After Hours

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by Saria, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki trotted over as fast as she could without making a sound. Which was pretty fucking fast. She also didn't want to look like she was in a rush, even though she came over the instant the woman called. She glanced down at what she was pointing at and Wiki almost started to salivate. She wasn't used to seeing large amounts of rupees, especially these days, let alone seeing wealth sitting inches in front of her.

    Being by the woman of course made Wiki heat up more. Jeez. What the hell was with her lately? First Sienna, now this chick? Was Wiki just having a relapse of middle school hormones? Din. Of course, her eyes lingered far too long on the woman's body, and Wiki noticed her spilling pockets and bags. Wiki smirked. Of course. She had just read the financial statements, and of course the Hylian would steal as much as she could for herself before calling Wiki over. Who cares, literal beggars can't be choosers.

    "Congratulations on stuffing your pockets," Wiki said sarcastically. It didn't matter how painfully attractive this woman was to her in this instant - ok this was just getting strange - she was still a Hylian. "So let's hurry the fuck up and get out of here soon. We're obviously overstaying our welcome." She was getting antsy. Something wasn't right.

    Wiki glanced back and forth between her companion and the roops rupees before quickly stuffing as many as she could into her pockets. Her bag was already full from carrying around literally everything Wiki owned (and now newly added the quills), but honestly if Wiki was on a sinking ship had to choose between losing her bag or losing rupees in an effort to decrease her weight, she'd definitely pick the rupees.
  2. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    The sight of the deku dashing over more than made the entire trip with the scrub worth it. It may have been a pain, but the look it kept giving her made everything better. Even when it did call her out on her preemptive thievery, it didn't really seem to care too much. She figured it was in front of the largest rupee stash it had ever seen, or at least Opal thought from the way it was acting. It stuffed so many rupees into her bags so fast, it didn't even seem to care what color rupees they were.

    Suddenly, a loud cry rang out into the night. The sound came from the backyard, and it sounded very much like an angry guards men. Suddenly, the house became alive with foot steps. They were loud, and plentiful, and shouts started coming from the lowest level of the building. Opal immediately reacted, her instincts kicking in. Yanking a chair out from behind a desk, she quickly shoved it under the door handle. The guards were sure to be here any minute now. The dead body in the backyard must have alerted another guard, she had no real way of telling however, because the windows in the main bedroom faced the front of the house.

    Going out the front window was suicide. She had to have a plan to get out of the building, and fast. Suddenly, a little plan started to form inside her head, a rather devious plan. It might not work, but it was better than the alternative, which was either jail, or death. "I apologize my fair deku, but now is where we must part ways. We stay together, and we might both get caught. " Opal paused speaking to activate her charmed speech, and then started once again. "There is a window to the back yard in the room across from here, I suggest you go quickly."
  3. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki nodded. She was more than happy to get out of here. She saluted the woman, not bothering to give a proper goodbye, and set off in the direction that she had told her to go in. Hey, Wiki was now a richer woman ... boy howdy she couldn't wait to feel that great texture of a shit ton of money in her hands again. She was glad that she was blessed with a better sense of smell than most deku scrubs, since nothing really beat the smell of cold hard cash.

    That is, nothing except barely dodging an arrow getting shot at your head. Wiki looked out the window, then back to the arrow that almost took her head off. There was half a dozen guards outside in the courtyard. Oh no. Wheels started to turn in Wiki's head. Her face grew furious as she hid from a few more arrows that had found their way through the open window. Wiki took off in a sprint, on a mission, searching through every door, out every window, she'd climb to the roof even if she had to. Of course, sometimes Wiki jumped to conclusions, sometimes too fast for her own goo--

    "-- you BITCH!" she screamed at a familiar figure in the distance. Wiki honestly had no idea where she was, mostly because her tunnel vision was preventing her from seeing anything in her peripheral vision. She could have sworn she felt an arrow just whiz by her. Were people shooting at them? Wiki was obviously drawing their attention. She pulled every single rupee out of her pockets -- the quills and scoll were staying, no way she was throwing those -- and chucked them in then Hylian's direction. She didn't want that girl's dirty, skeevy, no good disgusTING MONE--

    Wiki was already pointing at the ground under the woman's feet. She was probably too upset to actually land a hit, but it was the thought of causing a giant inferno of blames to assert her dominance that counted.
  4. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    As soon as the deku left the room, Opal waited a few seconds before dashing out of the room. She knew exactly where to go. The roof would be the best place to go. Most likely no guards were on the roof, and she could always jump off the roof to get outside the fence. They would have to run all the way around to the gate's exit before they could even begin to chase her, and by that time, she would be long gone. Hopefully that deku wouldn't cause too much trouble for her now that it was out of her hair.

    Speak of the devil, the deku burst out of a room about 20 feet down the hall from Opal. Seeing this, she immediately started running faster down towards the end of the hallway. There was a storage room with a ladder to roof, and all Opal needed to do was get to it before...

    The Deku had spotted her. It screamed, and seemingly tossed something towards her. Opal decided to continue running, rather than see exactly what it was doing. Suddenly, the ground right behind Opal burst into flames, and she stumbled forward. Did the deku do that? How in the world did a simple deku spout fire... oh wait, the deku was magical as well. She had forgotten about the magically moving arrow.

    A large tapestry hanging on the wall burst into flames as the inferno seemed to spread across all the fancy rugs and tapestries. The hallway was quickly becoming an oven, and roast hylian was the main course of the evening. Opal quickly ran into the supply room and closed the door behind her. That was a little too close for her comfort.
  5. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    As soon as Wiki began to notice the growing heat, she snapped out of her anger induced haze. Wiki's infinite capacity for rage couldn't seem to match her overwhelming desire to live. Her eyes darted around, beginning to notice the burning material that was inching way too close to her extremely flammable body. So she panicked and did what any panicking scrub does: Jump out a second story window.

    Luckily, her fall was broken by some thorn bushes. Wiki covered her snout, muffling her screams of pain. Whoever said that thorns didn't pierce wood was a shitlord and a liar. She quickly glanced around before ducking her back into the bushes, however, as a couple of guards were now racing to enter the flaming building. Well... at... least the fire was going to distract them. To be honest, she hadn't meant to set the entire mansion on fire, but obviously Wiki really needed to make more of an effort to control her tunnel vision when she got angry. (Would she? Never.) Arson was already on her lists of crimes she had committed, and now she'd have to add another tally mark next to it. More importantly, she was pretty sure after this excursion she'd need to lay low for awhile.

    She checked to make sure she had all of her belongings and that no guards were in the immediate area before she bolted as fast as she could, over the mansion's exterior walls and towards the nearest exit out of the city. It was definitely time to lay low, and if Wiki ran fast enough, hid at the right times, and used some familiar shortcuts, there would be no way they could catch her before she had skipped town. Right?! Right.

    As soon as Wiki was safe and had figured out her new Breeze Whisper spell, expect Opal to receive an incredibly detailed and explicit oration of how Wiki was going to track her down, skin her, feed her meat to dogs and then sell her flesh to business scrubs. (Would Business scrubs even buy Hylian flesh? Unimportant, it was the threat of it that counted)
  6. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Turning around, Opal grabbed the bottom rungs of the ladder, and started climbing as fast as she could. She could already start to smell smoke coming in from the hallway. It was high time to get out of the building. After reaching the top of the ladder, the entrance to the roof was blocked off by a trapdoor. With an easy shove, the trapdoor flipped open, and Opal crawled onto the roof of building.

    Fire had yet to reach the roof, but Opal could see fire was starting to crawl out the windows on one side of the building. A quick look around, and Opal could clearly see that there was no guards on the roof. That was perhaps the luckiest thing that happened to her all day. Everything seemed to be going wrong since the moment she set out.

    First, that deku had to shove it's face into everything, and then that guard had to still be on his post, and then that stupid deku had to go and kill two guards. And then, it set the house on fire! They would seriously be on the look out for any thieves for weeks after this job. If she ever saw that deku again... No, she couldn't blind herself with revenge just yet. Now was the time to escape.

    Running over to the side of the building, she haphazardly jumped over the edge. With her running start, she easily made it beyond the fence. Using her feather fall spell, she landed safely. The guards still within the fence did take notice of her leap, and started yelling. Several of the attempted to climb the fence, but found it too difficult. Others immediately started running for the fence gate, knowing climbing it was almost impossible.

    Opal immediately started to run into the closest alleyway. As soon as she was halfway down the alley, an alarm sounded. A Large bell was ringing somewhere. Opal cursed under her breath. The Castle Guard was now alerted, and would soon be swarming the streets looking for her. She had to get home fast, or else she would be stuck hiding until they gave up the search. Her home was a while away, and she hoped that no one spotted her.

    Climbing up to the roof of the nearest building, Opal sprinted across its surface. Several minutes later, Opal had finally arrived onto the roof of her house. Quickly opening the trapdoor on her roof, she slid down the ladder into the closet. Opening the door to her closet, she stepped out and saw several guards outside her window running down the street. Opal held her breath, as the guards ran past her house, and quickly passed out of site.

    With a deep sigh, she slid into her plush arm chair. That was intense! She had never felt more alive than tonight, that deku had made things rather interesting, if yet troublesome. No other excursion would reach the same heights as this one. Escaping a burning building! That was not on the list of things she had ever done, or planned to do. However, she don't think she'd plan on doing that again anytime soon.

    (Quest End)