Sweepstakes to Win Wind Waker HD or Zelda 3DS!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Bitoko, May 4, 2013.

  1. Strawberry

    Strawberry New Member new

    So I have to get a certain number of posts for one entry? Or that's just for two or more? Because I'm game.
  2. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    You post here for one, then every 50 other posts gets you another entry. And in the month of June, every post counts as two posts. Right, Bitoko?
  3. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    If you refer people, you get additional points/entries/whatever for each person you refer.
  4. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Yep, Strawberry, you get one free entry for posting in the thread, and another one for every member you recruit. After that, every 50 posts gets you one more. However, as Lord English said, the month of June is double month, so every post counts as two towards the sweepstakes, and every recruit counts as two.
  5. tlozbj

    tlozbj New Member new

    I would like to join the sweepstakes.
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    I'd like to enter, please.
  7. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    You already did, Quill.
  8. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Oh XD Woops.
  9. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

    I want in on this! Even though I don't have a reason to want in on this... since I don't have a Wii U or 3DS. A Zelda game is a Zelda game!
  10. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    just curious, is this still going on?
  11. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    Yes, of course it is. I even updated the (active) members' entry count about a week ago. :haa:
  12. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    Since WW HD comes out October 4th (the hard copy), is that when the contest ends, or is it still the 30th? Just curious. =P
  13. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    The contest will end on October 2nd.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  14. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Wait a second... I brought two members in. insertusernamehere was brought by me too. He may not have remained active, but I referred him to the site to begin with.
  15. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Is this Sweepstakes still for either Wind Waker HD OR for Link Between Worlds?
  16. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    It doesn't matter a ton to me, but I am curious about this too!

    I am pretty sure I brought a few more people in than are being counted. Some didn't know my username at the time. But ya know, it is what it is. It's a fun contest. I'm not going to raise any fuss over it.
  17. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    It is now simply for the WWHD. We will probably hold another for a link between worlds.
  18. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Scrap my name, then. I don't have a Wii U and I'd hate to take it away from someone else.
  19. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Actually, BP, I think the number of people with Wii-U's is low enough that we may have it be for both, as it was originally stated. The reward will be shipped out much later though if someone were to pick ALBW (due to the release date, obviously.)
  20. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    So the contest ends today? When will the winner be announced?