Dungeon overhaul

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Premium Chaos, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    People can still grind without making them bad enough to not be accepted. That's not to mention many staffers are ridiculously lenient... or at least they were with HS's dungeons. (Partially because of this, I'd rather not have someone other than myself grade super dungeons if someone actually attempts one.)

    What concerns me is that this would bring too much focus to the dungeons as opposed to the main role-play, and that it would also encourage grindan'. There's only one super dungeon which even hints at having a treasure like this, and so far that's the one everyone's working towards. It's to the point I'm almost considering changing Ganon's Tower's reward to rupees and just leave the "special" reward for the one dungeon no one will ever actually complete.

    Alternatively, we could give all the other dungeons unique treasures... Really, it seems like as long as you don't tell someone exactly what they're getting and make it sound cool, everyone will want it. The unknown is appealing, I suppose.

    ...Eh. I'm iffy on that, personally.