Blessings of the Master Sword

Discussion in 'Zelda Discussion' started by tlozbj, May 11, 2013.

  1. tlozbj

    tlozbj New Member new

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    This theory will try and explain the blessings the Master Sword receive through the games, why is it needed, and more.

    Blessings of the Master Sword

    From Skyward Sword and the Wind Waker we learn that the Master Sword needs the blessing of Hylia and/or the gods/goddesses to be at full power. The blessing of Hylia have power the Master Sword for ages. But in WW it was mysteriously lost. For us to learn how did the Master Sword lost its power to repel evil we must remember what was the sword doing when Link obtain it. The sword was mainting the seal on Ganondorf and the Kingdom of Hyrule. The maintinging of the seal must take countless of energy. Specially when it is sealing Ganondorf. Where would the Master Sword get all this energy, you ask. Well from Hylia's Blessing. Like the blessing would one day be over. The Earth and Wind sages where appointed to pray to the Gods to keep the Master Sword powered up.

    SS Zelda/Hylia, the original blesser of the Master Sword:


    But the question is: "Why must the blessing must be composed of Earth and Wind energy?" Lets remember the temples to which Zelda visited in her pilgrimage to recover her memories as her life as Hylia. She visits the Skyview Temple and the Earth Temple. You may ask why am I mentioning the name of the temples. Well the reason I mention the name of the temples is because of their connection to the Wind and Earth elements. Zelda purifies herself in those springs obtaining Earth and Wind energy. Which would compose the blessing of Hylia and foreshadow the Earth and Wind sages. It may see as a stretch to say that Hylia's blessing is exactly composed by Earth and Wind energy. But lets remember Hylia's role in the World of Hyrule. She was the protector goddess of the Triforce and the World. She protected the Earth(land,sea,forests,etc) and the Sky(Wind). Therefore her powers/blessings being those of Earth and Wind.

    The temples of Skyview and Earth Temple. The Skyview not having to much connection to wind but yes to nature. While the Earth Temple not only being named Earth temple it also have a strong connection to Fire:

    Skyview Temple:


    Skyview Spring:


    Earth Temple:


    Earth Spring:


    We are still missing something to understand the true behind the blessings of the Master Sword. To who did Fado, Laruto, Makar and Medli prayed to? Because they say they pray to the Gods. But like we in past games the GG are refer to as the Gods of Old. Meaning those gods could be the GGs. But there is still a mystery here. To which 2 GGs did they pray to? To resolve this we must return once again to the Era of the Goddess Hylia and Skyward Sword. The two temples which Zelda visited where located in Faron Woods and Eldin Volcano. From that we can begin to say they pray to Farore and Din. Along with the name of the provinces. There is 2 flames of the Sacred Flames which mainly power the MS. Those 2 are Farore's Flame and Din's Flame. Nayru's flame does it share to. But it does not exactly gives more power to the sword.

    The sages and their succesors, which are of races connected to the Farore and Din. Though the Zoras only became connected to Din after they evolved into the Rito. May they also pray to Nayru, since the original earth sage was a Zora?







    The last thing is why are they refer to as the Earth and Wind Gods. Well that is easy. We know Din is the Goddess of Power and Farore Goddess of Courage. But by thing we see in OoT we can assure those are not there only titles. We know Din made the red Earth with her Fiery arms. Many things related to Din are also related to those 2 elements. That would make Din:

    Din Goddess of Power, Earth and Fire.

    Now we go to Farore. She created all living beings, a wind spell is name after her and Tingle calls her Farore, Goddess of Wind.

    Tingle Tuner:

    This would make her:

    Farore, Goddess of Courage, Wind and nature

    What is the meaning of all of this? Well we learn that Hylia's blessing is composed by Wind and Earth energy. The MS losed its blessing because of the seal it maintained. The gods to which Fado,Makar,Laruto and Medli pray to are Din and Farore. Because they are goddesses of Earth and Wind respectively and those are the energies needed to power the MS back to its normal self.

  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

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    this dick
    Don't forget about A Link to the Past, where it is tempered, and thusly gains strength.

    What I find the most odd about A Link to the Past's upgrades, however, is when it becomes the Golden Sword. The reason I think it so odd, is because it's made nearly twice as powerful by an otherwise insignificant entity: a lone great fairy who, upon being restored to her true form, blesses the Tempered Sword and it is thusly made easily twice as powerful. The upgrade is apparently permanent as well, though the fairy may simply just be more powerful or significant than I think.
  3. tlozbj

    tlozbj New Member new

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    True true, but when I wrote this I was just refering to the blessings the Master Sword have received from the gods, like Hylia's blessing in SS, and the prayers from WW, the ALttP's upgrades are not included because they are mainly optional, we do not know if Link truly did them in universe.

    By the way, the Master Sword returns to its normal self at the end of ALttP as seen here:
