What an interesting turn of events.

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by Chaos James, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    The day had turned into quite the busy event, as the city gaurds were in overtime, busy keeping the peace as so many went to listen to the announcement. Nicholas, who had just arrived in town in the early hours with a caravan, and was forced to stick around to help lighten the load of the work the gaurds had to do.

    Once the crowd had started to leave, Nicholas was able to sneak away from the watchful sight of his commanding officer. Free to go where he would, Nicholas made his way towards the gate where he could wait for the next caravan he would be escorting back to Lon Lon Ranch. Since he had a few hours to kill, Nicholas waited in the guard hut, reading a novel while he waited for time to pass.
  2. Ankiseth

    Ankiseth New Member new

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    Godot Masters never cared much for politics. The new town was none of his concern and he was busy tracking down someone he needed to see. There is a particularly shady fellow who hangs around the milk bars of hyrule castle town and Godot had a feeling he was somehow connected with his fathers death. The man was infamous for leaving the military after a falling out with his commanding officer. The commanding officer of course being Godot's late father.

    He saw the man during the kings speech and decided it was the perfect time to verify his suspicions. He followed the man toward a gate that leads out of town and suspecting the man was leaving he quickened his pace in order to catch him. The man Immediately pushed the guards aside and left the town with Godot in hot pursuit.

    "I thought you had something to do with it you slime!" Godot thought as he chased the man out of town.
  3. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    "Is everyone mounted up and ready to move out!" A guard shouted out among the wagons and people making last minute checks. "All ready over here!" Nicholas called back to the guard as he scanned the group. Spurring his horse around, Nicholas took one last glance around before confirming everyone was ready to move out. "Nicholas, can you take point?" one of the guards asked. Nodding his head, Nicholas rode to the head of the caravan, and motioned for them to move out.


    The trip so far had been uneventful and quite normal for a caravan run, not that anyone was complaining. While the other guards rotated jobs, Nicholas stayed ahead, occasionally conversing with a guard when they rode up to check in. But, other then that, the day was quite and sunny, which made Nicholas feel quite relaxed and at peace.

    Not that it would last, it seems.

    Thundering over a hill, a band of Moblins on horseback, barrelled towards the caravan, spears pointed and cries of attack bellowing from their snouts. "Defensive positions! Incoming attack!" a guard shouted as they rushed to the side of the caravan, and Nicholas turned and charged back towards the caravan, getting to the group just as the Moblins crashed into the guards. Cries of panic and shouts of attack rose through the air as Nicholas drew his sword and caught a Moblin from the side as he charged another guard. Smashing through the caravan, some of the Moblins continued to attack anything they could reach, but most of them continued on. "What the hell are they doing?" Nicholas shouted out to some of the other guards as he parried a spear and pushed the Moblin back, leaving it open for another guard to finish off.

    Watching the remaining Moblins leaving, Nicholas wondered why they had so briefly attacked. "They must be a scouting team, taking a quick chance to attack us and cause some damage before heading back," he mused to some other guards as they went about, dealing with the injured and searching the dead Moblins. At the last glimpses of the Moblins, Nicholas finally noticed something odd on the back of one of the horses. A pile of green bound in ropes and hanging off the back, which is when he noticed it was a Hylian.

    "Shit! Someone take point now, I've got to finish this fight," Nicholas swore, reining his horse about, he spurred it into a gallop, cries of confusion coming from his fellow guards as he charged after the band of Moblins. Nicholas glanced back, glad that they knew by now not to follow him, and he spurred his horse faster as they dashed across the grassy hills. It wasn't long before he got close to the Moblins again, and that's when they finally decided to deal with him. Two Moblins turned about, breaking into a charge with their spears held ahead ready to run Nicholas through when they met. Grabbing hold of the reins tightly with his right hand, once he got close he quickly slid down to the side of his horse and swung, slashing the front legs of one of the horses, tripping the beast as it crashed forward. Nicholas glanced back as he pulled himself up, seeing the horse laying ontop of the Moblin, neither moving. Turning his attention to the second Moblin, he pulled his horse left, going around the the attack radius of the second Moblin and continuing his charge towards the main group.

    More Moblins turned about, weapons ready to skewer the cocky Hylian who attacked them by himself. "Just a little closer," Nicholas muttered under his breath, aware of the fact he was now being charged from both sides, the Moblin he gave the slip to earlier coming up behind him. Waiting for the Moblins to get closer, Nicholas finally put his plan into action, and pulled his feet from the stir-ups, and was soon crouching on the saddle of the horse, "just a little more." Once he had run out of room to turn back, Nicholas took a deep breath and pulled back on the reins, making the horse try and stop as he leapt off the back of his horse. Flying overhead of the shocked Moblins, he pulled his right arm back as he crashed his fist into the back of the Moblin who had the Hylian on his horse.

    The cracking sound that his fist made off the Moblins head was followed by the foul creature crashing off his horse and into the ground, if it was dead he didn't know as he hit the ground, tumbling to a kneeling position. Turning about, Nicholas brandished his sword and pointed it ahead as the Moblins scrambled to turn about and attack. The Moblin who had been chasing him came charging from the crowd of confusion, aiming its spear at Nicholas as it galloped forward. Pulling his sword back behind him, Nicholas closed his eyes as sparks of energy flickered around his blade. Opening his eyes, he pushed his left foot forward and turned it slightly as followed through with a quick spin, blue energy leaping from the blade and creating a circle of cutting force as the spear was parried off and the horse hit the ground, throwing its rider to the earth.

    Finishing the spin, Nicholas turned to the fallen Moblin as it scrambled to recover from the fall, and as it stood up he ran his blade through its chest. Pushing the corpse off his blade with his foot, he turned as the other Moblins glared at him, their weapons at the ready as he glanced around. There was seven Moblins remaining, more then he could safely fight while they were still mounted. He saw the horse, which still held the unconcious Hylian women, had stopped and was now eating some grass like nothing had happened. Turning about, he sheathed his sword as he made a run for the horse. Cries of anger echoed behind him as the Moblins spurred their mounts forward after the Hylian man. As he ran up to the horse, Nicholas slapped it's hind leg of the beast to spur it forward as he grabbed the reins with his left hand. Running beside the horse as it picked up speed, he jumped up, pulling on the reins to help himself up as he stumbled for the stir-ups. Once he was on, he spurred the horse into a gallop, hoping he could outrun them.

    Luckily, it seemed one of the Goddesses took a shine to him today, as after a quarter mile of fleeing, the Moblins seemed to give up on their chase, turning back towards their foul mountain base. Nicholas grinned, sending thanks to the Goddesses as he rode towards Lon Lon. After he had put some more distance between them, and was sure he was safe, he stopped his horse to check on the girl properly. He had already made sure she was breathing, but he didn't have much time to figure out much more. Lifting the girl off the horse, he cut the ropes that bound her and tried to wake her. After five minutes with no response, he decided that he could get her proper care when he got back to Lon Lon, and placed the girl into the saddle and hopped up behind her, spurring the horse forward as he wondered who this strangely dressed girl was.
  4. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    The sound of a cucco cawing awoke the sleeping Leona, and she sat upright in an instant, before collasping back down on a pillow. She was laying in a bed she didn't recognize, in a plain bedroom she didn't recognize. "Best not to move so fast, your liable to hurt yourself," a man's voice rang out, startling Leona once again. She sat up slowly this time, turning to see a strange man sitting in chair by a window. The dawn light was flooding in, and she could see a book held in the man's left hand. Glancing around the room once more, she could see a large pile of books on the floor. "Where am I, and who are you?"

    The man smiled, closing his book and dropping it with the others. "Your at my parents house, in Lon Lon Ranch. I could ask you the same question though, I don't know who you are. But, my name is Nicholas Walker, it's nice to meet you." Leona looked curiously at the man, "how did I get here, and where are my weapons?" Nicholas chuckled as he stood up, stretching his arms. "Your weapons are under the bed, and your here because I rescued you from a group of Moblins. Anything else you would like to know, since your asking all the questions."

    Leona remembered the Moblins, how they had jumped her while she was travelling from Castle-Town. She sighed, swinging her legs out from under the blanket. "I'm sorry for being rude. My name is Leona, thank you kindly for rescuing my from those foul monsters." Nicholas nodded, then walked over to the door. "Your very welcome, but you should still get some more rest, feel free to stay as long as you like." With that, Nicholas left the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Leona was tempted to take this chance to sneak out, but since she wasn't in any danger and she still wasn't feeling one-hundred percent, she laid back down and closed her eyes for a few more hours of sleep.
  5. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Awakening closer to noon, Leona stood up from bed and found the room was unchanged except for one fact, a plain brown dress laying across the chair. Leona ignored the dress, and sheathed her weapons before leaving the bedroom and walking into the main part of the house.

    "Good afternoon miss Leona, glad to see your well," the black-haired woman said kindly as she set down the pot she was washing. "You know my name?" she asked, dumbfounded by the situation and her still tired state. "Why yes, Nicholas told me when he came out, he said that your name was Leona and that you seemed ok. Oh, where are my manners," she suddenly said, lightly smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand. "My name is Viana, Nicholas' mother, nice to meet you Leona. If you want to go out, I set out a dress you can wear..." she trailed off.

    After a while of chatting in general, Leona found out that Nicholas had already left town, having left with another caravan back to Castle-Town. Eventually, after a good hour and a half of talking with Viana, Leona found herself out the door, wearing the brown dress that had been set out for her and a basket on her arm.

    Apparently, the ninja now had to apply her skills to gather ingredients for dinner. How she got to this point was very odd to say the least.
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