After Hours

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by Saria, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    A loud cry of pain echoed through the night, its source being a Deku Scrub who had just been startled awake and had manged to bang her head on the bench she was sleeping under. She didn't get nightmares very often, but when she did, Wiki immediately locked them away in a vault in her mind, never to think about them again.

    She groaned and rolled out from under the bench. There was no way she was getting back to sleep now. She had just healed her concussion (and eye.. and arm... ), she didn't need a new one. She didn't have that sort of money to blow on another visit to a healer. Wiki looked up towards the roofs of the houses of all the rich losers who had more money than her. She was jealous of the warm light seeping out of one or two windows, although she would never admit it. To be fair, most windows were dark, and the rooms looked cold... what time was it?

    Wiki glanced towards the moon in order to satisfy her own question.. just in time to see a figure flash by it. Her eyes tracked the sudden movement and she jumped onto the bench to get a better look. She watched the figure jump from the rooftop and beyond her vision. Her eyebrow cocked. Interesting.

    She checked her satchel and made sure everything was there before she made her way to where she thought the figure had landed. Maybe she could persuade/harass/murder a thief tonight and make some rupees without going through all of the trouble of robbing some place herself. It's not like she had anything else to do at 4am.

    Wiki peered down the alley she thought the figure had landed in, looking for any signs of movement. She was lucky she could see in the dark.
  2. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Tonight was a big night. The Morgan family was one of the richest merchant families in all of Castle Town, and today, they were all away on a trip to Dragon Roost Island to attempt to forge a deal with the Rito's for a faster delivery service. While normally only they sent a messenger to deliver these types of proposals, Mr. Morgan decided that it would be a nice chance for a little vacation, or rather, an expensive vacation. They family was due back the next morning, and Opal had planned things perfectly.

    It had taken some work, but several months ago, she was able to find the blueprints for the mansion. It was newly built, and hard to break in, but with the 'map' all she had to do was wait till the perfect moment, and tonight was it. The guards hired to protect the mansion would be more lax, and probably celebrating a job well done with some milk. They were sure to be out cold. She had bribed one of the guards earlier today to be off his post, hopefully, he wouldn't betray the thought of more money. Opal was sure there was plenty to go around.

    Climbing to the roof of the nearest building, she waited. As the moon climbed high into the sky, it was time to move. Quickly transforming into her thief gear. The black outfit clung tightly to her, and her mask revealed nothing but her eyes. As fast as she could, she quickly burst into a sprint. Leaving no time to mess around. This was her time to strike it big.

    Jumping over the cramped alleyway onto a nearby building, she realized that there was no other buildings within reach from the current building. No place to go but down. She swiftly jumped off the edge of the building. Right at the last possible moment, she activated her Feather Fall spell, and slowed her descent immensely. Landing with an inaudible thud, she quickly surveyed the area, and froze. Someone was nearby, she could sense it.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  3. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    She surveyed the figure - dressed in black, daggers on the waist, various bags for storing items? If Wiki could smile, she probably would have, considering she had just confirmed her previous suspicions. Another win for Wiki.

    "Out buying some eggs?" Wiki asked, entering the backstreet. She whistled and an arrow jumped out of her quiver and into her palm. She shivered slightly - it was still so strange for her to do that. Dekus shouldn't whistle.

    "Hold on now buddy, I don't mean any harm.. if you stay put," Wiki said, approaching the figure and twirling the arrow in her hand. She was prepared to send this the arrow flying into the what looked like a Hylian if they tried to dodge out of a conversation with the most eloquent sounding person in all of Hyrule. She watched their hands as she approached. She knew how quick these types could be with a throwing dagger.

    "So kid, you make your heist yet?" she said, examining the woman again. Wiki didn't see any loot. Maybe they weren't a thief and just some parkour and cosplay enthusiast. "Or did I read you wrong?" Doubtful.
  4. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Opal froze in place. Of course some little brat would show up and ruin her chance. While she was unsure of the age of the deku, anyone who threatened her would not usually be on her good side, a child or not. The deku was just able to whistle, and an arrow flew into it's hands. That obviously was some form of magic, this person was obviously not to be taken lightly. Opal had no idea what else it could do, but hopefully, she wouldn't find out.

    Unluckily for Opal, she really only had one option available to her. She could try to run, but that deku's bow would prove meddlesome. The last time she got shot with an arrow, it was rather painful. No, she had to use her charmed speech. It would be difficult, as there was no way she could convince the deku to leave her alone. That wouldn't work, she was obviously a thief herself, and really wanted the valuables that she could be carrying. Perhaps the only way to get out of this, would be to let the deku come along with her. Surely the promise of valuables would sway her. Perhaps even the little deku would be able to pull its weight. Granted that means that she would have to split the loot, but she would rather live to see another day.

    Glancing her eyes over toward the deku, she locked eyes with the little scrub, and mumbled the key phrase needed to begin her charmed speech. Now that it was activated, it was time to work her magic. "You know, the Morgan's are out of town..." To her, she just sounded like her voice had a strange wavy quality to it, but to everyone who heard it, she knew it was super appealing. Almost as if they could listen to it forever. She never asked anybody what it was like, but its scroll said something along those lines, and it worked beautifully. "Would you be interested in tagging along?"
  5. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki's brows shot up when the figure spoke. Ah jeez. Definitely female, and Wiki didn't want to admit it but she had an attractive voice. Wiki realized she probably looked more like a hobo than she intended to at the moment, having just woken up with no time to really check for any new stains on her cloak. She glanced down at it quickly. Nope, same old gross stuff that was there before - dried blood, guts, and plant gore. She rubbed at her scalp as she thought about what an awful state of personal grooming she was in right now. She probably needed to trim these down soon, they were getting way too dense, no doubt making her hair seem more wild than usual. Wiki retracted her previous statement: she definitely looked more like a deranged murderer than a hobo. She could work with that.

    "Tag along?" She said, crossing her arms while still holding onto the arrow. Wiki had no idea who the Morgans were, but she gathered that they were this chick's mark. She narrowed her eyes at the figure. Why was Wiki considering this? It would be easier to just say no, wait until this woman had done the dirty work, and then catch the thief on the way out. But it had been so long since Wiki had actually stolen from someone sentient, especially some rich bastard who she already hated on principal. The thought was too appealing to resist.

    "... what's your angle here?" She said, marching over and closing the gap between the two of them. She stuck up her arrow menacingly. People voluntarily asking Wiki to join up with them was... well, it just didn't happen. She wasn't disinterested, just... suspicious. "Name first, bucko, then we talk about cooperating."
  6. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Opal immediately knew it worked when the deku's eyebrows shot up. It rubbed it's head, as if it was appearing to consider the deal. It walked closer to hear, and asked her what angle was, and for her name. This, Opal had expected. Anytime she tried to charm a fellow thief, they always had a few questions first. "If you must call me something, call me Shade." Opal said to the deku. "Names in this line of business only cause trouble, so I won't ask you for yours."

    Allowing herself to relax a little bit, she stood straight up, and leaned against the wall of the building she had just jumped down from. Opal crossed her arms over her chest, to show that she wasn't holding anything, and so that her hands were no longer near her throwing knives. It crossed her mind to attempt to figure out what gender the deku was, but she decided she didn't really care. As long as her charm worked, that's all that mattered.

    "The angle, is that I get to leave without an arrow in my neck, and we both get some well deserved treasure" Opal said to the deku thief, really putting an emphasis on the word treasure. Realizing that she might need a little extra convincing before continuing, she decided to attempt to flatter the deku. "You must be rather good if you can surprise me, the castle guard have been trying to catch me for years. Thats an accomplishment in itself, my fair deku." Now that she had hopefully appealed to the deku's sense of self gratitude, that she would finally be able to convince the deku to join her. The moon was slowly moving across the sky, and the longer she took talking, the harder it will be getting into the house.

    "The Morgan's are a rich merchant family that thrive on overpricing their goods. They are currently away from their residence, and plan to be back by tomorrow. If we don't leave now, then no thief may ever get the chance again." Hopefully she did a good job of explaining the basics of her targets. But perhaps now was the perfect time to throw on that final charm to remove any doubts. Locking eyes with the deku, she mumbled the secret phrase once again. "So, would you care to join me?"
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  7. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    "Fine, a decent enough angle," she mumbled. Wiki rolled her eyes. Another thief who probably took herself way too seriously. Shade? Sheesh. Might as well pick Rover or Buster or Snowball for an alias. There was no way that Wiki was going to refer to this person by a dog's name. She watched the Hylian cross her arms and as she did so she put away her arrow. Wiki continued to glare, but her face softened when the Hylian complimented her. Her ego began to trump her suspicions. It wasn't often people gave Wiki the credit she deserved.

    "The castle guard is a shitshow, it's not hard to outwit them," she said. "... but thanks." Wiki didn't have enough fingers to count how many times she had dodged their stupid attempts to get her arrested. Mostly for vagrancy. However, even Wiki admitted that she never really attempted any high profile crime in the city walls. The gears started to turn in her head again: why would she risk her bark on robbing some high profile family? If she really needed the cash (she did), she should just pickpocket one of her many fellow hobos on the street (which, yes, she often did). Or she could break into some nobody's house. The police force may have been incompetent, but they often showed more resolve when someone rich was the victim.

    All of her reservations were forgotten, however, when that sickening sweet voice asked Wiki to join her. Dammit. Wait, what was she mumbling before hand? Irrelevant, probably.

    "... Fine," Wiki spat. She spoke as if this was a chore, something that Wiki did often. She pulled out her large journal and began to quickly flip through it, obviously looking for something. She needed a new one soon, this one was getting way too full... but where would she even store the old one? She could tackle this issue later. Wiki laughed to herself when she found it. She really was a hoarder - this was years old. An old invoice from her days of working with the Business Scrub Association. She knew that name sounded familiar. She read it over, it was just a dossier of the things they had ordered all of those years ago. It was still funny to see a Hylian getting ripped off so badly. Jeez. Did they really think they were getting a good deal? Never deal with Scrubs.

    "Lead the way kiddo," she said, still looking through her notes while keeping one eye on the woman.
  8. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    The scrub had finally agreed to her deal, that was a load of stress off her shoulders. She could run off now that it's guard was down. Its face was stuffed in a really old looking book it had pulled out. However, she still had that bow to consider.... and perhaps the deku was good at it's job after all. It did corner her, so it might be able to some good. She just hoped that she could persuade the deku to take less than what she deserved with her charm speaking. It was worth a shot, but no need to discuss shares now, now was the time for action.

    "Times wasting, lets go" Opal said as she started running towards the wall of the opposite building. At the last moment, she jumped upwards, and just caught the edge of the roof. Quickly, she scampered up onto the top of the roof and kept running. If the deku was worth anything, it should at least be able to keep up with her. It did tell her lead the way, so hopefully it wouldn't think she was trying to escape it. The last thing she wanted was an arrow in the back.

    Leaping over another alley, she landed the edge of a small building. Tucking her legs tightly, she rolled across the surface of the hard roof. Only to spring forward and sprint again. No time to stop and take her time. Opal was already at least 5 minutes late from being caught by that deku scrub. The mansion wasn't too much farther, only about three blocks from her current location. After carefully examining the alley directly next to the building, she jumped off with no hesitation.Landing safely thanks to her feather falling spell, she afforded the chance to look back upwards, to see if the deku was behind her.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  9. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki watched the girl scamper up the building. She shut her journal with a loud thump and hastily put it back into her satchel. She raised an eyebrow at the girl. Why was she wasting so much energy scurrying across rooftops so far away from her destination? Wiki wasn't the worst thief, she was just the laziest. So while her companion would be running across roofs, Wiki would trail behind on the ground. Thanks to Wiki's hoarding tendencies she had the address of these people, so even if she did fall behind she knew the destination.

    She did her best to look unassuming, running whenever no one was around to keep up and looking up occasionally to spy the girl jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Wiki got tired just watching her. Even though that chick's route was definitely more direct, Wiki had the better idea. She saw the girl jump into an alley close by and Wiki walked by and her head into it. She whistled at the girl when she noticed that she was looking in the complete opposite direction of how Wiki had traveled. The girl looked...stressed? Pressured was the correct word.

    "Why are you so tense?" Wiki said with a flourish, moving towards the girl. "Relax, can't you fleshy people pop blood vessels and die from that sort of thing?" Wiki was clearly more relaxed than anyone facing criminal penalties should have been. She moved towards the wall and indicated that she was about to start climbing, but she hesitated. Wiki turned towards the woman, as if she was about to speak again, but thought better of it and started climbing. By the time she reached the rooftop, her arms ached. This was exactly why Wiki avoided physical activity. She squinted her eyes and looked into the distance. She thanked whatever force bestowed upon her the ability to see in perfect darkness. She definitely wouldn't be as fast as the woman on the rooftops, but Wiki was used to making weird jumps.
  10. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    It was a surprise to say the least the deku just walked up to her. While the the insult was rather intuitive, she had to say, the deku was clearly not taking this super seriously. Opal sighed, hoping that as soon as the going got good that it would get at least a little more serious. Then again, a distraction from an incompetent thief my bolster the guards confidence some more. Which in turn cause them to be even more lax. Worth a shot if all ends badly. If nothing else, she would make a good scapegoat. All she had to do was transform back into her normal attire and attract the attention of a guard. But the fact that it was still able to find her after all that running she did was rather impressive. The scrub deserved at least some credit.

    Watching the scrub climb up the wall was rather funny, actually. It appeared to not be used to climbing walls as much as she was.Perhaps the deku was a pickpocket, or another mediocre thief. Still, the scrub did show some potential. As soon as it was over the wall, Opal leaped up, and grabbed the bottom of the roof. She quickly pulled herself upwards and got to her feet. "The mansion is about two blocks from here" She whispered quietly to the deku as she crouched close to the ground. "The easiest way to enter the mansion is through one of the windows in the back. The back of the mansion is rather large, and contains a giant pond. I've done a little preemptive work, and the guard back there is supposed to be off his post."

    As she spoke, she pointed to a large mansion like house that was at least three stories tall. It had a huge fenced in area, with a garden in full bloom. The house was painted a rather bright white, and was decorated with tons of statues. Windows covered the majority of the front, and gave off a rather impressive sight. Opal knew that the other sides had just as many windows. Luckily, many of them are dark, and hopefully unused.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
  11. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    She was taking this job Super. Cereal.

    Opal was right: Wiki was a mediocre thief at best. But that's all Wiki really needed to be. Her studies were best focused elsewhere than figuring out how to rob some family who did the same thing she did, albeit on a larger scale. She nodded as the woman explained her plans... and shivered subconsciously at the sound of the word "pond". Wiki spied the mansion easily. Jeez, how exuberant. Who even needed that many rooms? All you really needed was one giant one. Maybe two, max.

    "Good to know," Wiki said, beginning to make her way across the rooftop. However, before she began to run to make a running jump across the roof, she realized that there was no way she was doing this for two blocks. She instead found a drainage pipe and slid down it, plopping herself onto ground again. She waved up at the woman, signaling that she'd meet her there.

    She moved as fast as she could, taking a less direct route that would plop her off of the mainstreets. When she came upon the estate, she was certain that that other thief was probably around somewhere, probably spying on the grounds from a better position than Wiki was in. The fence had bushes growing through it, making it impossible for Wiki to see if the woman was telling the truth about the guard being off duty. Wiki began to climb. At least she blended in with the bushes well. It was easy to balance herself on the twigs and branches in the bushes that protected the fence. This nice landscaping choice was not definitely not practical for keeping out Deku Scrubs.

    When her eyes finally reached the top of the bushes, they shot open, only for Wiki to duck down out of sight again. Wiki cursed. Liar. There was definitely a guard back there. She glanced around, looking for movements on the rooftops. There was no way someone could throw a dagger from that distance and have it be effective. Wiki weighed her options, and decided to whip out her bow. She quickly popped her body out of the bushes, arrow already cocked and aimed at her target. The arrow flew out of her hand and into the man's chest. He gripped at it before he fell to the ground with a "thud". Wiki would have laughed at such an easy kill if it wasn't for the fact she was trying to be stealthy. Get your employers to buy you better armor next time, chump.

    She looked again towards the surrounding buildings... and did her best to continue to avoid looking at the giant pond in the backyard. Terrifying.
  12. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    As soon as the Deku slid down a pipe and ran down the street, Opal started running once more. It wasn't long until Opal was on her intended entry point. A three story building was across from the one story fence surrounding the estate. A running jump, plus her feather fall ability would make entering a breeze. Getting out, would be slightly harder. But she would worry about that when the time comes, for now, it was time to take a quick look at the back before making her jump.

    The guard wasn't hard to spot.He was walking back and forth, as if to deter any thieves. That idiot. Did he think he could still take her bribe, and then just go back to work. Did he really think that she was so little a threat? Oh boy, was she going to have to do something about that. But now, the question was how to get into the estates yard without him spotting her.

    Her answer came in the form of an arrow. Quicker than her eye could see, an arrow seemingly shot itself from the bushes partially making up the fence. That must be where the scrub was. Normally she didn't resort to killing, but this guy didn't take her warnings with the bribe, so he deserved it. The moment the guard hit the ground, she started sprinting, and jumped at the very last second. Leaping entirely over the fence, she had made it into the estate.

    However, what she didn't prepare for, was the fact that she had jumped too far, as was gonna land in the water. A splash from this high up would certainly be loud, and attract the other guards attentions. Quickly, she activated her feather fall spell to slow down her descent. Then, concentrating on the soles of her boots, her water walking spell worked liked a charm. Landing softly on the still pond as if she had jumped onto stone. The water only made a slight ripple from where she landed. Nothing noticeable, or even audible for that matter. She gently and calmly walked straight off the water in the closest direction towards the estate. Looking over to where the Deku was hiding, she motioned for it to come out of hiding.

    Stepping off the water and finally onto dry ground, she quickly examined the corpse of the hired guard. Just as she expected, it was the guard she had paid off. Sighing, Opal rummaged through his pockets. After not even 5 second search, she found exactly what she was looking for. A little cloth bag with a dark red string tying it shut. Opal didn't open it, but she knew it contained the bribe she had given him. The poor fool didn't even think to leave it home. Looking over at the Deku, she just nonchalantly tossed the bag to the scrub. While it did only contain 2 large red rupees, the dead guard had no need for money any longer, and the scrub had already proven it's worth. Perhaps it was a good thing for bringing the deku along after all.
  13. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki kept her hiding place in the bushes while she watched the Hylian, mostly because if there were other guards she didn't want to get shot first. There was a bit of second hand anxiety when she landed over water (so deadly), but unfortunately the Hylian didn't fall in. She cocked an eyebrow when the girl started walking on the water. A neat trick, but nothing to write home about. Once the girl waved at her, she hopped out and sauntered over.

    And then suddenly there was a bag being tossed at Wiki. It caught her off guard but she managed to not fumble it to the ground. She opened it, and if Wiki had a mouth to use it would be grinning. Neat.

    The girl had mentioned that a window would be the best way to get in. Wiki peered into each window on the first floor, seeing perfectly into the darkened rooms. She felt bad for all of the people who didn't posses the ability to see without light. Wiki tried to imagine a life in which she actually had to light a candle every time she wanted to read a book by moonlight. She shivered. Disgusting.

    "Aha," Wiki said, peering into one of the windows. "Perfect. No one in this room, come on." To be fair, there wasn't anyone in the previous rooms she had looked in, but if the Hylian couldn't see in the dark she didn't need to know that. It was just the sort of room Wiki was looking for... but probably not one the Hylian would be interested in. Wiki popped open the window and tried to stifle a snicker but failed. Was this a joke? Who in their right mind wouldn't lock their windows, especially a window to a little girls room on the first floor?

    The Deku climbed through the window and then made a bee line for the closet. She immediately began searching through it, obviously looking for something specific She really didn't care if the Hylian thought she was creepy for raiding a little girl's closet, Wiki was obviously on a mission. She almost screamed in excitement when she found a plain black cloak almost exactly like hers - albeit a size or two bigger. Wiki threw off her own disgusting clothes and changed into the new cloak. She also didn't care if the Hylian saw her naked. Modesty was for idiots who didn't just score the cloak find of the century. ... good... good thing it was dark in here... She shoved her old thing into her bag. Leaving it here would be a rookie mistake.

    "So, you want to fill me in on that great plan of yours now?" Wiki whispered. "What are you even trying to steal here bucko?" Wiki was already content - she cold leave now a much richer Deku than before. But for some reason she felt obligated to stay and finish the job. However, whether or not Wiki hanging around is a good thing is still up for debate.
  14. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Watching the deku move from window to window was rather interesting. The deku has probably done many small breakins before, and appeared to be looking for something in particular. Finally, the deku found a room, and ushered her inside. Carefully, Opal squeezed through the now open window, and shut it behind her. The room was rather dark, and it appeared to be a little girls room. The walls were heavily decorated in beautiful, and most likely expensive paintings. An easel was sitting in the farthest corner of the room, and was probably the source of a good few of them.

    Turning around, Opal saw something that she was not entirely prepared to see, the deku was raiding the closet, and then proceeded to strip. Directly in front of her. Now, normally Opal wouldn't care, but she was rather surprised. Now was not the time to get a clothing change. Though, the deku's cloak was rather filthy. Perhaps it was for the best. She didn't really want to see that stinking cloak anymore than the scrub probably did. As soon as it was changed, it turned around, and asked what the plan was.

    Kneeling down close to the deku's heigh, she began detailing the basic steps. "First, any obviously expensive smaller objects should be taken, rings, scrolls, and similar items. But none that you have to search for. Leave the searching for the most expensive, time is wasting. Second, the jewelry box in the main bedroom is super valuable. Mr Morgan spoils his wife. Thirdly, the safe that contains most of the valuables is thankfully also upstairs. The bedroom is our first stop. Just follow me."

    Standing up, Opal walked over to the door, and placed her ear against it in an attempt to listen for footsteps. When none was heard, she carefully opened up the door. A lone guard was sitting in a fancy chair facing the main doorway. Several empty bottles, and one unfinished bottle of milk sat on a table next to him. The guard was fast asleep in the seat.

    Careful not to wake the guard, Opal walked out of the room. The hallway was painted blue, with yellow and purple accents everywhere. Fancy statues, paintings, and tapestries were everywhere. Knowing exactly where to go thanks to the blueprints she had found, she turned left and started down the hallway towards the stairwell. However, before she walked any further, something caught her eye.

    Upon a little pedestal sat a little statuette. An ivory figure, shaped like a dragon, coiled around an enormous sapphire sphere. Normally, she would have walked past something like this. But dragon's have always caught her eye. There was something about the beauty, yet terrifying presence it gave off. Opal quickly opened up a black leather bag that was hanging around her shoulder , and carefully placed the statuette inside. She didn't even know how expensive it was, but she didn't really care. Only planned on having it decorate her house. Looking back, she looked to see what the deku was doing.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  15. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki poked her head out of the girl's room before she retreated back into it. If he spoiled his wife, he spoiled his kid more. She rubbed her chin, looking around the room. She spied a few boxes next to the easel. Satisfying her sick sense of curiosity than more than anything, Wiki looked inside a few. Her eyes went wide when she found one neatly lined with quills, pens, and bottles of ink. She almost started hyperventilating. She wanted this. She really, really wanted this. She looked at the make on of the pens, her eyes widening. An expensive brand. Wiki was a total fucking nerd for these sorts of things and she didn't even care who knew. However, for safe keeping, into the satchel it went.

    After her conquest she moved confidently into the hallway, spying the sleeping guard again. She had watched Opal sneak around him. For what purpose? It was better to deal with these saps now rather than later. Besides, whoever falls asleep on the job deserved whatever they got coming to them. Wiki considered torching the sleeping guard. Considered it. She then realized what a stupid idea that would be, considering burning Hylians often cry out in pain before they die. She instead opted to summon an arrow in her hand. Carefully, she walked towards the man. He was snoring now, and Wiki rolled her eyes. The world would be better off.

    As quietly as she could, she closed the gap between her and the guard... before jumping onto him and violently jabbing the arrow into his larynx repeatedly. No voice box, no screaming, and after Wiki dug the arrow around a bit more the Hylian eventually sputtered his last bloody breath. Wiki wiped her brow to get some of the leaves out of her face, unintentionally getting a bit of blood on her hair. She really needed a knife. She turned around, realizing that the girl was looking at her. She hopped off of the Hylian's chest and walked over nonchalantly. Some guy who probably had a family to support and feed and love just got killed. No big deal.

    "... What?" Wiki hissed, "You didn't finish the job. Shit, you didn't even start it." The job of course being that the guard became dead. Really dead. Wiki looked towards the staircase. She had no idea the layout of this house, and it reminded her that she was the invitee on this mission. Hey, it was the other chick's mistake. At least Wiki wasn't incompetent when it came to killing people in their sleep. It was the direct combat shit she was bad at. "... Find anything in the hall or do you want to keep on exploring, captain?" A smug expression was plastered on Wiki's face. She wasn't dead, but two useless sods were. A good day.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
  16. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Opal was appalled. This deku may have made a good assasin, but not a good thief. She crossed her arms, visibly angry, even if you couldn't see anything but her eyes. "The job is that you have to hide a body. A sleeping guard is easier to deal with than a dead one." Opal whispered angrily. "Now you have to waste time hiding the body. Almost no chance to get away when they realize what's going on." She waved her fingers at the door to the room they were just in. "Go hide the body in the closet."

    Turning around from the gruesome scene. Opal never did like killing people, she didn't really have the heart. However, sometimes she's had to kill to escape. That was different than just murdering someone in cold blood. She did have a sense of honor, unlike many other thieves. Plus, some were for logical reasons. Why kill a guard and attract attention when you could sneak around them? "Why dirty your blade, when you could be in, and out without raising suspicion? It was pointless, it only attracted more attention to herself. It was much more thrilling to avoid being caught, then to kill everyone in sight.

    Opal started walking towards the stairs, but not before shoving a jade figurine in her sack. It resembled a snake, coiled around a large green gem. The Morgan's sure had a good taste when it came to figurines. And by taste, she meant an expensive taste. She hoped that the Morgan's taste in these little statues also applied to everything else they owned.
  17. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki rolled her own eyes. As a certified gold star sociopath, Wiki definitely had the heart for killing. She probably didn't have a heart at all. "You keep telling yourself that," Wiki sneered, shooting a look at the Hylian before the woman turned around and started walking back towards the stairs again. Dead guards were definitely easier to deal with. She was seriously reconsidering why she came on this excursion in the first place. .. In fact, why had she even agreed to go on this excursion? Even though she loved attention, it wasn't like Wiki to participate in such high profile crime on a whim...

    Wiki looked at the body. It was dripping blood onto the tile and looking just as dead as it was before. She rubbed her chin. There was no way that Wiki was strong enough to pick him up, and if the entire reason she was hiding the body was to avoid suspicion there was no way someone else wouldn't see the blood on the ground. Wiki looked back to the woman, waiting until she walked up the stairs to act. Instead of hiding the body Wiki opted instead to go over to the corpse, open its hand, and put an arrow in it. She patted it. There, just a common suicide. Wiki looked at her handiwork for a few seconds. Yeah, not even an idiot would fall for that. She shrugged. Fuck it.

    The Deku skittered up the stairs, looking around for where her masked companion went. She found her and without a word and without waiting for her companion, ran to and poked her head into a slightly ajar door. Definitely the master bedroom. Wiki entered the large and excessively ornate room. The bed frame was a beautiful canopy, matching the drapes that were probably worth more than everything Wiki owned. Except for the set of quills she just jacked from a little girl, of course.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  18. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Just as opal reached the top of the stairs, the deku ran up to meet her. Then, just ran into the master bedroom. She couldn't believe that it would just run, let alone attempt to lead. She knew where everything was, not it. Opal sighed inaudibly, that deku was going to get her caught. Better just end up finishing the job and getting out of here. As carefully as she could, she traversed the hallway, and entered the master bedroom, closing the door behind. The room was super luxurious, with fancy tapestries and heavily decorated figurines and ceramics littering the entire room. She might grab some of those later but for now, her primary target, was somewhere else.

    Crossing the room, Opal found exactly what she was looking for. A large, and ornate jewelry box sat atop a fancy dark colored wooden dresser. The box was solid silver, with golden embossed markings. Mrs. Morgan's name was engraved into the box, which meant that she would have to sell it to her fence outside of town. It would be a few weeks before her next planned visit, but she could make an early trip. Opening it, she was struck with a breathtaking site. Jewels and precious metals were found galore, but her eye was caught by a certain ring.

    The ring was a rather shiny silver band, with a ruby carved into the shape of a rose on top. Opal almost started foaming at the mouth. She knew exactly what this was, even though she had never seen one in real life before. She had read about them in her many different scrolls. Being the mage she was, she had scoured for any all all tomes on magical spells and items. Many of them never taught her how to cast the spell, but on how they all worked. This, was the most valuable thing she had ever found. It was an aroma ring, and it was worth more than anything else in the box.

    She placed the ring on her finger, and immediately she could smell the pleasant smell that started emanating from her body. It smelled almost exactly like a rose, but she knew others, would find it just as appealing as her words. A sickening smile appeared behind her mask as she slowly shoved the entire jewelry box into her bag. Curious, she looked over at the deku to see if it had any immediate effects upon it.
  19. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

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    Wiki began rifling through the various scrolls on the man's desk. She wasn't really looking for anything specific, but she knew Hylians usually kept a couple of spells nearby. Her eyes perked up when she finally found what was a communication spell. Wiki's eyes scanned the scroll's contents. She'd have to practice it later, but she was certain she could make use of it. Into the satchel it goes.

    A strange smell started to fill the air and Wiki glanced towards the woman. Had she sprayed some perfume? She looked the woman over again, realizing that her eyes were lingering far too long on her body. After realizing this Wiki pretended to rifle through the desk again, even though she was pretty sure she found the only thing of worth on it.

    "There are a bunch of financial statements over here," Wiki said, trying to get her mind off of the fact she was growing ever attracted to this woman. This was... weird. Wiki did her best to ignore the thoughts. She browsed through some of them, occupying her mind with numbers instead of .. other thoughts. "... they aren't price gouging as much as they could be."

    "A-Anyways," Wiki said, clearing her throat and scratching at her leaves. Did it get hot in here? "Find anything uh, interesting?"
  20. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

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    Opal's smile got even wider behind the fabric that covered her face.It did work, even if the deku wasn't acting very different. It immediately glanced at her the moment she put the ring on, and stared for a good while. The deku from then on seemed rather distracted, and even cleared its throat once. She would have to experiment with it later, and probably alot. She might just go wandering the market tomorrow in hope of some lovely gifts. Still rather unsure what to say to the deku, until it spoke to her, asking if she find anything interesting. "Oh, just some fancy jewels." Opal said in a nonchalant manner.

    Walking over to the other side of the room, she found the closet door, and opened it wide. There were several really expensive sets of clothing she would love to take, but her real target was the safe, in the very back of the closet. It was installed the day the place was built, so it had appeared on the blueprints, luckily enough for Opal. While Opal had no magical way of opening the safe, she still could crack it, given some time. Placing her ear gently on the front of the safe, Opal gently turned the knob until she heard it click.

    Not even a minute later, the door to the safe swung open. Inside was more than Opal could have hoped for. Tons and tons of huge silver rupees. other sizes and colors too, but mainly silver. Before she called the deku over, she immediately grabbed all the largest rupees she could find in the safe, and stuffed them into her bags. Almost every single bag of Opal's was full. Not a single rupees could fit in anyone of them. She had left a good amount of silver rupees there to hopefully convince the deku that she had only taken a few. It was a little stretch, but she could feasibly do so.

    Looking over at the deku, she got an idea. Perhaps now was a rather good time to test out her newfound ring, combined with her charmed speech. Just how much could she get someone do things. The deku obviously didn't like her all too well. But if Opal could convince it to do something almost immediately, she knew she had some real power. She knew it liked money, and murder, that was for sure. The fact that the request she was gonna make about money made it easier, but to get it to drop everything and run to every command was something Opal was dying to see, if that even happened at all.

    "Hey!" She said to attract the deku's attention. As soon as eye contact was made, Opal whispered the secret phrase under her breath and said "Scrub, come over here quickly and check this out. I found something interesting." She had tried to put all her charm into it, so perhaps, just maybe, she would get to see a deku running over.