Increase Classic Dungeon Rewards?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Guy, Aug 4, 2012.


Should the rupee rewards of classic dungeons be increased?

  1. #1: Increase them to quest-level.

    9 vote(s)
  2. #1: Increase them a bit, but not to quest level.

    11 vote(s)
  3. #1: Keep 'em the same.

    1 vote(s)
  4. #2: Those who have previously completed a dungeon with lower rewards should get bonus rupees.

    7 vote(s)
  5. #2: Those who have previously completed a dungeon shouldn't receive any special benefit.

    12 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Classic Dungeons were introduced back when one character could only be involved in one RP at a time. At that time, dungeons were mostly a means of doing something with a character who might be stuck doing something in the main role-play. As such, their rewards were half that of actual quests...

    ...But obviously, things have changed. There's little reason to actually do classic dungeons, and it no longer makes sense for them to have such low rewards. I'm surprised I'm the first one to post this, but should the rewards of Classic Dungeons be bumped up to quest-level? And if they are, should those who have completed dungeons already receive the extra rupees they didn't receive before?

    Personally, I'd say heck yes to both questions, but... I figured I'd run it by everyone first.
  2. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    Unless I'm mistaken, classic dungeons do still have a slight additive with the long term goals of, say, eventually getting to Ganon's tower. Because of this, I'd say raise it, but maybe not quite all the way?

    I'd also be against retroactively applying this, mostly for the headache that would be worse than referral bonuses, but I guess it's not a huge deal.
  3. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    Retroactively putting all those rupees into the "economy" would be a trainwreck imo.
  4. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

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    I voted to increase it, but don't give the owed rupees back. As Higan said, the sudden influx of extra rupees would be a little unfair, bumping some characters way above where they should be.
  5. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Don't increase the reward and if you do, don't make it retroactive. As Rib said, special dungeons are the real reward for classic dungeons, And I know at least 2 can be unlocked through 3 dungeons each (not particularly long or hard ones either). And those give a significantly increased rupees or possibly even one-of-a-kind items.
  6. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    I agree with Raz and Ribs. I think it would be best to keep it at least slightly below regular quests, we want to keep the motivation to RP in the main story RP high as well. If we make them equal, then HC may become more and more a dungeon grind like HS was.
  7. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Well, what I find with my RPing between dungeon threads and normal ones is that I actually RP dungeons like normal quests. Pretty much, I go by the thought that they play exactly like normal RPs. The characters have some reason to meet up and go through the dungeon just like characters would go through a goal in a normal RPing. Also, what I've noticed is that grading is just as tough for the dungeons, if not harder because there are things that the grader can reference. I don't see what's with the lashing out against Dungeon Threads. They're RPs.
  8. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

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    this dick
    if we do increase it, it shouldn't be to Quest levels, and it definitely should not be retroactive.
  9. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Currently there seems to be a tad bit of indecision on this matter, based on both the poll results and the posts. What nearly everyone seems to agree on, however, is that dungeon rewards should be increased to some degree. To hopefully find a compromise, I propose the following:

    Every standard dungeon earns +30r per player, and +10r per character. Obviously, this is still lower than quests, but only slightly. Assuming a player uses one character to complete only prerequisite dungeons and their corresponding super-dungeon, it will ultimately grant a rupee total equal to or slightly less an equal number of quests (depending upon the super-dungeon). (This assumes one character per player, as having multiple characters will still always favor quests.)

    I could easily balance out the super-dungeons so that they all yield a rupee total equal to an equal amount of quests. All of the super-dungeons would be given +10r per character, while their per-player rupees would be a multiple of 10 depending on how many prerequisite dungeons it has. In this case, classic dungeons would have equal rupee rewards to one-player-per-character in quests, but only if a player was perfectly efficient in their dungeon completions and actually completed a super dungeon.

    I imagine everyone could agree that this is better than the system in place, even it isn't your personal ideal. Just to be safe though, could everyone agree with that? Or does it actually worsen the system already in place?


    Also: the vote is barely leaning towards previously completed dungeons not be rewarded (6 to 8), so I'll play it safe. For the moment, no one's getting bonus rupees for completing previous dungeons. (After all, it would be easier to not give rupees out now, but give them out later; as opposed to giving rupees out now, and attempting to pull them back later.)
  10. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    Word it how I worded it, man. 40 default and then 10 for multiple characters, or 50 default for super dungeons. Most people are gonna use one character, I think, so it should be worded to accommodate them, not the one who will put a family into an RP.
  11. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    It should be worded so that there isn't any misunderstanding if someone wishes to use more then one character, be they "most people" or "the one who will". Even then, a flat 50 rupees for a Super Dungeon seems pretty harsh considering how difficult it is to both reach said dungeon and complete it.
  12. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    There seems to be a bit of confusion over what I said about super dungeons (both from your post, HR, and some comments in the cbox) . I meant a super dungeon should have a higher per-player reward than quests, as they do now, but that when you combine a super dungeon and all of its dungeon prerequisites together, if Player1 completed that many dungeons with one character is equal to completing that many quests with one character.

    1. For example, let's take Ghost Ship. It has three standard dungeon prerequisites.

    2. If Player1 completes those three dungeons, he would have earned 120r. If he he completed three quests, he would have earned 150r.

    3. To balance this, Ghost Ship has a reward of +70r per player plus +10r per character. Now, if Player1 completes those three dungeons AND Ghost Ship, he would have earned 200r. This is the same rupee total as if Player1 had completed four quests instead of four dungeons: 200r.

    Granted, the system I propose still slightly favors quests over dungeons, but a player who exclusively completes dungeons won't be losing much (if anything) in terms of rupees compared to a player who exclusively completes quests.
  13. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Seems fair enough, since both Questers and Dungeoners would be able to get the same treasures over time, the Dungeoner just has to put a bit more work into it (as it'll take longer) so it favors Questers but not by too terribly much to punish anyone.

    Not to mention those juicy special rewards for the Super-Super-Dungeons. Yum.
  14. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    I deleted the comment, mostly due to me not reading the prerequisites part properly.

    The way you word a normal dungeon is that a person will get 30r, +10r per character. This is such that it becomes apparent how multiple characters word. However, someone who's trying to get through the rules might have to read that twice. I'm just suggesting you word it such that a character gets 40r from a classic dungeon, and that any multiple characters get 10. It removes the distinction between player and character as something that needs to be understood when someone first reads the rules, and is still very easy to understand how multiple characters would be handled

    However, super dungeons are secondary reading (not required to understand to start RPing), and are by necessity it seems given a more complicated formula for rewards. I tried thinking up an alternative way to word it, but unlike with my standard dungeon and quest suggestions I couldn't think of anything I considered strictly superior.
  15. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Hm. Perhaps as a better alternative, one could still say "+30r per player plus +10r per character" and then shortly follow with, "For example, a player who is role-playing as only one character would earn a total of 40r. A player who is role-playing as two characters, however, would earn a total of 50r, and so on."

    An important facet to remember is that the rupee totals are flexible between players. For example, three players each controlling one character each would earn 120r total from the dungeon. Assuming all players agreed on it, however, one player could earn 80r of treasures while the other two earned only 20r each. The wording you're suggesting seems to make that more difficult to grasp (and players already seem to have minor issues understanding that).
  16. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    I don't post here very often, but I can't help noticing that most people are saying not to give bonus rupees to people who had already finished dungeons. Why? It doesn't seem fair to raise the rupee rewards for classic dungeons just to say that everyone who already put the work in to make one will not get the bonus rupees, but everyone who does after will. I don't wish to start anything I am just stating my opinion for once.

  17. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    There, you are now a Suggestion-Forum Veteran.

    Anyways, I think the main problem would be having someone go through and verify the dungeons were completed and that the rewards are sent out as such. I mean, it could probably be done, but it's similar to not retroactively rewarding those who recruited others while the recruitment system was unused.

    Though if we do decided to retroactively reward people, I vote that Bitoko does it.
  18. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    And that's the flaw I mentioned earlier, about me suggesting things; I'm still learning the details of the RP. Still, that could remedied with one line: "The total reward can be split however players wish."
  19. Premium Chaos

    Premium Chaos Member reg

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    Personally I think each dungeon should have a set treasure item reward... but that won't happen so instead I would say that we should make it even. It is just as hard if not harder than a quest, and you can grind quests just like you can grind dungeons.
  20. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Just as a heads-up to everyone, I've gone ahead and edited the classic dungeons thread with 30r per player + 10r per character. All of the super dungeons rupee-based rewards have been "balanced" in such a way that completing the super dungeon and its X prerequisites is equal to the total rupees gained from completing X+1 quests (assuming one character per player).

    Oh. And Four Swords dungeons now grant 20r per player + 20r per character, instead of the... bizarre... system I had them using before.

    Note: As of this post, the poll results are
    #1: [7 / 9 / 1]
    #2: [6 / 10]

    Oh, and at least for the moment, the vote heavily suggests no one's going to get bonus rupees for previously completing dungeons. I offer my apologies to any players who have completed previous dungeons before.

    EDIT: (That awkward moment when PC bumps a thread you thought was dead.)