Mini Mages Make a Mess [Eevachu + Magnere + Xeronoia]

Discussion in 'Classic Dungeons' started by Eevachu, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

    Dungeon: Temple of Droplets - The Minish Cap

    • Eevachu - 50 Rupee Total
      • Melari - Water Control (-50r -10r Lost and Found -20r Stock -20r Demerara), Gnat Hat(-10r Demerara), Gnat Hat(-10r Areyal)
    • Magnere - 50 Rupee Total
      • Areyal - 40 Rupees (50r -10r to Melari)
    • Xeronoia - 50 Rupee Total
      • Demerara - 20 Rupees (50r -30r to Melari)

    Flying was a weird sort of sensation for Melari. In some senses, it was relaxing, but not in a comfortable way- she couldn't sleep or lay back, she had to be at least marginally focused on the broom and its flight at all times, and she also had to be aware of anything in her path- though that was more than infrequent, up in the skies. Despite that, she still found a lot of enjoyment out of flying, with the gentle sun beating down on you while the soft breeze cooled you off. There wasn't anyone or anything to distract or bother you generally, and while some may find that said, Melari found it to be a pleasure of hers, in certain doses. Unfortunately for her, today stole some of these pleasures away- dark clouds loomed overhead, darkening the sky and threatening a downpour upon her. There was something relaxing about that in its own right, but in her diminutive state, a single rain drop was like a deadly flood that would consume her. It was something she would have rather avoided.

    Luckily for her, she was coming up to her destination- a small crevice in a cliffside. Buried somewhere deep within the cliffside was the location she was tasked to visit by her mother,- her master,- a small shrine dedicated to enhancing the power of witches. She had heard it to be somewhat of a trial that other Picori witches practicing her particular craft undertook- inside, there was said to be a spot where magical droplets of water drizzled down. Crafting these into a potion and drinking them was said to be an important step for purifying one's body and enhancing their control over liquid. "The Temple of Droplets. . . " Melari muttered to herself, musing over the aptness of the name in more ways than one. It seemed fitting enough already, but the downpour they were about to be gifted seemed to bring further relevance to his name.

    She was not alone in this endeavor, though. Her mother informed her she would be meeting with another witch at the Temple of Droplets- a Gerudo named Demerara. She was familiar with the girl- they had met previously, if she could recall-, but they were acquaintances at best, their masters' relationship being their main connector. All she really knew was Demerara was very studious and serious, a trait her mother never failed to mention Demerara had- and that she didn't. That alone left a sour taste in Melari's mouth, but she didn't hold any ill will towards the Gerudo; though, she wished her mother would stop telling her how much more serious Demerara was.

    Regardless, she had arrived and would meet up with the witch soon. Hovering into the small crevice in the cliffside- still in her Minish form, mind,- she came to meet a somewhat open cavern tunnel. A faded, gloomy light poured in from the various tears and rips across the cavern walls, though the lack of a strong sunlight did much in the way of limiting the illumination of the room. For now, she would have to locate the temple itself.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
    Magnere and Xeronoia like this.
  2. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

    Areyal looked into the sky, and sighed. Dark clouds were looming overhead, and she did not fancy being stuck outside when it started to storm. Just because she was a Zora did not mean she enjoyed the freezing rain. There was the nasty winds and lightning to consider as well. She frowned as she continued to walk, knowing full well she'd never make it to the next town in time. She was going to have to camp.

    The Zora shook her head. Oh no. Camping meant roughing it, and she did not rough it. She didn't even have the first clue about how to build a shelter! Let alone how to hunt for food on her own, or purify water, or any of that survivalist stuff. She wasn't a nature gal! The city was her home ground, where a home cooked hot stew was just a 5 minute walk and 5 rupees away.

    She hurried her pace, desperately trying to avoid the inevitable when she heard it. A loud thunderous crack echoed across the sky, as lightning flickered between the clouds. "Oh for the love of Jabu, why now?" She smacked the bottom of her staff against the ground in frustration. She had no choice, it was time to find shelter and wait out the storm.

    Carrying her purse over her head like a makeshift umbrella in case it started to rain, she began to search along the cliff for a cave or something. Hiding in a cave would be infinitely better than trying to tucker herself under a tree. Plus, she wouldn't get freezing cold! She mentally pat herself on the back for her quick thinking. Maybe she could even make a fire inside the cave! Oh, how lovely that would be. Maybe this roughing it thing wouldn't be too bad.

    Would you look at that? Within no time, Areyal had found a cave. It appeared to be a rather well hidden crevice in the stone wall, but she spotted it right away. Must have been those two extra eyes of hers, or just fate. Either way, Areyal liked to think she was extra perceptive today. Tucking her purse back under her arm, she began to run towards the cave just as the rain began to fall.