The Lady and the Dead

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by Double_r111, Jul 30, 2012.

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  1. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    Eyes closed tightly and tears still streaming from his face Relerin clutches his head tighter as the pain intensifies. Suddenly the pain starts fading away. Relerin starts releasing his hold on his head as the pain is now only a moderate headache.

    Relerin sits up his eyes still closed. Relerin opens his right eye first little by little getting his eye used to the light again. The pentagram in Relerin's eye glows brighter than usual, but Relerin doesn't notice. Opening his other eye Relerin looks around. "Wha...?" Relerin looks over to see Darukara crouched next to the boy with a worried look. Relerin slowly stands up his left hand on his head above his eyes. "Painful...memories..."

    Relerin removes his hand and looks down at his now broken staff. Relerin picks up the pieces and inspects them. "Sorry...Mr. Darukara...ugh...very painful...memories. Sorry...if...worried." Relerin says grunting in pain from the headache. "Won't...happen...again...hopefully."

    Relerin removes the jewel from the former head of his staff and slips it into a pocket of his robes. Relerin slips his bag off of his back and ties the two broken pieces to the bag and slips it back on. " go...Mr. Darukara." Relerin tries and fails to fake a smile as he visibly winces as he speaks.
  2. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

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    "It's fine" Darukara told Relerin relaxing a little upon seeing he was alright. "I still don't know what the deal is with you and this demon, but you seem like a good enough person."
    Darukara thought of a few comments he could make back about Harena's continued cold attitude towards them, but he restrained himself. He got up and walked to the carriage.
    "Come on Drake, let's get going" he told the lizard, climbing into the cart.
  3. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Harena chuckled with the situation concluding. The Goron was surprisingly caring about some demon possessed child. Regardless, they were starting to move now. As the Gerudo walked behind the carriage, she shot Relerin a glare. It wasn’t the type with a smirk meant for unnerving. It was a death glare that screamed “What you did back there sealed your fate.”

    The words that actually escaped her lips, however, were directed at their guide. “Darukara? Where exactly are we going? And how far is it?” All the while, she never stopped glaring at Relerin.
  4. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    "Used to...death glares...Ms. Harena." Relerin still winces as he speaks from the head ache that he is sure Ba'al is causing. Relerin pulls a bottle of water out of his bag and uncorks it taking a few sips before slipping the bottle back into his bag.

    Now ignoring the Gerudo's stare Relerin pulls out a small book and opens it. Relerin reads through the book as he walks looking up every so often to keep from running into anything. Relerin chuckles quietly a bit as he reads through 'Hylian Jokes and Riddles' a book Relerin never meant to grab, but was glad he did. The pressure in his head lessened as even Ba'al found some of the riddles and jokes amusing. "Good. Headache gone. Now can actually help." Relerin mumbles to himself.
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