganondorf at bay. I don't mind Zelda." Queen Ambi said as Prince Link fell back to sleep. His left hand began to glow a mark.
  15. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    That mark. The golden triangle was burning brightly on her son's pale hand. No. This couldn't be happening. Zelda refused to believe it. The mark burned on Link's hand as he smirked at her, his blue eyes dazzling her into stunned silence. She was dreaming. She was trapped in a hellish alternate dimension of nightmares by a witch they had come across in their travels. Link cut through hordes of demons and undead monsters with his sword, his eyes burning as the mark glowed brightly on his sword hand. This was not happening to her baby son, this couldn't be! Link sobbed quietly into her chest as she treated his arm. He didn't want to do this any more, he wanted it all to end. Zelda dabbed the blood streaming down his arm quietly, trying to hold back her own tears as she comforted him. Why him? Why did it have to be him? Hadn't the Goddesses caused her enough pain? They had already put her husband through hell, they weren't going to have her baby too!

    The mark burned gold against her son's hand. There was nothing she could do. She knew this, she had been forced to accept this with her late husband. The Goddesses had chosen their Hero, and there was nothing that she, the Princess of Destiny, could do about it. First her husband, now her baby son? She looked down at her baby boy, sleeping soundly in her arms. Link spat blood from his mouth and rose, glaring hatefully at the giant Moblin facing him. The crowd of hellish demons screamed with mirth, and the Moblin charged. Link readied his sword, and the battle continued. She brushed a stray lock of hair out of her son's face, and ran a shaking hand across his cheeks. Memories rushed through her mind: Link, bandaging his face with rolls of gauze after battling the Gerudo to the east; Link, unwillingly smearing makeup across his face so that a party of nobles wouldn't scream at the sight of him; Link, tracing her face and whispering how beautiful her umblemished skin was as she stared, mesmerized, at the scars criss-crossing his face...

    "Oh my baby boy," she whispered, "Din, Nayru, Farore, why? Not my son... please, not my son...." None of her pleas made a difference. On the back of her son's hand the mark of the Triforce continued to glow.
  16. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    "Zelda whats the matter?" Queen Ambi asked
  17. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    "Nothing," Zelda said, "I'm sorry, Ambi, but it's late, and we're all exhausted." She opened her door and turned to hug her awkwardly. "Thank you so much for everything," she whispered, "good night." She slipped into her room, sighed, and settled Link into bed. "I may not be able to keep you from your destiny," she whispered to her son as she tucked the crimson blankets around his tiny form, "but I will make these years as happy and loved as I can. Nayru as my witness, Link, I will protect you as long as I can." She collapsed into bed, not even bothering to change before allowing herself to drift off to sleep.
  18. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    Link snuggled in his sleep. He slept really long till morning. He woke up and yawn and stretch.
  19. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    Taburi walks through the halls of the castle in his sleep clothes holding his light blue blanket in his hand. He looks around at the doors and paintings in the hallway as the blanket drags on the floor behind him.
  20. twilightlink7

    twilightlink7 Member new

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    Link quietly leave he and his mother's room and began to walk around. He look at the paintings and bump into a boy.