Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Blonde Panther, May 30, 2014.

  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Trophy Points:
    3DS Friend Code:
    Armoury Run
    metadata (open)
    Character: Ni'Ran
    Rewards: 1 Black Armour & 1 Mirror Silver.
    Balance before transaction: 75 Rupees.
    Cost: 50 Rupees for the Black Armour & 25 Rupees for the Mirror Silver.
    Balance after transaction: 0 Rupees.

    During the Festival of Mortal Hands, everyone looked for bargains. This woman wanted cheap jewelry. That wizard browsed through old and dusty tomes in hopes of finding that one elusive book containing a spell thought lost. Some young girls crowded a fabric stall hoping to get a nice dress.

    Ni'Ran Amiron was looking for something else altogether. He'd been wandering the crowded streets of Hyrule Castle Town, in search of a particular establishment the name of which he'd written down on a piece of parchment. He'd gotten the information from a reliable source; he was looking for a blacksmith that sold the necessary equipment to go up against his kind of enemy.

    Finding the name of the establishment he was looking for, Ni'Ran popped inside, shutting the door behind him. The owner looked up from his counter, shutting the book he had been reading. Unsurprisingly, the blacksmith's workshop was empty; most people weren't here for weapons. "Cornelis Herb, blacksmith?" Ni'Ran asked. The blacksmith nodded. "I'm here for the goods. I can pay."

    Herb nodded once more, turning around and leaving for the back room while Ni'Ran pulled a pouch full of rupees out of his pocket. He'd been saving up for this for a while, but as he took the purple, red, and blue rupees out of the pouch, he could feel his preparations coming ever so closer to completion. Herb soon returned, placing a number of items on the counter. "Mirror Silver," he said, holding up a sizeable bar of transparent metal. "I've never worked with it before, and even if I had, you mentioned you can't pay for the forging right now. Either forge the sword yourself, or come back when you can pay."

    Ni'Ran nodded, placing the red and blue rupees on the counter and slipping the bar into his satchel. "What of the other item?"

    "Right here." Herb rested his hand on the other items on the table, and Ni'Ran walked over to take a better look at them. Various parts of armour, forged from a strange black metal that he had never seen before. He picked up one of the pieces -a breastplate- and noted how light it was. "It was tricky getting my hands on a lightweight one," Herb said, "I'm gonna have to charge you extra for the trouble."

    "You guarantee that I will be able to fly in this?"

    "You'll notice there are no gauntlets of any sort to impede your wings," Herb explained, "And it's light enough that someone of your strength should be able to fly in it. If it's not light enough, bring it back, and I'll refund the whole thing."

    Ni'Ran looked over the armour once more. He knew what it was- Black Armour, appropriately named not only after the material it was wrought from but also its magical power; it protected its wielder from whatever evil magic was cast at them. When going up against the adversary Ni'Ran intended to fight, this was invaluable protection, and he was happily willing to fork over all his savings for it. "With that guarantee, I'll take it. Here you go." He now tossed the purple rupee on the counter as well, putting away his pouch and starting to put on the armour. He'd never worn armour before, and even with herb's help, he felt clumsy putting it on.

    In fairness though, the blacksmith was right about one thing- he didn't feel much heavier than before, but he did feel confident that he was better protected than ever before. "I never thought I'd see the day a Rito would wear armour."

    "Take your money and let me leave."