Weeding [Terrel/Willow/Closed]

Discussion in 'Southern Hyrule' started by Rising Dragon, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    Rua shook his head in irritation at the woman's angry outburst. It'd figure that a woman running around out here dressed as she was would be quick to anger. He turned away from her and returned his gaze to the motley-looking Scrub. "Rua," he identified himself with a nod to the Scrub. He did not give away anything else.
  2. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    The woman cursed underneath her breath when the Deku mentioned where exactly she was. While no cartographer, she remembered the stories of the other large forest known in Hyrule, located south of Death Mountain. From what she knew, the journey back to Northern Hyrule from where she stood could take months, if she survived at all. It was time she didn't feel she had, and it made finding a quick way home even more important. Well, if this tower could get her here, maybe it could get her back. She didn't much like the sound of that, but what choice did she have?

    The two males named themselves Dante and Rua, and the woman realized she would have to break the moody silence she'd already become comfortable in. "Terrel," she said, trying not to let her stress touch her voice. As if to try and water down her own emotions, she looked around casually and added, almost to herself, "Southern Hyrule, huh? Marcus was right--this place is a mess. How far away is this from the Western Caves?"
  3. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    "It's east of here, but this deep into the forest? It'll take nearly a week to get there," Rua replied to Terrel. Marcus? The name sounded familiar. "If we survive, I could lead you there."
  4. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    A week to the east? Terrel frowned at the thought of having to journey all the way out of this barren land. "Thanks," the woman muttered, sincere but not enthusiastic. On a better day she might've paused to ask if he were from there or if he knew the kid, but she simply wasn't in the mood for all that right now. Her head still ached and the heat was still oppressive, and the longer they stood there the more uncomfortable she continued to feel.

    "Well," she began, not entirely sure what to say before she said it, "I don't suppose there's really an option for us now but up? Anything with a brain around these parts already knows we're here, and it sounds like you two came here with the express purpose of seeing this lovely landmark. Since we seem to be stuck with each other for now, what do you suppose we do?" Stuck together. She didn't much like admitting it--she didn't even like thinking it--but it was the truth. This was business for a bloody hero, but it looked like she was going to get roped into it all the same.
  5. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante listened quietly as the two spoke back and forth, deciding to take the moment to brush himself off. The slime clung to him like grease, making him feel even more dirty than he already was. Well, at least he hadn't been shot. Having gotten as much as he could have off of his body, he looked back up at the two Hylians. The awful noise was still buzzing in the back of his head, though he was able to mostly block it out by concentrating on their words. He looked to Terrel and spoke. "Well, I would very much like to be rid of this terrible sound. I might be able to resist its effects, but goddesses does it hurt." Dante blinked a few times, trying to banish the growing headache. "Which can only mean going to the top of this tower and destroying whatever infernal device is causing this."
  6. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    "I don't think it's a device causing it."

    Rua's statement was punctuated with him bringing his sword up and returning it to its scabbard, and lowering his shield fully. He was looking at Dante. "I spoke to a Korok on the way here, it was how I found out about this... thing." He gestured to the tower. "I think it's some sort of creature making this blasted noise, and if that's the case, this is going to be a lot harder than you thought."

    He glanced over to the construct at that. "Did you see an entrance to this place? We should probably get you inside. The sound might be muted in there," he told the Scrub. "I doubt you want to go mad out here before we kill whatever's at the top."
  7. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante grunted. Nothing was ever easy, especially when it came to your home being overrun by insane scrubs and magic. "If that's the case, it might be easier. Goddesses know it's easier to run a sword through something than it is to have to figure out how a machine works, or some other contraption." Dante replied to Rua, peering at the tower. Looking around it as much as he could without climbing back into the muck, Dante still could not see its entrance. Maybe it was on the other side. "I don't see an entrance from here, no. But you're right; the sooner I get in there, the sooner I can be done with this business."
  8. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    Terrel returned the Deku's grunt with one of her own, craning her neck to try and catch a glimpse of the tower's top from where should stood. It was no good, though, and the woman gave it up a moment later, glancing at her newly found, mandatory companionship. If she had to kill something at the top of this tower to get home, then she certainly felt ready to give it a shot. The thing still unnerved her in a way she couldn't explain--she'd never been stuck in a position like this, really--but what choice did she have? The only way out seemed to be up.

    "Well?" she said, her tone impatient, "can't do a whole lot just standing here, can we? Let's see if there's some way in, and if there isn't then I'll just bloody stand on your shoulders or something if I have to." Terrel wasn't much of a leader, but that was mostly just because she didn't care if the rest followed. Without another word, the woman broke into a walk to search the perimeter.
  9. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    Rua pivoted on his boot and proceeded opposite of Terrel, going to search the side of the tower. The rasping sound of metal on leather was heard as he drew his sword again for safety's sake. If one Deku Scrub was able to sneak up on them from the water's edge, what's to say others couldn't? His eyes made careful sweeps, making sure to take in the water surrounding the tower like a moat. He took in the sounds of the swamp, hearing Terrel's boots squash in the mud, heard his own do the same. The water remained still, stagnant around him, while light breezes moved the about the vegetation. The pervading stench of the decay around him remained unchanged; he couldn't smell any predators. He kept his senses open and alert, but he could detect no dangers.

    Making the bend around the tower, moving up over a mound of wet dirt, he saw it--mud burying a stone incline emerging from the water around the back of the tower, leading up to an alteration in its structure. It was the closest thing he could see that would resemble an entrance. He lifted up his head and shouted for Dante and Terrel to hear. "Over here!"
  10. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    At Rua's call, Dante began trekking towards the other side of the building, trying very carefully to not sink into the mud along the way. Still, despite having to expend a good deal of effort just on not getting stuck, Dante kept alert as he walked around the tower. He didn't expect any trouble though, at least for awhile. Even if something in the swamp had heard them, seeing as it was difficult to see in the swamp anyways, and how difficult it was for a Deku like himself to move around, it would be quite some time before anything else reached the tower. Seeing the entrance Rua had called out to them for, Dante squished his way towards it, wishing he had longer legs.
  11. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    After almost losing one of her boots twice, Terrel arrived last to this so-called entrance that Rua had found. It came straight out of the bog and looked like it'd been abandoned for a long period of time, to her eyes. It was the sort of thing you stumbled across a thousand years after it'd been used, all overgrown and mud-ridden as it was. The whole thing made the woman frown. The way the other two had been talking about this tower, it sounded like it'd not been here for very long at all, though she didn't know how that would work. Someone would have seen it being built, right?

    None of it made any sense, of course, and that just made her feel more uncomfortable.

    "Great," the woman muttered, eyeing the 'entrance' up and down, "looks like we're in for a day of cramped quarters, mud, sludge, and anything else you can think of inbetween, huh." Terrel craned her neck up in search of the top of the tower again. "And bloody heights," she added, resisting the urge to grab at her crossbow just for comfort.
  12. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    "Would you rather stay out here and get mauled by a wolfos or something?" Rua asked, examining the structure's opening himself. He pushed himself up the incline towards it, grunting as his boots tried to stick in the mud. His steps grew cautious as he neared it, and he brought up sword and shield both, ready for any possible ambush. The open entrance loomed over him, the interior somehow looking dim within. Yet his senses didn't seem to kick in, he didn't feel any looming threat within the immediate vicinity.

    He leaned his head back over shoulder, never taking his eyes off the portal, and called back. "Looks like it's safe to enter so far," he said.
  13. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    Terrel scowled at Rua from behind his back, sticking her tongue out at him briefly in contempt. She didn't hate him, but she didn't like him either. Leave it to her to find the one smartass in the middle of the wilderness halfway across the world. That said, she had no problem letting him go first and find the trapdoor with spikes underneath it or run headlong into the first monster this place could conjure in its defense. She hoped it'd be empty besides just grubs and crawlers, but something made her doubt that. Hopefully it wasn't worse than those Deku nuts.

    Despite the brief flash of contempt she felt for him, she also trusted his senses, not feeling any immediate danger either. At his word, she also put her feet on the incline, though perhaps a little more ambitiously than he had. A moment later, on her second step, she felt her boot slide out from her with a shock. Flailing her arms wildly, the woman just managed to catch herself with her hands on the slope, covering them with mud but saving her face from the same treatment. With a particularly foul curse, the woman clambered to her feet, glancing at her hands with disgust. It was going to be a long day.

    Of course, while the mistake was not particularly egregious, she felt instantly vulnerable and subject to criticism, and her face grew warmer. Trying to save herself from any snarking comments, the woman turned to the Deku--who seemed a bit more polite--and asked, as if nothing had just happened, "What kind of creatures are down here? Do you think we'll run into anything inside there?"
  14. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante watched as Terrel momentarily lost her footing. She had at first seemed like a woman that was fairly sure of herself, and more than capable of handling herself. He hoped he wouldn't have to revise that initial impression; one slip up, from any of them, could get all of them killed. This was a dangerous place. Sensitive to magic, Dante could feel that the air was saturated with evil magic, one that was far beyond natural. The feeling was just as oppressive as the noise coming from the top of the tower, like the walls were slowly compressing in on them. His eyes darted around, searching for any motion in the shadows.

    Then, Terrel spoke. He was glad, the sound of her voice reassuring him. Dante hoped that Rua or Terrel would continue talking, because he was terrified of the silence, of being alone with his own thoughts, where the noise, the magic, and the paranoia could send him spiraling into madness. He blinked, looking at her and mulling over her question. "I do not know. Your guess is as good as mine, though I would suspect that the scrubs of this forest weren't the only creatures to be perverted by this foul place. Moreover, evil places attract evil things... We may find enemies that would not otherwise be here, if it weren't for this tower. Whoever is doing this, and I'm sure that someone is behind this, would be sure to keep their creation well protected." Dante motioned around him.
    Terrel likes this.
  15. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    The entryway of the tower expanded out around them into a circular room of stone. Torches within cast a dim light at intervals within, and their entrance brought in a breeze of air that caused them to flicker feebly. Moss covered a good portion of the stone floor and the walls, and mildew hung on the air. Two doorways could be seen, one on either side. To the left, the portal protruded slightly from the wall, denoted by the circular formation of stones surrounding a rotted wooden door. To the right, it was partially open only at the top, where the collapsed portion of ceiling had caved in the doorframe, leaving crumbled stone and shrapnel of sodden wood scattered outward around it.

    Rua noted that there were muddy tracks on the floor of the antechamber, and that none of it looked human. He grimaced, pulling at the scarring on his face and worsening an already hardened expression.

    "We're not alone in here," he said, gesturing to the stains beneath their feet. There was... something about his voice that had noticeably changed in his companions' hearing. His voice had grown colder, more neutral. There was no hint of his previous irritation and his being winded from the dash to here--what spoke now was the voice of a killer. "I don't sense anything nearby but there's definitely something lurking deeper within."
  16. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    "Daddy's little goddess," murmured Terrel as she stepped into the room, taking it in as best she could. It was larger than she thought it would be, given the entrance, but mostly just in height. She could see all the walls around the room, wrapping in a circle around the middle of it, but the ceiling was merely black, the torches on the wall refusing to light up the depths above their heads. Clocks had always confused Terrel, but she could remember them even if she had trouble reading them; some people liked to use them as a reference though, and in this situation it would put the two other doors at about 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock on the right and left, respectively.

    Like Rua, the woman didn't feel anything particularly dangerous in the immediate vicinity, so she picked up her courage a bit and took a few steps past the rest of the party, dipping down a small incline that plateaued into the rest of the room. Across the floor were bits and patches of grass growing between what appeared to have once been a stone floor, though that was now covered in grime and littered with tracks that she did not recognize.

    Going out a little ways further into the room, Terrel knelt over the prints, having had some experience with the likes of them back home, and took a moment to study it. They were elongated and narrow, though not particularly large, and it looked as if whatever had left them had a single talon-like toe at both the front and back of its foot. As she studied them, though, a growing sense of uneasiness began to fill her that hadn't been there when she entered the room. For the first few moments, she ignored it, but soon it sank deep into her gut, and she stood up unsteadily, glancing around as if looking for something she couldn't see.

    From the darkness above her, though, a deep, guttural click broke the silence and fear struck her suddenly. Looking up as quick as she could, Terrel had only just enough time to see a large, dark shape descending from the shadows at a rapid speed, eight legs writhing on one side and a huge almost porcelain-like plate covering what must have been the top side of the monster. With a shriek, Terrel flung herself to the side of where she had been kneeling, the hideous spider crashing into the ground where she'd been a moment before.

    It was a Skulltula--those things were bloody real! She hadn't believed the kid when he'd said it, but she recognized it by his description. Terrel felt as if she was going to be sick, but the worst part was that it was already detached from its thread and advancing on her, only moments away.
  17. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    The sweeping sound of a blade hurtling through the air could be heard as Terrel fell, as Rua's sword swept over his hand and came crashing down at the Skulltula's thorax, making a thudding noise as it bit into the spider's hard carapace. It reacted immediately, backing away from the blow and rearing up its forelegs and mandibles as Rua stepped between it and the woman. The creature made an odd hissing noise as he swung his sword again, trying to force the creature away.

    "Damn bugs," he growled, bringing his shield up to bear. Making sure to keep his eyes on the monster, he asked over his shoulder, "You alright?"
  18. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante, too, quieted as he felt the impending danger fraught in the air. Though his hand did not grasp at the handle of his blade, his knees were bent, preparing his body to move the instant his mind commanded it. As Terrel bent down to examine the tracks, Dante's eyes fished the room for any unusual movement, never thinking once to look up to the ceiling. When the Skulltula dropped down from the inky darkness above, he was just as caught off guard as she, though he regained his composure quickly. Having been the last into the room, and the closest to where they had entered it, Dante had a good grasp of the situation in the room. He grabbed the handle of his kukri, the steel leaving its well oiled scabbard with a snick!

    But where there was one, there was likely to be more. As he rushed forward to aid Rua and Terrel, another Skulltula descended from above, placing itself between the prone Terra and himself. Sliding to a halt and growling in frustration, Dante's left hand went to his belt, grasping at his Whirlwind gun. Its compounds eyes stared at him, its mouth clicking together, liquid dripping from its mandibles as it looked at the Deku. He gripped his short blade even more tightly with his right hand, sliding a foot forward as he stepped carefully toward it. He had to keep its attention, lest it turn on Terrel before she got up, yet without the range of his bow, that was still stowed, he was at a disadvantage against an enemy so much larger than he. The overgrown spider reared its legs, several clawed feet swiping at the air between them and judging the distance.

    He did not flinch as the wiry extremities flailed around him, already knowing that the distance between the two was more than the spider's reach. Keeping his wits about him, realizing that he could not expend more resources on this than necessary, if he wished to make it to the top of this goddess forsaken tower, Dante bided his time. He took a few steps backwards to maintain the distance between the two of them and bait it away from his two Hylian allies. Frustrated that its sharp talons had not yet found its way into the Deku's body, the impatient spider returned its legs to the ground and crouched low, readying itself for a pounce.

    Leaping up with its front legs first, to soon be followed by its hind legs, the Skulltula found itself being pushed back by something it had never encountered before; a wall of wind collided with the underside of its front, and though it did not stop its pounce, it altered its timing. A split second more than it had originally anticipated, a window of opportunity Dante had created for himself with his Whirlwind. Having reversed the grip on his sword, his thumb pointing towards the base of its handle, he leaped forward in a dive roll, his right arm extended forward. The weight of his body and the sharpness of the blade was more than enough; the spider lost three legs near their joints as the Deku rolled beneath it, coming to a stand behind it. Had it landed only a moment earlier, its jaws would already be around the Deku's waist, crushing it into nothing more than splinters. Now it writhed in pain as it tipped to the side, momentarily unable to balance itself with its sudden lack of three supporting legs.
  19. Terrel Strong

    Terrel Strong Courage Seeker new

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    "Fine," Terrel grunted back at Rua, scrambling to her feet. Just bloody dandy, she grimaced, if I keep this up then I'll never make it home. Somehow, the thought seemed to bring her to some level of stability. As she came to her senses, she realized that the Deku they had found was proving himself quite mad indeed, dancing with that spider as he was. In another situation, the woman might have laughed to see the little creature moving about to-and-fro, but now she just had to be thankful. That thing, Dante he called himself, was a killing machine with movements more fluid than she'd have thought possible from a creature of his shape and size. That wasn't even mentioning the fact that he seemed to have more than his fair share of tricks up his sleeve.

    The woman forced herself to tear her eye's away from watching Dante, though. He seemed in control of his own situation, at least at the moment, and she owed Rua for stepping between her and this gigantic spider. The thing was repulsive and disgusting, but the worst part was that exoskeleton that seemed to cover its topside quite successfully. Taking a few steps back, the woman managed to get her hands on her crossbow, bolt still at the ready in its mechanism.

    Before she could so much as search for a shot at the first Skulltula that Rua now pressured, something else caught her eye; Terrel yanked her weapon above their heads, aiming at another huge arachnid that was fast descending to fill the gap between Rua and herself. Only, this one seemed intent on going after the man, faced away from her as it was with its soft underbelly exposed. Taking a breath to brace herself, the woman fired, sending a bolt hurtling through the creature. Small though her projectile was, it pierced the creature's flesh and embedded itself on the other side, through the shell, and the force of the attack tore it from its perch and sent it a good distance across the room.
  20. Rua Dragonheart

    Rua Dragonheart Roaming mercenary new

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    Chaos erupted around Rua. More of the beasts descended from the ceiling, first throwing themselves at Dante. The first Skulltula that had appeared skittered forward to renew its attack, and Rua lunged forward to meet it, bringing his shield up before him and his blade down low. The arachnid pushed up and forward, slamming its weight against the shield. Its mandibles and limbs clicked and clattered as it tried to past to grab and bite. Rua had to brace himself, putting one leg back and throwing his weight into his left arm to hold the Skulltula off, snarling in response to its chittering.

    The leather of his gauntlet stretched around his fist as he gripped his sword, and swung up. Two legs flew upwards into the air, end over end, as the mercenary's sword cut through the joints with ease, and the creature made an alien screech as it pulled away from him. Rua gave it no quarter. He darted forward and kicked, catching the Skulltula underneath the corner of its thorax with his boot, and he shoved it onto its side. Its remaining legs writhed about wildly until his blade pierced through its center, and it shrieked again as its limbs splayed outward before curled around itself as Rua pulled the blade back out. He stabbed it again for good measure and spun around as yet another Skulltula hit the floor, its legs also scrambling from the crossbow bolt sticking out of its body.