
Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Blonde Panther, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    Ni'Ran Amiron, Wandering Swordsman
    Age: 37.
    Gender: Male.
    Race: Rito.
    Power: ****
    Wisdom: **
    Courage: ***
    Class: Swordsman.
    Profession: Level 1 Sellsword.
    Alignment: Neutral Good.

    Ni’Ran was born on Dragon Roost Island like most other Rito, but has never really felt bound to it and wanders Hyrule with no real clear direction or goal.

    - Alice (Pet): A talkative and protective Kargorok, who sadly lacks the bite to match her bark. She carries Ni'Ran's Scale of Valoo in her collar like a dog tag, and is always around him so he can fly.

    - Sword: Ni'Ran's trusty, custom-made sword is quite long, with a crossguard not unlike a pair of black wings. It is his primary weapon, and practically the only one he uses. However, despite its unusual appearance, it has no special properties.
    - Throwing Knives: Strapped to his outer thigh, Ni'Ran bears a set of five feather-shaped throwing knives, forged from black metal. He doesn't often resort to these, only when he absolutely needs a ranged attack.

    - Shield Breaker: By holding his sword level to the ground and pouring his power into it, Ni'Ran can stab forward with enough brute force to shatter all barriers before him.
    - Shuttle Loop: A Rito-specific technique that delivers immense damage, Shuttle Loop allows Ni'Ran to take off into flight in the same motion as which he attacks with.
    - Plummeting Blade: Unafraid of death as he is, Ni'Ran has enough faith in himself to stop flying altogether and point his sword down, accelerating his fall to obliterate anything below him- and negate fall damage.

    Other Abilities
    - Winged Flight: Having easily reached Lord Valoo long before leaving Dragon Roost Island, Ni'Ran has obtained a red-colored dragon scale. As long as he is not too far away from it, he has a pair of large, black-feathered wings attached to his arms.
    - Gale Aura: As a Rito, Ni'Ran has access to the ability to manipulate winds directly around him, using them to repel enemies and other kinds of wind.

    - Black Armour: An unusual sight on a Rito, Ni'Ran wears black-coloured armour forged from Evil Crystals. The half plate armour protects him from Shadow magic and darkness in and of itself, and is light enough that he can fly in it.

    Other Possessions
    - Mirror Silver: A single bar of a transparent metal, supposed to be able to reflect magic if forged into a sword or shield. Ni'Ran is seeking the services of a blacksmith to get a sword forged from it.

    As drawn by Squishy (open)
    The first thing that makes Ni’Ran stand out from the average Rito crowd is his height. At five feet and eleven inches, he is easily as tall as most Hylian men or even taller. By proxy, it can be assumed that he is heavier than the average Rito, although no numbers are known. Ni’Ran is built athletically, and his stance and build both betray that he is an experienced warrior, although he has somehow avoided getting scars on those body parts not covered by his clothes.

    While from his build one can deduce he is used to combat, Ni’Ran’s hair detracts from that mental image pretty easily. The Rito swordsman has dark, purple hair, slightly longer than shoulder-length, and while he is allegedly rather handsome when he lets it down, he is mostly seen wearing it in a sloppy ponytail, clearly needing it out of his face rather than trying to look good. Why he doesn’t just cut it is unknown. More startling are his eyes, as Ni’Ran sports outright golden irises that can easily be mistaken for malicious. He has a very strong beak, a red line along the tip conceivably alerting anyone foolish enough to come within its reach.

    Just like his hair, his wings are very dark, black in color and, due to his taller height, sporting a bigger wingspan than most of his brethren possess. It is one of the ways in which Ni’Ran assures he can get his for a Rito excessive weight off the ground.

    Ni'Ran's generally dark and unsettling appearance is complemented by his all-black attire, from his clothes to the lightweight Black Armour that he wears. Combined, it is all light enough that he can still fly, a testament to the immense strength of his wings. The Rito swordsman carries his sword on his hip and his throwing knives on his leg, where he can easily reach it.

    Ni’Ran is a man with two faces; and which one shows is dependent on who looks upon him. To those who don’t know him or his history well, Ni’Ran is sociable, with a very extraverted and informal nature, and most employers and partners have little issues getting along with him. He’s quick-witted, with a deadpan and dry sense of humour, and is hard to unbalance mentally. Ni’Ran seems to always have an answer ready for anything, or conjure one up out of thin air.

    As a mercenary, Ni’Ran has a great reputation for being cheap and reliable, although he is quite picky about the jobs he accepts. The reason for this is that he doesn’t care about money as he is pretty self-sufficient financially; but he has to spend his time wisely, and doesn’t want to waste it on a job that offers him neither information on his goal nor worthwhile training. However, if the mission is intriguing or strange enough, his immense curiosity will get the better of him, moving him to accept the job; and once he has accepted a job, he sees it through to the end, keeping an eye out for his partners if he has any and equally happy to play second or third fiddle as he is to take the leadership position. When it comes to battle, he is especially fearless, comfortably standing up against unfavourable numbers or monsters bigger and stronger than himself.

    However, Ni’Ran has been called out on being incredibly impulsive. He doesn’t like to plan ahead for things and instead launches himself into battle, thinking up battle plans on the fly and tackling other sorts of obstacles as he goes. He has extremely little restraint, especially when emotional. This impulsiveness lies at the root of something he keeps firmly hidden from everyone he gets involved with, bar a very select few friends. Ni’Ran carries immense grief and guilt with him over the death of his little brother, and has spiraled into a chronic depression because of it. When left alone, he is silent and brooding, mostly spending his time either asleep, reading, or training; anything to avoid having to think about Dragon Roost Island and his past.

    An often heard phrase around certain parts of Dragon Roost is that the Amirons aren’t a family, but a clan. They are numerous, and they are adventurous; barring a handful of exceptions that exist to confirm the rule, they are all either adventuring cartographers, worldly mercenaries, or postmen without bounds.

    Ni’Ran was never so. Growing up, he was a bit of a quiet and withdrawn kid, perfectly happy to stay safely on the shores of Dragon Roost Island. He never felt the call to leave the island and discover the world like his kin did, although he supposed he could be a postman if his family felt the need to push. So he read about flying routes, learned the rates for letters and parcels, and memorized maps, things he was good at. He was not brave, but he was intelligent and a good learner; the family agreed that he would be a good addition to the workforce if he were given a few years… and wings.

    But wings were an elusive and difficult obstacle for him to conquer. Earning a scale from Valoo, and with it his wings, involved him climbing the volcano that the dragon made its roost on. And that involved going through the caverns. It was dangerous, which was why it was a rite of passage and not just an annual event or something. And Ni’Ran was afraid. He spent so much time worrying about what was in the caverns, especially since none of his relatives would tell him what they had faced, that he never got around to going in. Too afraid of what he would face. So he spent his time pouring over maps instead. Every year, his family would push him, and every year, he said he would consider it, but he never did.

    And one year, shortly before the great push, someone made his triumphant return to Dragon Roost Island. Someone the entire family loved and all the young ones looked up to as a role model, Ni’Ran included. That someone was his almost ten years older brother. Amos was Amiron’s pride and joy: quick-witted, social, curious, and perhaps a bit too fearless for his own good, in the eyes of the family, he exemplified Rito-ness. He had left the island almost a year ago with his girlfriend to hunt for a certain monster of legend, and now returned with two announcements: one, they had slain the beast, and brought back rupees upon rupees they had made from selling the meat; and two, his girlfriend was now his fiancée.

    That latter news, however, was kept a secret from most of the family until a few days after their return, with one exception. Despite their differences, Amos and Ni’Ran had always been close, and Ni’Ran admired his brother perhaps more than anyone else did. Amos didn’t ask why he still didn’t have his wings yet, and when he did bring up Valoo he preceded his speech by admitting that their mother had put him up to it. He couldn’t speak of what was in the caverns, as the integrity of the rite would be compromised if any youth undergoing it would have more information than all the others, but he did have something that could help abate Ni’Ran’s fears, and produced an old, weathered map of the old caves. He argued that he was technically not breaking secrecy since it dated from well before Valoo took up residence on the island, but Ni’Ran immediately grabbed it, managed to mark the entrance and Valoo’s roost on it, and began to map out the swiftest, safest route through the caverns.

    He took a few days to double-check everything, but with this up his sleeve and Amos’s encouragement, he suddenly felt much more confident and proudly announced that as soon as the weather would clear up, he would give it a go. However, he did ask Amos to go with him just in case something would go wrong. Amos had to check this with Valoo’s attendant; his presence in the caverns would be tolerated, but he was not to warn his brother of any hazards or traps that he knew to exist and would only be there to extract him if need be.

    Agreeing to these conditions, the two brothers entered the caverns together, Amos using his sword to protect himself and Ni’Ran proving himself to be as inventive as anyone else in crossing gaps that his brother could fly right by, while using a shortsword to defend himself from the monsters inhabiting the caverns. They made good progress, reaching about halfway to the top when Amos finally spoke up with his first piece of advice- they would be best off camping out here and continuing on when the sun broke through again. Ni’Ran agreed, and they did just that, thankful for the midsummer nights being warm enough that they could sleep outside without adversity.

    Ni’Ran asked Amos why he was always looking out for him and relieving him from the pressure their family put on him. Amos only laughed, answering that that was what big brothers did- they took care of their little brothers. And besides, he was fond of Ni’Ran; he reminded him of himself when he had been his age. Ni’Ran lamented that he was not like Amos, to which the older mysteriously said that he easily could be. Anyone could be- he wasn’t a great hero or anything, he just did the things he wanted to do. Yes, it took some guts to do that the first few times, but with practice came the right mentality, and now it came easily to him. Besides, if it was fighting monsters and travelling Hyrule that Ni’Ran was impressed by, that was easy- the most nerve-wracking thing Amos had ever done in his life was propose to his now-fiancee. All Ni’Ran had to do was get his wings, perhaps save up some, then take a good hard look inside himself to see what he really wanted: and then do it. He promised it wasn’t as hard as it sounded.

    Ni’Ran wasn’t so sure it was as easy as Amos made it sound. The elder had always been more confident and gutsy, after all. Still, he took his brother’s words to heart and used them as his motivation to move through the caverns with twice the determination from the day before. Amos followed closely behind him, watching him slice apart the few Magtails that had crawled up to him, and finally pointed out the final cavern exit. That was where Valoo was, Ni’Ran knew; he had made it, he would have his wings-

    Pain laced through his chest, spreading through his entire body, and he smelled something vaguely pig-like when Amos gave a blood-curdling screech behind him. The noise of wings rapidly flapping, two people colliding with each other, and then steel scraping against the inside of the scabbard, could be heard in succession, but Ni’Ran didn’t have the strength to look around. In his excitement, he had dropped his guard, and paid the ultimate price for it- the wound was deep, and Amos was so busy punishing the attacker that it was already too late to get it tended to.

    Amos had been on the mainland for almost a year straight, so he knew about the dark armies advancing on the light of Hyrule. And he cursed them. What was a Moblin doing in this sacred place?! And who did it think it was, to attack his little brother? But when he rammed his blade hilt-deep into the humanoid pig’s body and gave it a hard kick in the chest to unbalance it and drop it into the lava below them, he realized that he had made the wrong call. He should have used that time to load his brother onto his back and fly him to a healer. Now, it was too late; he could barely scoop Ni’Ran up into his arms before the younger breathed his last.

    A significant part of Amos changed that day, broken beyond repair, and he was aware of it. Hs rage had overtaken him, allowing his beloved little brother to die, and that was something he would not forgive himself for to this day. Instead of taking Ni’Ran to Valoo, who could do nothing for the dead anyway, he left the caverns and balanced him on his back as he started to fly. He wasn’t sure where he was going… just that he couldn’t go back to the island and face his family. Stopping only to rest his wings on a merchant’s vessel for about an hour, he left behind everything he had that day, from his home to his fiancée. He couldn’t face her, either- she had been fond of Ni’Ran, too, having known him since he was maybe seven years old. Besides, she had always told him that his impulsiveness would be the end of him someday. Well… she had been right, Amos decided.

    When he finally reached the mainland, landing on the shores of Hyrule Bay, he set to work burying his brother by himself. A shallow grave and an unmarked stone- it was all he could do for now, but while it was better than nothing at all, he still felt Ni’Ran deserved better. For a moment, he fiddled with his own scale of Valoo, staring at it and contemplating his own end. What would be the fastest way to end it all, he wondered? But just as he moved to put the scale down on the grave, he froze. No. Why should he be the only one to pay for Ni’Ran’s death? He had been responsible, without a doubt, but he had not been alone in that.

    That Moblin… it should not have been on the island. They were not native to Dragon Roost, it had to have been put there artificially. The beginning of an invasion, perhaps? If so, then the master of the pig-like monsters had been as responsible as Amos was. He knew who that was, of course. Ganon, the evil king, prisoner of Death Mountain and antithesis to everything he loved about Hyrule and Dragon Roost Island. He swore revenge that day- vowed on his brother’s grave that he would see Ganon dead. He knew it would not be easy. But had he not just finished telling Ni’Ran that he always did what he wanted anyway? He needed a new sword, and he needed to train his behind off… but it wasn’t like he had anything else left to do with his life anyway.

    When he left the grave a day later, flying to the nearest town in hopes of having a sword made, he had discarded his old name and taken his brother’s, instead, hoping to do him justice with his progress towards becoming a warrior capable of taking on Ganon. This new Ni’Ran hasn’t finished Dragon Roost since, cutting all contact with his enormous family. Growing out his hair, leaving his scars where they are, he’s done much to change his appearance so the odd Amiron postman wouldn’t recognize him, and thus far he has been successful.

    These days, he hones his skills as a mercenary, all the while researching the evil king and his capabilities in order to learn what preparations he has to make to fight him and come out victorious. Through his immense skill and courage, he has earned the respect of many of his employers and affiliates, forging connections on the mainland for information and supplies, which has allowed him to gain access to his custom-made longsword, designed to fit his hand and not weigh him down when flying, yet sharp enough to cut the average Moblin in two, as well as (more recently) a lightweight, black-coloured armour of a material that isn’t likely to protect him from swords or arrows, but is designed to hold out evil magic.

    Ni’Ran’s activities haven’t remained unnoticed however, both by those friendly to him and by those who would sooner see the Evil King’s realm of influence expand to Northern Hyrule. Upon investigating an in retrospect haunted mansion, the Rito ran into a couple of malevolent spirits who tried to prematurely take him out of the equation, one of them going so far as to imitate and mock his younger brother. The entire event left him slightly shaken, but he hasn’t had time to recover. On his way back to Castle Town, he and a Hylian girl were blindsided by a monster calling itself a Demon Lord, who had already heard about Ni’Ran from the spirits. Ever since this encounter, Ni’Ran has been more careful in who he talks to and what jobs he takes. Not because he is afraid of Ganon’s servants, but because he never wants to involve someone as young and inexperienced as his brother or Vayrin again.

    He is not yet ready. But with diligence and dedication, he will be. One day he will destroy Ganon, every last one of his minions, and then himself.

    5 :roop:
    Rupee/Treasure History (open)
    Character Creation:
    Character Creation +100 r.
    Valiance +20 r.
    Winged Flight -0 r.
    Business [Level 1 Sellsword] -0 r.
    Shuttle Loop -60 r.
    Gale Aura -50 r.​
    Roleplaying spoils:
    The Lizalfos Breeding Grounds: Shield Breaker.
    Sub-account Bonus: Plummeting Blade, +25 r.
    Forest Temple [OOT]: +40 r.
    Summer Event: Black Armour, Mirror Silver, -75 r.
    Skyview Temple: Quick Draw, Quicker Draw, +5 r.
    Holiday Moblin 2016: Green Clover Kinstone Piece, Green Feather Kinstone Fusion.
    Current Balance: 5 r.
    Kinstone Pieces (open)
    - Clover

    - Feather (With Self)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Seems to check out. Passed.