Can a Fairy Heal This Curse? [Eevachu + Doc Genz]

Discussion in 'Southern Hyrule' started by Eevachu, May 9, 2016.

  1. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    The mad Wizzrobe laid motionless on his knees, his muttering wails resonating throughout the room and echoing off the walls. The chaotic energies excreting from his body flickered in intensity like an anti-light bulb low on voltage. The brilliant illumination of the Tiny Fairies crashed against the shadowy energy and fought with it for dominance, like lightning striking through a window into a pitch-black room, occasionally granting a glance at what hid within but never fully showing its contents. Though unable to bring himself to his feet, Rika was able to lift his head to view what was to come. He could see a figure approaching the Wizzrobe. Its form was masked by the shadows, but it seemed overwhelmingly tall and imposing.

    The fairy’s light overtook the darkness, illuminating the figure’s silhouette for but a moment. Betraying its former towering mystique, it was vaguely humanoid, though distinctly off. Long, sickly limbs tipped with furred claws, and multiple arms, at least more than normal, protruded from its torso. Large, colorless wings shot out its back, shredded holes clear from just a silhouette. Rather than walking, it floated just off the ground, giving it the appearance of being larger than it was. The Wizzrobe, lost in its sorrow, was completely unaware as it, unbeknownst to it, silently approached behind the mage. Two arms shot out from the creature, violently grappling the Wizzrobe and ripping it off the ground.

    “WH. . . YOU. . . LIVE. . .” The Wizzrobe choked out, his voice tense and shockingly fearful.

    “Are you lost, child?” A distinctly feminine voice echoed out from the direction the Wizzrobe was, soft and gentle. “Do not fear, mother will guide you home.” It cooed.

    “NO. . . UNHAND US. . .YOU. . . EXIST ONLY TO SERVE US, YOU SHOULD NOT MOVE! YOU SHOULD NOT LIVE!” The Wizzrobe roared back. Just as his words left his lips, so too did violent squeals of pain.

    “What a bad child. . . No. . . No. . . You are. . .ChilD.. NO.. . “ The voice mumbled, becoming increasingly loud and distressed with each word. “No. . . ChiLLLLLD. . .WHEre. .. ThE CHildREN. . .” Dark, perverse energies emanated from their location, but not like they had been previously, with the Wizzrobe’s nefarious taint. The Wizzrobe’s energies had began to withdraw back into its body, becoming more subdued, and the fairy light extending from Eve’s location overtook them entirely, illuminating all to the situation.

    Charred, white-and-grey skin rashed with feverish, black scars. Four pencil-thin, alien-like appendages jutting out of its torso. Though it had previously spoke, there seemed to be no mouth to place a destination- instead, the sounds and cries that escaped it seemed to originate from no particular point, but instead expel from its body. It took the general guise of a towering, Hylian-like creature over 6 foot in height, but there was no possible way anyone could mistake this creature as Hylian. If it were not so perversely inhuman, it would almost seem feminine. Two of its thin arms held an iron clad grip over the Wizzrobe’s forearms. The bone had clearly been crushed clean to dust, visible even through the thick robes the Wizzrobe was garbed in, and the creature’s hands- paws?- were dyed red with blood. They glowed with a faint sickness, and the Wizzrobe’s pained expressions and cries showed it to be in intense pain, its skin growing dried and tight like the water was being drawn out of its body. Its eyes and wings were as black as the darkest night, though as its grip on the Wizzrobe prolonged, color began drawing itself in. A veritable rainbow painted itself in small, dim splotches across its wings, and its eyes spun like a growing kaleidoscope. Its body began to shimmer, and though it illuminated the area around it, it did not have the feeling of normal light. It was as if when it contacted with the fairy light, it distorted it, made it feel drab and monotone, like the very energy and life innate to the concept of light was being sapped away.

    The creature’s palms gripping tight onto the Wizzrobe suddenly exploded into intense shadow energy, and the Wizzrobe’s cries grew ever louder. However, it may as well have been mute when compared to the screams of the creature. “WHERE IS SHE. . .MY CHILD. . . WHERE. . .WHERE AM I. . WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE,” it wailed, the sweetly honeyed tongue turning into a vicious, bellowing roar that was almost undistinguishable among itself and the Wizzrobe’s cry. This went on for only a few moments.

    The creature’s two upper arms that had previously gone unmoving suddenly came rushing towards the Wizzrobe, smashing into its head like a press. Its skull splattered across the ground and the creature, dying its charred white skin deep red. The Wizzrobe’s body fell limp, but the creature didn’t stop.

    “WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS She where is he where is she. .” It muttered, as if the realization of what had happened took a moment to come over it. As the screaming subsided, its grip on the Wizzrobe came loose, and its body slumped to the ground, motionless. The creature’s attention broke from the Wizzrobe, as if it had never concerned itself with the crazed caster at all.
  2. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    Enveloped in light, Evelyn stood witness while the strange creature exsanguinate the Wizzrobe. The figure kept wailing about "where is he where is she," and it stood to Eve's simple reasoning that it was talking about something related to the lab or the Wizzrobe. Before she could say anything, she heard a crackling. Two fires had erupted on her arms, adjusting to the coldness of the room with a dim coloration.

    "You just wanted to kill that awful guy, I see." she said, a shaking in her voice. "You're not after us."

    Eve looked down at her shaking hands. Blackened bones appeared through the glow of the fire. Almost as if moving by itself, her body lunged forward to attack the Fairy-like creature using both beefy arms from her eyesockets and the set of arms now ablaze. Bop.

    Something small. As minuscule as a mite had been stuck to the back of her hair. It grew suddenly into a figure, a decisive blow slamming the back of the Kokiri's head. Pooky was back.

    "Nah hah hah! You miss me?" he chuckled.

    The Kokiri fell to the floor unconscious immediately. With a sudden SWOOSH, the Miniblin shrunk and vanished. His voice echoing with laughter all around the room. It was deeply chilling that the creature could be anywhere, at any time.

    Evelyn's dress caught fire almost immediately. She would be okay, probably.
  3. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Despite Eve’s violent lunge, the creature hovered, unmoving, its gaze turning to meet Eve. She had garnered its attention now. Gently, the creature floated towards Eve, sliding in her direction until she was towering over the girl. It bent over, its hover unending but its body low enough to reach the unconscious girl. Its thin, sharp fingers curled around the girl’s arms, pulling the girl close to a gentle embrace. It brought itself up, gently caressing the slumbering girl in soft embrace.

    “Poor child. . .” The creature rubbed her head, its words soft and honeyed like before. “What manner of creature did this to you?” It questioned, though in the girl’s slumber it was clear there would be no reply.


    Now able to bring himself to his feet, Rika was able to get a better look at what sort of new adversary they were dealing with. It was strangely feminine in nature, but what -was- it? Not Hylian, certainly. Now that he had brought himself up, Rika could see the Tiny Fairies- their pained, horrified expressions, the fear they all held at the sight of this creature. Some fluttered away towards Rika, cautious of it, while others stood in defense of Eve- not that they could do anything, what with the might it showed against the Wizzrobe.

    Rika’s breathing was heavy- the Wizzrobe had shook his body to its core with its dark magics, and its effects still lingered on his breath and his mind. He hadn’t the strength to fully face off in a consecutive battle, especially with a foe of such apparent strength. Yet if he did nothing, it was likely this creature would smash Eve’s skull just as it did the late carnal Wizzrobe. He would have to strike while it was occupied.
  4. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    "WHaa." Eve yawned.

    She was waking up from that Pooky Punishment rather quickly. It must have had something to do with coming into contact with this creature. The arms were caring, soothing. But the creature was not trustworthy, not yet anyway. The wings, Eve looked up, it made sense now. This was the shape of a Great Fairy, albeit perverted. Its spider or moth-like arms confused the girl's senses. As soon as she regained control of her limbs, she acted.

    The monstrosity blinked. There was a bland, featureless pumpkin in her arms. Evelyn had wormed out as soon as possible, activating her harvest ring as she stealthily vanished. She was scurrying along the twisted up floor. There was more machines to break, probably. But it was too late to keep breaking shit while this Fairy was around. Her flaming arms flickered. Eve thought for a moment about how her Harvest Ring stayed on while her hands were just bones and fire.

    Unsure if she really wanted to attack the creature(person?), Evelyn stayed back with her arms held defensively in front of her. Her plain yellow dress was kind of burnt up and falling off at this point. Her Golden Raiment shined from below. She was afraid the fire would ruin her prized possession. The shimmering cloth not only covered more than underwear would, it was there to keep her safe in case some mad creature with divine powers tried to attack her for some reason. Honestly she was very paranoid about such a thing, which was akin to her fear of vampires. Paladins and vampires. In truth, she just wanted to bring it together one day with a clothing that protected from Shadow magic. If she could have both, neither of her fears would be as much a threat to her.

    It suddenly occurred to her along this line of thought that the dark-looking Great Fairy in front of her could be armed to the teeth with Shadow Magic. A wrinkled smile, almost a grimace, appeared on her face. Drips of sweat were the first clue that maybe she would cower and flee. Evelyn turned around and made to take off, giving Rika one last look as her feet started winding.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
  5. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    The featureless pumpkin dropped to the ground, smashing against its surface as the creature’s loose grip released it without a care. Her gaze looked down at the mushed guts and flesh before but a moment, before moving her attention back to Eve as if she had never been suddenly clutching a pumpking in the first place.

    One of the fairies hovering over Rika called out to him. Glancing up, it was none other than Brixy, Viole’s fairy companion. Wasting no time, Rika inquired, “Have you seen this thing before?” She shook her head. “No. . . but I’m not surprised there was something like this here. That Wizzrobe was a monster.” She shivered. Rika let out a dry laugh. “He is no more. What is this thing?” He questioned, though more aloud to himself as he did not expect Brixy to have a real answer. “I’m not sure. . .” She responded anyway, “It kind of reminds me of a fairy. . .” She murmured, and that’s when it connected in Rika’s head.

    “It’s. . . a Great Fairy.” He muttered, his mouth agape with shock. His distaste for them aside, Great Fairies were powerful beings of magical, light energy. This was the exact antithesis to their existence. How could something like a Great Fairy be reduced to such a sorry state, then? “What. . . Are you?” Rika called out to it.

    Its attention moved from Eve to Rika. “What am I. . .?” It repeated the Kokiri. It seemed to ponder the question, repeating in a few times, its palms moving to its head. Its face contorted, as if it was in pain. “What am I. . .? What am I. . .What am I. . .” Its voice became louder and louder, its cried increasingly pained and panicked, the grip on its skull increasingly tighter and more frustrated, its body curling into a ball while still hovering while its other two arms moved to grab its head.

    “What am I what am I what am I what am I I am sin I am sin what am I what am I what am I I am sin I am sin I am I am I am I am I am. . . “ Its voice had reached a near screech at this point, its shrill cries echoing across the room though not to the extent it had previous. With one final scream, its body froze, hovering idle in place curled into a ball. It glided in place, motionless and silent, for just enough time to make the Kokiri think it would not move again.

    Then, its voice wordlessly echoed out, a chilling calmness coming over its tone.


    Its body unfurled, bringing itself to hover upright and towering over the Kokiri at just over six foot tall. “I am Cenea.” It introduced calmly, as though it had not had an entire identity crisis mere moments before. “I am a fairy mother to all children.” Its soothing voice tickled at the inner innocence of all Kokiri. “That evil man must have scared you, children. Do not fear, mother will protect you now.” Cenea moved to hover towards Rika.

    The Kokiri aggressively extended his scythe’s blade in response. “Halt.” The Great Fairy stopped, its expression completely unchanged but its voice growing ominously concerned. “What ails you, child? The evil man is dead.” Rika narrowed his eyes. “Do not call me child. I am Rika. And you are no fairy mother, Great Fairy. No Great Fairy is, but you in particular are not.” It was likely unwise to provoke the corrupted Great Fairy in Rika’s current state, and somewhere inside him, he knew that. Yet he was doing it anyway.
  6. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    Evelyn slowed down a bit, skidding on her feet. Rika was having a conversation with that . . . fairy-thing. Oh well, she thought. Might as well listen to this in case one of them starts a real fight. N-not that she cared if Rika got hurt or anything. That was just "part of the fun." She reassured herself.

    "Sin I am?" she whispered to herself. "Cenea."

    It was all coming together. This was. . . (she thought to herself intensely) a smoldering look came upon her face. This was a house spirit! The Wizzrobe's house-spirit gone rogue. If it was tending his cave-house, why did it kill him?

    Her dumb expression stagnated.

    No, it couldn't be his friend or servant. It was obviously just a big fairy. She was saying that she was a "Mother of Children." Something along those lines, either way. This actually deftly explained why the fairy was cradling her just a moment ago. Evelyn was pretty slow, but not entirely stupid. Before she could spend another moment misreading the situation, she spoke up.

    "Oi, Red Velvet, let's get going! Ain't this a barrel of monkeys..." she yammered.

    First she burned her own house down, then she ended up in this situation. She just wanted the day to end.
  7. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Rika actually found himself actually agreeing with Eve. "Yes, let us be off." He replied, his body staying to face the overwhelming force in front of him. Cenea's voice echoed out of her skull back at the duo. "Oh, what is the matter, dears? Leaving so soon?"

    Rika bit his tongue. Seems things would not be as easy as he had hoped. "The vile Wizzrobe has been slain and out objective met. We have no further purpose here," Rika spoke, his scythe still drawn at the Great Fairy, "and all who should stand against us here will meet his fate." He was half-bluffing- the meaning of his words carried no falsehood, but they belied his current condition which would struggle to make them hold true in reality.

    "Who should stand against you. . .?" The Fairy's tone carried a sense of whimsical confusion, though her face remained entirely unchanged. "If you refer to us fairies, we are harmless, children. We couldn't even kill one another- doing so would be long and bloody." She spoke plainly, as if such a thing was completely matter-of-fact.

    A callous laugh couldn't help but escape from the Kokiri's lips. This thing, harmless? The thing that squashed that damned Wizzrobe's skull like a rotten tomato? She had said it so earnestly he would almost believe it had he not seen her previous display of mad carnage. Rika simply began slowly backing up towards Eve and the doorway- the fairies hovering above him followed suite. Cenea hovered, unmoving.

    The duo had eventually made it to the doorway, and out of the room. "Move now, before something else happens." Rika commanded, and the two began to step off. Just as they had moved away from the door and begun moving, though, Eve would feel a heavy presence directly behind her, and a voice pressing against her inner mind.

    "Now then, what is your name, beautiful child?"
  8. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    "Uhhh." Eve started, startled.

    The Great Fairy of Making People Uncomfortable was hot on her heels. She slyly rubbed her chin. What if she told her the wrong name? She wasn't aiming for something funny but her first idea was likely going to be a joke. A smile twisted around her face and her eyebrows raised really high.

    "The name's Vaati. Nice to happen your acquaintance." she mocked.

    Her smile was stifled as she turned around, her face twitching as she held back the laughter. Her chuckling dissipated as she looked back at the terrifying face of the head-crushing moth.

    "But I simply must be going. Ta-ta!" she winced.

    She half expected the Fairy to yank her collar as she turned around.
  9. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Eve's answer seemed to not immediately garner a response, and she had managed to make it a few paces away without any sort of grabbing or reply. Perhaps she had bored the evil demon spirit moth out of talking with her? One could only hope. With a startling suddenness, Eve felt the sweet words of Cenea come from directly behind her, like she was mere inches from the back of the girl's head. "What a wonderful name for a child. Vaatiiiiii." She held the last syllable for far too long of a time. Then, she posed another question. "Rikaaaaa, Vaatiiiiii. Do you wonderful children know my cHIld?" Cenea cooed, though her last word was terse and sharp.

    Rika's eyes narrowed at the fairy lingering awkwardly close to Eve. This... abomination had a child? Is there another family out there missing a kid? "Do not antagonize the corrupted fairy, Eve." Rika spoke plainly, making no attempts to humor her false name. Cenea's head sharply turned to Rika- not with any sense of aggression, but there was a surprising curtness to it. "Corrupted fairy?" She paused. "Such a funny joke, Rikaaaaaa. I am just a nORMal fairy. Isn't that right, Vaatiiiiii?" She whispered at Eve, placing her icy, elongated fingertips on the girl's head. The same ones that had moments ago erupted in a flurry of vile magics and popped the evil Wizzrobe's skull apart, and were still soaked in his fresh blood.

    By this point, the group had exited the maze-hut the Wizzrobe called his abode, and were back outside. There was an almost immediate difference. The decay and death that much of the foliage had suffered could not be undone, but the bubbling miasma and pits of toxins that had once consumed the forest had begun to subside.
  10. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    "Heh heh." Eve chuckled as the fingertips grazed her scalp. She was nervous.

    Cenea had a child? Eve thought to herself, more than usual to be exact. What did that mean? She played a colorful game inside her head to try to piece the letters together. Soon, the words came to her and it all made sense.

    "Normal fairy? You were the guardian fairy of a Kokiri once, weren't you?" she asked quickly, cunningly.

    She stood back, turned around to face Cenea. Rika had already spilled the beans but she felt like she had to add something so this Great Fairy, knowing that Eve just lied, didn't smoosh her skull too.

    "E-Evelyn! My name is Eve. Eve, uhhh." she trailed off yet again, remembering a sign she once saw in the woods.

    "Eve Bagu, the one and only." she posed with her nose pointed up.
  11. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Eve's question seemed innocuous enough, a simple query about her past. Nothing was ever that simple. "My. . . hcidld?v" Its words sounded more like radio static than any real language, yet they were somehow decipherable in the back of the Kokiri's minds. "Yes my. . . Kokkiririirkriri..... I waaaaaatched.... wwhat??" It rambled, its words becoming more frantic and out of control. "He was in the she was gnf child cedsil sinagn protect from she chil..." Its words had become virtually unintelligible, and in a daze, one of its four long arms reached out to touch a tree. It was weak, rotted from the dark miasma, but still clung to life- her fingertips brushing against its bark changed that. Dark, fearful shadows erupted from her hands, enveloping them and her arms. The tree was consumed in a darkness almost akin to black fire, and in almost an instant its little twinkle faded, wrinkling and withering into a pile of dust.

    Her rambling instantly halted, the dark whispers of her magic retreating. "Oh, yes, my dear chiLd. I am So happy sHe has darling chiLdren like you as friends." It turned to look back Eve. "I see, Eeeeeeeev uhhhhh- CHU!" In a surprising display of normalcy, the sawdust formed from the tree had floated its way up toward her and interrupted her with a violent sneeze, causing all the fairy to huddle behind Rika in fear. These idiots were going to get themselves killed being so jumpy. "All of you, go ahead without us, now." Rika ordered the Tiny Fairies, before he spoke to one in particular, not turning his gaze away from Cenea. "You will find Viole at my place, Brixy. I trust you know where to find it." The small army of glowing wisps wasted no time in flying off, far away from the abomination they were witnessing.

    Cenea had calmed herself now, the sneeze fading. "Yes, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeev. Rikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Such wonderful children. I am C-Cenea." It stuttered, repeating its introduction.

    "You have already told us that." Rika spat back. "O-oh yes, of course chiLdren." It cooed, her tone back to the previously sweet demeanor, though the occasional word had an unnaturally sharp tenseness linger. There was an unnatural awkwardness in the air, and it seemed to go completely unbeknownst to Cenea, who hovered far too affectionally close to the Kokiri for comfort.
  12. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    "F-friends. . ." Eve tried to process all the things happening in front of herself. She didn't have any kind of magical speed technique to escape.

    "Yeah!" Eve confidently confirmed. "We're friends!" she practically shouted at Cenea.

    Her face was twitching. Wasn't what she just said going to come back to bite her? Something of this nature, no, a person so odd and gullible alone would have clung to such an idea. This corrupted mess before her would probably follow her around forever because of what she said. Corrupted? It reminded her of her own guardian fairy that she left alone too long. This one was powerful enough to fight against its own debilitations though, a severe difference.

    "Red?! What do y' say? Let's skedaddle then, right as raisins." she hesitated. "You too Cactus."

    This would make for a good drawing later in the crayon diary.

  13. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Rika's eyes glossed over Eve, her brazen confidence at befriending this creature- this thing- strange to Rika. Was it out of fear, an attempt to placate a creature that could crush her skull with ease? Or did Eve actually stupidly want to be friends with it? Given the girl in question, she really could want to be. He would give her that credit, though- being on this monster's good side would only benefit them.

    "Yes, let us return, Eve... Cenea." He spoke, its name leaving his tongue like a cursed word. The fact it even had a word to call its name was alarming- had it really existed in some form of society, before? He had called it a fairy, and Eve was probably right about it being a former guardian fairy. Even still, though, the thought seemed implausible with its current visage. It seemed partial towards Kokiri, but Rika knew letting it into the village as it were was a fool's decision.

    ...Regardless, they didn't have any better options, so away they go.



    The sun had long since set by the time the trio arrived at the outskirts of the village. Their rear was lit by the ever-luminous glow of the Great Fairy trailing behind them, though it was not a comforting glow. Rather than the gentle, warm colors typically exuded by fairies, it was an empty glow, almost like a bleak, negative light that ate and consumed the light around it as much as it illuminated the darkness, leaving nothing in its space.

    Before they went into the village, though, there was something that needed to be addressed. "Cenea." Rika spoke, turning his gaze to the uncomfortable visage of the fairy. "What is it, dear child?" She coo'd back. "Un.. fortunately, you cannot go into the village." He paused, waiting to see her reaction. "Oh no, why not? I must see the CHILDren." She tilted her head.

    Rika knew this would be a sensitive discussion, but he had thought of something on the way there. "That is because... Great Fairy don't appear in the village. It is a rule."

    "Oh oh? I don't remember such a rule." Her head tilted further.

    "It is a new rule." Rika smirked internally at his own genius. Not that it was a surprise for him to outsmart such a simple beast.

    "I see..." Her head tilted back into an upright position. "Following rules is oh so important for good, growing children....."

    For a moment, Rika felt like he had won. Until the beast began to shimmer.

    In an insant, Cenea's form shifted and contorted, her gangly limbs bending and twisting into themselves like a screw being drilled into a wall, reducing upon itself until her figure was no larger than the size of a small insect. The only tell-tale sign that something was off was that soul-sucking hue emitted from her body.

    "How is thiiiiiis, Rikaaaaa, Eeeeeev?" Its disconcerting voice called from the miniscule frame.

    It had shifted. Into a small form. Goddesses damn it all. The arrogant smirk painted in Rika's mind dropped. He quickly scrambled to think of an alternative. "Just... stay hidden, smart children can tell of your presence as a Great Fairy."
  14. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    After all that nonsense, were they really going to hide this corrupted fairy among everyone else like some kind of silly novel side-plot? If so, Eve did not have any clever disguises for her. That was because her house had burned down. In fact, it was likely the coals were still hot.

    "I'm sorry missus cactus. I don't like th' new rule either. See? My fairy is nowhere to be seen. She's a great hider, even." Eve bragged. Her fairy was gone for much more concerning reasons.

    She had convinced the poor creature they were friends out of fear. However, now that they had walked back to the village and they were making Cenea afraid to be seen, some of the initial fear had worn off. Eve was cheeky for sure, but some of the most glisteningly rare cheek had grown on her face in an instant.

    "You're a Great Fairy, right? Do you have the power to grant wishes? Could you make my house grow back?" the bothersome Kokiri hassled.

    She had asked this before mentioning the dire subject of getting the fairy hidden and disguised. Although, that was a hairy subject by itself as she did not have any kinds of disguises at the moment. Granted, she could have done something like cram the fairy into her Ghastly Doll, that would probably be uncomfortable. Knowing the risks, Eve didn't want to make Cenea uncomfortable in any way. Regardless of the consequences, Eve was on pins and needles wondering if the magical creature could grow her house back.
  15. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    "No fairy? Child fairy none fairy none....." Cenea mumbled incomprehensibly at Eve's words. "Fairy none no child fairy...." As if snapping out of its self-inflicted trance, it turned to Eve. "Worry not, childdd. All Children should have fairies, so I will watchhh you."

    Before Eve could respond, Rika cut Cenea off. "Not possible. Great Fairies cannot guard Kokiri like that, it is another new rule."

    Cenea floated quietly for a few moments. Then, she spoke, a hollow voice echoing out. "Oh. I see." Then, as if that entire exchange had never even occurred, it spoke to Eve. "Of course, my Child. I can grant all the wishes of Sweet Children." She fluttered next to Eve, hovering just a few Tiny Fairy-sized flying paces from the girl's ear. "Ttto grow, you must eat many things. you MUST we will feed this child to grow big and strsongrgnong." Again, her voice, like a sharp hiss, went unintelligible for just the briefest of moments. Even attempting to decipher what she had said did little but bring a headache, something Rika had learned in the handful of moments they had known the creature.

    Rika's house would not be far off- he could see it in the distance, and was already dreading what would happen when they entered. Not just because of Cenea, or Eve, but because of the busyness crowding his house. He had Scrubs, Fairies, and Kokiri alike taking up space, and that was only what he knew about then. All he could hope for is that Wollo was able to keep them all in line in his absence.
  16. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    "You're right, cactus!" Eve alighted after a long pause. "Let's see what food Red has in his house."

    Eve was glad to find another aspect of the red-coated gentleman's life to sabotage. However, as excited as she was to raid his pantry, she had somewhat dreaded seeing that Viole character again. Although, she couldn't contain a smile when she thought about earlier when she had smacked the daylights out of her. (In reality she had hit Bapi, but Eve had more than enough reason to be confused in this context.)

    "We're somewhat close to your place, right? I wonder how the party is going." she mentioned, off-handedly.

    Eve cautiously thought about the very real prospect of this muscular Great Fairy trying to force-feed her Rika's boring household food. Ew, it was probably oats and raisins too. No thanks! If that happened, Eve would just have to take drastic measures. She didn't have a back up plan for everything like some more intelligent people. But her own drastic measures were usually quite effective, barring the ever-present likelihood she would light another house on fire.

    "Blegh. Viole. Blegh. Oatmeal." she started chanting in a low voice. In fact it was starting to get annoying.
  17. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    "I would rather there not be any party." Rika scowled, the mere thought displeasing the Kokiri. He knew better than to assume otherwise, though. The assortment of fools parading through his house were going to be up to something, that he was certain of. That certainty, were it mixed with any skepticism, would be certainly certain as they came within earshot of his house. Even from the ground level, noise and cheer alike could be heard reverberating from up on the tree-top, pounding away outward. Rika did not even have the patience to correct Eve, now, having seen this.

    The Kokiri bolted ahead with great haste, leaping up past the ladder and onto the front balcony perched by his entryway. With a furious blow, Rika kicked the door open to see what awaited him.

    "Eyy, I'm walkin' here!!! Get outta the way! I drop this shrimp, it's your head to Commander Wollo, sir, ya hear me!!" A squeaky snout cried out, the tray-balancing Mad Scrub shouting it pushing past a small ensemble of Kokiri. Resting delicately on the tray were an assortment of slick looking shrimp, pink and white. It waddled past and to a larger kitchen area- presumably a serving area of some sort, given the decor- and set the tray down in the least awkward way possible for an armless plant creature to do.

    "....What the hell is going on here." Rika muttered, blankly, his eyes shifting across the room and the assortment of Kokiri, Mad Scrubs, and Fairies all mingling around the room. In the kitchen area, Rika could see a variety of foods spread out for the pleasure of whoever wished to indulge- the aforementioned boiled shrimp, biscuit-like leavened corn bread, a bowl with a variety of dried berries, fruits, and nuts mixed around, a springy, light-yellow pudding in the shape of a ChuChu, small, bite-sized pies stuffed with various ingredients from meats to sauces, a pile of glistening rice with vegetables and bright pink meat sliced within, and many other assortments spread about.

    Rika's question was answered by a voice. "Uhh.... Friends make party." It was the triumphant return of the hero of our quaint little story, Wollo. The mustachioed muscle man waddled up next to Rika, and he continued, "Friends say.... Celebrate for winning... Wollo not know game though...." Rika seemed to take in his sagely explanation, though it did not placate the Kokiri. In fact, it left him more confused. Firstly, why did they think he would want this after bouncing around the forest and fighting an evil wizard all day? Second, how in the hells did they even make all of that food? Rika's house does not have an oven.
  18. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    Eve knew the great hero Wollo was here and wanted to run up and give him a hug. However, she was cut short by a sudden invasion.

    "Pooky brought dessert!" Pooky wailed as he forced himself in with a steaming plate.

    Pooky the Herald had appeared with a goron-seasoned hot chocolate lava cake. It was an ancient delicacy he knew the recipe for. The murderous Miniblin had come entirely unannounced, although the Kokiri had seen him earlier.

    "Is this the, like, stag party?" Getselle intruded, making her way in after Pooky.

    Now that the two most despicable people in the entire woods were here, the party was just getting started. Eve rolled her eyes inside her blindfold. She didn't know much about Pooky, to be fair, but she knew enough about him that she was almost certain he was trying to poison them somehow. Something about his cheerful bearing suggested he was just here to share the cake, however. She still didn't trust him. Getselle, however, expected some sort of cool kid party and would only sully the festivies by being here. If it wasn't her voice, Eve knew it was Getselle by the pungent stench of her perfume.

    "That's it! I'm not gonna say anything." Eve bumbled. "Party's ruined." she added with a whisper.

    Tired and beaten up, Eve made her way into the corner of Rika's abode and sat down somewhere. She was glad Wollo was having fun, but was otherwise thoroughly disappointed. Pooky continued around the house, somehow having a brand new hot lava cake every time he appeared. Eve wanted to eat a little after tiring herself out, but knew if she had any of that piping hot venison that Cenea might start shoving the plate in her face. After some time, Eve got her hands on a Chu-chu pudding and started digging in. The flavor was refreshing after that ordeal.
  19. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    "You mother fu-" Rika fumed, stomping his way towards Pooky and ready to strangle the life out of the party-crashing rapscallion and finish the job he escaped from earlier that day. That was, until Rika saw the ginormous, chocolate-oozing volcano of a lava cake Pooky had in his hands. Now, Rika did not trust the little gremlin to be able to cook, to not poison them whether intentionally or otherwise, or really to do anything remotely useful or beneficial in any way. He did not like the Miniblin. But what he did like, was chocolate. And it was currently one of the scarce few things in the hellhole that was his house party he did like. So he paused, his outreached hand cautiously waiting, but still in threatening range of Pooky Throats.

    "...Just.. do not kill anyone in my house." He relented with a sigh, his eyes scanning over Pooky but his hand withdrawing out of choking range. And so, Rika begrudgingly followed Pooky through the house, to wherever he was going with the cake. "And, cut me a piece of that cake. A very, very big piece, Pooky."


    Cenea and Wollo followed Eve. Moving towards the corner with the girl, Cenea cooed out, "And who is this gentle man.? The chaperone of the party, he must." She beckoned to Wollo. The Octorok, looking at her, seemed nervously uncomfortable, a rarity for Wollo. And so, he waddled behind Eve, away from Cenea. "Uhhh...."

    He paused. "Do Eve win uh.... everyone game?"

    Cenea eyed the Chu Chu pudding Eve was gorging herself on. "Evvvve... Is that pudding.... nutritious?" It was not clear whether she wanted it to be nutritious or not.
  20. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    "Pooky not kill-" He started, getting cut off immediately.

    "You can kill Getselle Pooky" Eve rudely cut in.

    "Hey! Bitch!" came a feminine voice from across the room.

    Pooky diligently cut a large slice of the cake for Rika. He looked annoyed about being interrupted, but otherwise unphased. He put down the small amount of lava cake left onto a countertop. He pulled a cloth bundle out of his sack and a cheesecake appeared as he untied it.

    "Pooky hears about a party, he does! Made some desserts for everyone. Not as apology! No, it's 'punishment' Pooky likes, second only to profits." he admitted, he seemed pretty frank this time.

    "Profits. . ." Eve whispered. "Who's paying him for this?"

    The yellow-clad Kokiri turned to Wollo and Cenea who had just addressed her directly. Win game? Nutritious? She didn't have a lot of time to think about what they were saying. She also was inbetween mouthfuls of pudding.

    "Well yeah, the game was about nutrition." she bullshitted. "We killed a nasty fairy-eater. He was too gross to look at, Wollo, you missed nothing."