Never too old to learn! (RP advice)

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by AsheKryssaean, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. AsheKryssaean

    AsheKryssaean Senior Amateur new

    (Because I never have a good idea until after like ten years of trouncing about and embarrassing myself :3)

    I thought maybe an advice thread might be helpful, right? Maybe? I know I'd like to improve my RP skills (as well as writing skills in general) and I doubt I'm the only one.

    So. Tips on how to RP well? Perhaps just what bores you as opposed to what grabs your interest? Common mistakes that drive you nuts? Your favorite color?

    Specifically for myself I'm interested to know what I've been doing right, and what I've been doing wrong. I tend to thrive on constructive criticism and wither without it. That is not to say compliments are not appreciated, just... yeah. Advice thread activate.
    kriss likes this.
  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    You never really do anything wrong, as far as I've seen. It's mostly just comma placement that I've noticed when trying to read your profiles.