The Deadliest of All

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by UnnamedDude, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    RP Participants:
    Guzol Jocasta, the Jazzy Jester -- Squishy
    Leopold Puerulus, Harried HAREONite -- UnnamedDude


    Leopold frowned at his assembled equipment as though it had dome some irrevocable wrong to him. It of course had not. But this case... this made very little sense. He'd just left from a mission briefing. He was being sent--supervised, of course--to investigate an area where numerous travelers had begun to go missing. But what was strange was, that area had no history of being a breeding ground of monsters, nor was it a common trade route, so bandits mostly left it alone. The closest source of danger was a cave shortly southeast of it... and most travelers had the sense to leave it alone.

    What would cause this, then? That was the question that drove this expedition. And Leo had difficulty conceiving of a good reason. He could only fathom that something from outside the region must have changed something in the area...
  2. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Guzol stretched and yawned, cracking his back and knuckles. The new mission had sounded... interesting, to say the least. When he had first read the mission briefing he had nearly tossed it out with the trash and requested another one, as disappearing people were not all that interesting or uncommon when monsters were close. But then he read the rest. Mysterious disappearances were a lot more interesting.

    But the main reason for Guzol to go along on this mission (save for the fact it was an actual order of his superiors, who were not going to put up with 'I don't feel like doing this today') was that there would be an unfamiliar face. A new recruit. The bearded man had not yet heard of or seen his new colleague, as he had been on a particular challenging mission in the desert before.

    Right now, Guzol was stomping down the stairs, humming to himself and wringing his hands in excitement, eager to meet his new comrade. When he reached the door to the common room of their barracks, he flung it open with a big grin.

    "Good morning!"
  3. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    The sudden sound and draft created by the door's prompt opening made Leo freeze. He prayed, silently, that not all of the members were like this. He was far too unaccustomed to privacy, to having no-one around in the mornings to be used to this. He turned after taking a moment to compose himself.

    The one who greeted him was ragged and looked to be cut of the common cloth. Leopold did not know whether to take comfort in this, or to be ill at ease. It meant, perhaps, that he was not so disconnected from the others here, but it also made him wonder what kind of place HAREON really was.

    "I'm... almost ready, sir," he said stiffly, standing at attention.
  4. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Guzol was startled for a moment when he saw the new recruit. He had expected someone big, or at least someone who looked like they were able to hold a sword and swing it. Definitely not someone so... scrawny.

    He stood in the door opening for a moment, before laughing and jovially slapping his new colleague on the shoulder.

    "No need to call me sir! I might be your senior in age, but here in the squad we're all... well... We don't really have ranks or anything as far as I know. Never asked really. But anyways, welcome! You still look a bit tiny, but I'm sure we'll buff you up with a few missions, don't worry, kid!"

    With a big smile, Guzol went over the gathered equipment, which had been laid out before, and started donning his various pieces of armour. He was halfway through pulling on his gloves when he suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something important.

    "Oh, right, names. I'd nearly forget them."

    He stuck out the non-gloved hand.

    "Guzol Jocasta. Pleased to meet you!"
  5. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Leopold frowned slightly. He did not like being looked at that way because of his current circumstances...

    "I am... a bit more dangerous than I look, if I may say so, sir," he said quietly, busying his hands to pack things up. His sword he took special care with.

    "...My name is Leopold Puerulus. Though I hope you understand, calling you by name seems improper... sir." Of course, this was mostly formality; he had no real intention of being on a first-name basis with this... Guzol. It went against everything he knew. "Are we ready to depart?"
  6. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    "Ah, that's good to hear, I'm looking forward to see what you can do." Guzol said with a smile. Perhaps the kid had some hidden talents that he might show later on. He continued putting on his armour and packing up his equipment after having introduced himself.

    "Well... I don't know where you come from, but it's not improper here. But whatever floats your boat." He didn't add that being called 'sir' made him feel old.

    After having finished gearing up, he stretched his back again, checking if everything was in order.

    "Aye, all ready, the wagon should be outside."
  7. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Leo readied everything with a final check and turned. "Okay."

    He said nothing as he walked, and still nothing as they climbed into their coach. The silence, for another, might have been oppressive, and indeed, it was at best awkward. But there was nothing unfriendly in his demeanor; the silence simply was.

    He quietly watched the ground slide by, taking care not to bite his lip or tongue when they hit a bump. He had never been in wagon or coach before... He'd had some experience readying them, but never riding them. For now he made himself content to look out, mesmerized by the movement of the earth beneath him.
  8. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Guzol got into the carriage after Leo, pulled the door close and knocked on the side to let the driver know they were ready. Then he pulled out his lute and quietly started to tune the strings, repeating each note a few times to make sure it was correct.

    "So, is this your first mission out of town?" He asked, pausing his work on the instrument. "Always exciting to go someplace else, though I have to say I'm not sure what to expect... Monsters tend to be quite noticable, as do brigands. Then again, I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

    He plucked the strings again, nodded to himself when he was content with the tuning, and took the lute in a hold to play, starting a gentle tune.
  9. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Leopold blinked, then nodded slightly. Or, rather, he had been just outside the gates before, when he had worked as a guard... but he had never ventured beyond that into the lands beyond. It was a humbling thought, to be sure...

    Monsters and bandits... He knew how to combat some monsters. He was exceptionally good at fighting human targets, though... countless hours in the underground had taught him that. Ruffians of the streets, drunks, the occasional mercenary... he had fought a good number of opponents, in both jobs.

    But anyway... he could hardly say that. It would jeopardize his only occupation and his lodging simultaneously. So still he said nothing.

    So the trip passed in quiet, broken occasionally with the notes floating off of Guzol's lute.

    When they were dropped off, Leopold stretched his legs and arms to shake the stiffness out. "So, sir, this is the road where all the disappearances are," he said simply. He left unspoken the question of whether or not his senior member had an idea of how to proceed or not, though it may have shone behind his eyes.
  10. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    "Hmm. It's kinda... empty."

    They might very well have been dropped off in the middle of nowhere, as the road was the only sign of civilisation around. Guzol tapped his chin, looking around before speaking again.

    "You know, I really expected there to be... something, at least. A village, or something." He shrugged. "Well, I guess that means we'd better start looking for anythi-"

    A sudden shout interrupted him. Guzol whipped around, tightening his grip on his spear. From behind a group of large boulders appeared a woman, looking slightly panicked and slightly dishevelled. Her hair looked like it was in desperate need of a wash, as did her dusty and dirty clothes.

    "Guards! Oh thank the goddess..." She muttered, out of breath. She stopped right in front of the two soldiers, trying to catch her breath. "We've run into trouble. Our... Our caravan's leader disappeared last night, but there's no trace of her anywhere! No signs of monsters or bandits, nothing! All her belongings are still in our camp, so we thought she hadn't gone far but we can't find her anywhere."

    Guzol stared at the woman, mouth slightly agape at the stream of information. Then he grinned at Leopold.

    "Don't worry ma'am, we're here to help. Looks like we might have our first trace here, kid!"
  11. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Leopold said nothing and showed no excess of emotion at her story. They certainly had impeccable timing if they'd shown up right as this... whatever it was claimed another victim. It was somewhat unsettling.

    "Yes, sir," he said simply to Guzol, then, turning, addressed the woman. "Ma'am, will you lead us to your camp, then? We need to investigate."

    For a moment, the woman looked startled at the younger boy's question... and, upon inspecting him, likely by his youth as well. "Yes," she agreed, though she was clearly still distraught. How could they calm her down...

    As she led them back to her camp, he could see that, while less stressed, she still seemed anxious. She continued to wring her hands and adjust herself. When they went through the path and reached the clearing where the caravan had apparently set up camp, some other people still poking around the camp looked up with expectation clearly etched into their faces... then their faces fell when, instead of their leader, there were only guards. The woman shortly explained that the two were here to help find their boss and came back to them.

    "Before we start, ma'am," Leo said quietly, "Could I ask you a few things?"

    "Er... yes, of course."

    "First, I'd like you to take a few deep breaths."

    The woman looked a little confused at this, but she reluctantly complied.

    "I need you to close your eyes and focus on your breathing rhythm. It needs to be deep and slow. Can you do that for me?"

    Doubtfully, she nodded and did as he instructed. For a few moments the silence was broken only by her slowly steadying breathing. Her nervous fidgeting stopped.

    After that, Leopold stopped her. "Are you feeling calmer now, ma'am?"

    She opened her eyes, blinked, then spoke. "Er... yes. Yes I am."

    The boy stepped to the side and looked to Guzol to see if he had any questions to ask her.
  12. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Guzol looked at Leopold with raised eyebrows. Then he smiled and nodded approvingly.

    "Good job there." He softly said to him, patting his shoulder, before addressing the woman. "Ma'am, we'd like to know more details about your leader's disappearance. The time she left, where she was last seen, anything that could give a clue to what happened actually."

    The woman looked at the guards as if the very question deeply confused her. Then, suddenly, she straightened herself, as if she just remembered something.

    "Well... It was late at night, it was her turn to be on watch so we were all sleeping. We only found her to be missing early in the morning... Wait, there..." She pointed over to the remnants of a campfire, the caravan's bedrolls still scattered around it. "That's were we slept, usually the one who's on watch duty also sits around the fire. ...I'm pretty sure she was sitting on that crate over there before I fell asleep." She added, the last part almost mumbled.

    Guzol sauntered over to the place the woman had pointed out, dropping to his knee to inspect the crate and the earth around it. There were clearly visible tracks around the fire, leading away from the camp. He followed them, until they stopped near a wide ditch. Strangely enough, there was a collection of footprints, as if the person they belonged to had been turning around quite a lot, but after that the tracks stopped. Nothing leading back, nothing in the ditch either. Guzol checked the ditch for any sign of water which could have swept the traces away, but the ground was as dry as the rest of the area.

    "Hmmm... That's odd."
  13. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    There was an undeniable sense of... wrongness here. There were no signs of a struggle. No scratches or scrapes near the surrounding area. But then why would these tracks just... stop? Leopold wracked his brain for an answer. Whatever it was, it could have involved a flying monster or being... but that would be doubtful. There were few suitable roosts around here. Another was that this involved some form of magic... that was somewhat plausible, though he had no evidence corroborating that.

    "Wait... hold on, sir. Do you hear that?"

    There was a sound, not unlike whispering, that seemed to be calling for them. Despite his curiosity, chills ran down his spine as he heard them. He could not quite make out the voices, if that was what they were.
  14. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Whatever trace of a smile had been on Guzol's face, it faded quickly, leaving only a grim expression when Leopold pointed out the sound.

    Whatever was whispering, it certainly was not human. Guzol felt compelled to head to the source of the whispering, though it also filled him with a sense of dread and unease. He turned back to the members of the caravan, who had followed the guards to see if they had found anything new. They, too, had heard the whispering.

    "D'you think they're there...?" One of them asked, looking in the direction from which the sound came. "It sounds like people... We could go have a look?"

    Guzol frowned. They seemed pretty eager to come along all of a sudden. Perhaps it was the fact there were now to soldiers with them, though perhaps... He turned towards Leopold, shaking his head. Taking along civilians would be too dangerous. Right now he just wanted to go to the sound, maybe see if there was any new clue there.
  15. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    The voice, or, whatever it was, was mystifying. They weren't anywhere near anything that could make that. Would that mean it was connected to the lack of tracks? There was something nagging at him about it...

    But the voice of a caravan member shook him out of his thoughts. If those two were connected... and these people were here...

    "No," said Leopold. The firmness in his voice surprised even him. He was certain now that there was something deeply wrong here. The voices had grown more insistent, and now the pull seemed to have increased in turn. "Y-you all should return to camp, sir," he added, addressing the one member who spoke. "We don't know what's waiting for us, and if it really is responsible for your leader's disappearance..."
  16. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Guzol nodded in agreement when Leopold gave directions to the caravan members. It seemed the kid was cut out for the job.

    "He's right." He chimed in. "It's very likely dangerous and our job is to protect civilians, not endanger them by bringing them along. You stay here, wait to see if any of your group returns. We'll go investigate."

    The soldier tried to ignore the voices, which seemed to grow only louder. It even seemed as if they were calling his name, calling him towards them. He was pretty sure he was just imagining it, but he was starting to find it hard to concentrate with the constant whispering.

    "Right." Guzol said, much more steady and confident than he was feeling. "Let's go, Leo. We're the professionals, let's deal with it."
  17. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    "R-right..." Whatever courage he had, it had left him the second that innocents were out of the way. Something felt oddly familiar about this sensation that was setting off alarm bells in his head. Where was it? He knew of no beguiling creatures that he had seen in his tenure as a city guard... Further, none had known or mentioned something like this. But still this nagged at him.

    "...Magic...?" his lips formed the words almost silently, doubtfully. Was... that what this was? It would explain a lot... He shook his head. No, regardless of what this was, it had to be dealt with. He just hoped he was up to the task... "Okay... let's go."

    He followed the voices, being careful not to lose himself in them. He hated that he had to just walk into what was certainly a trap, but he supposed that was just his lot in life. It wasn't as though he had ever had a good variety of options in anything he did, anyway.

    The two were led, slowly and surely, to a foreboding cave entrance. It was quite dark inside. From out here, and with the whispers around them, it felt as though he were staring into a great gaping maw...
  18. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    "Hm. Cosy." Guzol said as he looked at the entrance of the cave. The whispers had grown louder and louder the closer they got to the cave, though he still could not make out what the voices were saying to him.

    The soldier shrugged, as if not bothered by the ominous cave and voices all around them, and gingerly stepped into the dark. They had best keep their morale up now, as it was unclear when and in what state they would come out again, if they even would.

    Inside the cave was pitch-dark, the light from outside quickly disappearing as they went down a winding passage. Guzol knelt down to take a small lantern from his belt, lighting it with a few strikes from a piece of flint and steel taken from another pouch. The light it produced only barely illuminated the area around them, but at least they would be able to see any dangers or obstacles on the floor of the cave.

    "Okay then..." He muttered, doubt creeping into his voice. "Now what could be hiding here?"
  19. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Leo shuddered as he took the first steps into the cave. Darkness was one thing he still held a good amount of fear for. Even on the night watch, he had rarely been too far from the lights of the city or the barracks. He felt somewhere in the back of his mind that it was less the darkness itself and more the sensation of not knowing what lay ahead; if he could see it, he could fight it, maneuver around it, flee from it. But if he couldn't... another chill ran up his spine.

    He was certain now more than ever that something was targeting them. He was sure that Guzol must have felt it too. The voices had grown ever more sinister in tone. They continued to do so as they progressed in the dank, cold cave. He wanted nothing more than to leave this wretched place, drop powder kegs and destroy it utterly, blocking the entrance.

    But he couldn't. He had to see if there was anyone in here and if there were, he'd have to escort them out and deal with whatever dangers were here.

    As he took a shaky breath, he mused that sometimes he truly hated the job of a guardsman.

    Despite the crushing atmosphere weighing down on him, he forced his feet to move. Perhaps most intimidating of all was the complete lack of...anything in here. Only the two guards, and, in Leo's case, his traitorous imagination, illuminated by dim lantern light, moved.

    A sound. Leo, with a cry, struck out with magic-strengthened hands and brought down what looked to be a Keese. He realized that he should have recognized the sound of leathery wings, and further that it was silly to be so easily startled by such a small creature, but this place was doing strange things to him. He took a moment to catch his breath and see if there were any more.
  20. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    The sound had alerted Guzol as well, and he had grabbed his spear when Leopold struck out. When it turned out to be only a Keese, the older man laughed sheepishly, slightly embarrassed by his own jumpiness.

    "It's this damn darkness..." He muttered, more to himself than to anyone else, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

    Guzol had been in more than enough dark places before, but something about this cave made him feel more on edge than ever. His cheery demeanor from ealier had now all but disappeared. Then again, in the dark of the cave it did not matter much if he walked around with a smile or a frown, as it was hard to see either way. On top of that, the voices also seemed to be... moving.

    At first they had simply seemed to come from deeper into the cave, but Guzol would swear he heard something whisper right next to him, even sweeping out with his spear to check, but the cave was still as desolate as before. Grumbling and cursing to himself, the guard focused on the ground in front of them again, trying to ignore the voices that seemed to linger just behind him. Normally he would hum or whistle to stave off the uneasy feeling or cheer himself up, but this time it seemed better if they were as quiet as possible.

    After all, they could never be sure what they would encounter further down...