Shadow Temple (For realz now) OoT: Raz and Squishy

Discussion in 'Classic Dungeons' started by Razgriz, Mar 13, 2012.

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  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Kalik climbed to his feet, and though the screams no longer echoed through the air, they still rebounded in his skull. He felt light-headed, and stumbled like a drunk struggling with the concept of gravity, actually falling on a chest. Wait... had there been a chest there before? Had they simply never noticed it? Or had it been concealed by some strange magic that the monster's death dispelled?

    It was no matter, it only mattered that it was in front of him now. Still leaning on it, he carefully opened the top, trying to avoid any trap that might be strung; though thankfully none did. Inside the chest seemed to be a lockbox of a family long forgotten, and was a mess: there were documents, letters, pictures, loose rupees, a few odd trinkets, a golden ring and others.

    Skimming through the papers he found most were love letters written long ago to names long lost, another was a marriage certificate and the ring was not a symbol of power or identity but in fact an engagement ring. The pictures were mostly of two lovers, the faces faded, or a family as happy as could be; only one ominously of a coffin stood out as odd. The trinkets too seemed to hold only sentimental value to their once-owners, save a cross made of ivory and ebony that seemed to call to Kalik, and when he held it the screams seemed to fade.

    Still, it was best not dwell on such things, he gathered the loose rupees, 29 in all, and took the cross before closing the chest, leaving the rest to be abandoned(?) once more. "The path seems clear now, stay close and I'll guide the way."
  2. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Eugene peered under Kalik's arm into the chest. Much to his surprise, there was actually nothing valuable in it. Except for one red rupee the other had missed. The rest of it were mostly trinkets and letters, and somehow it just felt wrong to take or disturb them. As if there was still something of the original owner lingering on them.

    He slipped the rupee into his bag, they could equally share the treasure they found later, for now, they'd better focus on getting out of this temple alive. Whatever had happened here, it wasn't good. That monster they had barely managed to defeat and then the contents of the chest... something was definitely off here. He turned around when Kalik got up to leave.

    "Sure, lead the way, my friend. I've got your back."
  3. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Kalik gripped the cross in his hands and suddenly the illusions in the hall of skulls held no power over him. He walked through the temple with renewed courage, thanking Valoo for the gift of the cross and what it let him do; Fight through one of the most terrifying places in the realms without a hint of the terror that plagued him before. Now more than ever he seemed worthy to be Valoo's servant.

    He proudly walked through one of the newly uncovered doors, and into a large room with a bird statue and ring of skulls with a door on the opposite wall. The voice from before returned "Make my beak face the skull of truth. The alternative is a descent into the deep darkness." he heard it within his head, but it didn't feel like he heard with his ears. Did the cross only affect visual illusions? or was the voice in his head real after all?

    With the cross however, he only saw one skull and thus it was a simple act to turn the statue to face it, with the door sliding open after.
  4. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    “Well, that went easy for you!” Eugene said as he watched Kalik turn the statue around. “Do you Ritos have some sort of sixth sense? Or was it just a very lucky guess?”

    They went into the next room, and Eugene immediately fell silent.

    The walls of the room were lined with shackles, chains and other instruments of torture, and in the middle was a giant statue of two grim reapers with their scythes outstretched, slowly turning. The dark stains on the floor and the blades of the scythes were obviously blood stains.

    “My, I thought this place couldn’t get any worse. But this not only makes me lose my appetite but I think I also feel my breakfast coming back up.” Eugene muttered, keeping a hand over his mouth and trying not to look at the scythes too much.

    “We have to get past those blades to continue, and I have just the perfect way to do so.” He said, while rolling his cannon out in front of him.

    He rolled it straight into the reach of the blades, and the heavy cannon slowed them down enough to make it safe to get across them by either jumping or crouching.

    “After you, my dear fellow.”
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