Beck, Skeleton of a Man

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Blonde Panther, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Name: Beck the Stalfos.
    Race: Stalfos (Hylian in life).
    Age: Unknown.
    Gender: Male, judging by the hip bones.
    Place of Origin: Unknown.
    PWC: 5/1/4.

    Class: Fighter.
    Alignment: True Neutral.

    Mastered Skills and Abilities:
    - Undead (Innate; Free)
    - Nightvision (Racial; Free)
    - Jump (Racial; Free)
    - Skeletal Offense (Racial; Free)
    - Message (-50 Rupees)
    - Spin Attack (-40 Rupees)

    - A crude steel sword and shield
    - The remnants of a steel plate armour
    - A tattered black cape
    - A lantern in which Becca’s true form resides

    Rupees: 10 remaining.
    Rupee/Treasure history (open)
    Character Creation:
    Character Creation +100 r.
    Undead -0 r.
    Nightvision -0 r.
    Jump -0 r.
    Skeletal Offense -0 r.
    Message -50 r.
    Spin Attack -40 r.​
    Roleplaying spoils:
    Current Balance: 10 r.​

    Beck is a pretty large Stalfos, standing well over six feet tall with broad shoulders and a large, wide and deep ribcage. However, his age shows- his bones are sun-bleached from having been left in Ikana for a long time, and cracked and chipped in places where scavengers, rain, and wind have wailed on him in those years. A few of his ribs are missing and a decent chunk has been taken out of his skull- courtesy of the blow that ended his life all those years ago. His sockets are empty, save for the small orbs resembling little fires that burn in them.

    For clothes, Beck wears little more than a loincloth, but he does seem to take pride in the remains of the equipment he used in life. Not much of his armour remains- the chestplate and right pauldron are dented and rusted, but still functional, which is more than can be said for the rest of his armour. His steel shield, carried in his left hand, is in similar condition, with oxidation having torn holes into it. By far in the best condition is, ironically, his chipped large sword, for which he has no sheath. Over his armour, he wears what’s left of a black cape which he is convinced was his.

    When he’s not using his shield, he instead carries a small lantern with a bluish-pink flame in that hand. This is the lantern containing Becca’s true form, and he is fiercely protective of it.

    Unlike his Poe counterpart, Beck is easygoing and genuinely nice. He mostly keeps to himself, trying not to take up too much space or bother people, but it’s not hard to get him to come out of his corner and interact with people. Beck seems to enjoy helping people, from taking something off a shelf they can’t reach to helping them in a battle. However, Beck doesn’t like shedding blood, even from the living who attack him first, and if not for Becca, he would just injure any attackers and then run off, figuring he can find a different way around to where he wants to go if he’s in the way here.

    A drawback to his friendliness is that Beck is nowhere near as intelligent as Becca, either. In fact, he appears to be quite dim-witted, much to Becca’s evident frustration. Despite this, he is capable of understanding the Hylian language (and the Hylian language only), and good at executing orders if he understands them. Beck himself does not speak physically, preferring to let Becca carry a conversation. If he uses his telepathy, it is only in the most dire of circumstances or to convey the most important of messages.

    His mild-tempered nature is changed entirely when Becca is threatened, and that is when we see a glimpse of this Stalfos’s true strength, as he will hack past Dodongos and Hylians alike to get to his counterpart’s lantern and not calm down until he has it safely on his person again.

    Beck knows nothing.

    Beck was a collection of Hylian bones, lying in a pitiful heap at the base of a mountain, exposed to the elements and likely doomed to disintegrate to dust if nothing happened. Fortunately, something did happen. He doesn’t know why, but one day he got the idea to just… sit up. So he did, shooing away the vulture that had been pecking at him just seconds ago.

    Assembling himself fully save for a few ribs he didn’t strictly need anyway, Beck stood up, noticing to his satisfaction that he was complete and that his weapons were lying right next to him. To his confusion, there was also something else with them. A little, pink-coloured flame That seemed to call out to him, so he put his hands under it and scooped it up. Moments later he heard a voice telling him to get something to put the flame in, so he grabbed a nearby burnt-out lantern and dropped it in there. Becca immediately materialized in front of him, introducing herself and telling him they were the same person split into two. Beck had no reason not to believe her, so when she told him to go to Monster Village in search of shelter from the elements and see if something could be done about the terrible state of his bones, he kept hold of the lantern and did as she had ordered.

    Monster Village was a nice place, where he and Becca were accepted and Beck helped out with the defense of the village borders. He wasn’t cunning, but he was strong for a heap of bones, and quickly became well-liked for his single-minded dedication to his job. Becca helped out here and there, but usually took her lantern with her as she went off to do her own things. This made some things a little complicated for Beck, as he couldn’t speak without her- he never remembered or learned how to. Yet Becca could always instinctively understand him and telepathically convey his thoughts to others.

    When he expressed his frustration at being unable to communicate on his own, Becca relented and taught him telepathy, which came easily and naturally to Beck as well. He never used it much, as he was never a very talkative fellow, but was happy to have it for those times he absolutely needed it. A few times, he has been offered new equipment by local blacksmiths, but has always turned them down, as he is attached to his old armour and weapons.

    Beck would have been completely satisfied to spend the rest of his unnatural life in Monster Village, but that was not to be his lot. Becca one day woke him up telling him they had to leave- she had seen something that she wanted to chase, and she couldn’t do so without Beck. As his loyalty was always to Becca first and foremost, Beck got up, packed his scant belongings and said his farewells to the inhabitants of Monster Village, although Becca promised him they could come back sometime.

    Although he enjoyed his life in Monster Village, Beck finds that life on the road suits him decently well. Most of the monsters leave him alone, and those who don’t are easily chased off by his swords and Becca’s magic. The only problem is the occasional living, who have a liking for attacking them on sight. Beck doesn’t know what it is Becca is looking for… but he’s sure she’ll let him know when they find it.
  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    Awesome idea. The writing was done well, and the character is interesting. Accepted!