Victus Natura

Discussion in 'Retired Characters' started by Chaos James, Mar 19, 2011.

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  1. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Rupees: 170
    Life: 100 Rupees
    Nayru's Affection: 40
    Feather Fall: 20
    Rupees: 10
    Rupees: 160

    Name: Victus Natura
    Race: Deku
    Class: Cleric
    Age: 56
    Gender: Male
    Place of Origin: Deku of the Lost Woods
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Power ***
    Wisdom ****
    Courage *
    Height: 3'7
    Weight: 61
    Instrument: Drums (Does not own any instruments though).
    Profession: None

    Weapons: Wrath of Nayru, a 4 foot long warhammer, made of enchanted Deku Wood and a large rock painted with the sign of Nayru on it found near the roots of the Great Deku Tree for the hammerhead.
    Deku Wood Buckler that rests on his left wrist, painted with a red symbol of Nayru.

    Clothing and Armor: He wears robes of dark blue with white hems and a dark blue symbol of Nayru, a simple outfit he has kept repaired as best he could throughout his travels, it is his only pair of clothes.

    Treasures: 10 Rupees
    Bubble Shot: By training himself or herself to do so, a Deku Scrub can blow up the mucus in their mouthes into a large bubble (not unlike that of bubblegum) that forms on the tip of their snout. This bubble can then be spat as a projectile. It's a somewhat sluggish and weak offensive weapon, but it can be used to damage weak enemies akin to Keese, and distract stronger ones. Additionally, an object placed within the Scrub's mouth can be formed of the middle of this bubble and shot in the bubble's center, dropping when the bubble pops.

    Deku Nut Production: By training himself or herself to do so, a Deku Scrub is capable of producing Deku Nuts inside their body, and spitting them orally. The speed of this projectile can be, roughly, anywhere from a fast pitch, or so slow that the nut simply drops out into the user's palm. See the Deku Nut Supply item for more information on Deku Nuts.

    Plant Composition: Being plants rather than animals, Deku Scrubs and Koroks each have various unique aspects of their physiology. First, they can survive on sunlight, water, and minerals easily found in most soil or spring water, though many who have been conditioned to do so crave the food and luxuries of other races, often to the point of addiction. Second, after reaching adulthood around twenty years or so, they age very slowly in comparison to most other races, often not having natural death until at least two centuries after their birth. Third, their bodies are composed of hard wood, their 'hair' of leaves, and they bleed sap, making them somewhat more resilient to certain types of attacks (forceful impacts) and somewhat weaker to others (slashing cuts). Above all, they are weak to fire attacks, as their bodies are extremely flammable. In addition, getting into water past their head for more than a few seconds can be lethal, in a similar way to how eating too much too fast can be deadly for a Hylian. However, their flammability can be overcome with Goron Armor, and their weakness to water with Zora Armor.

    Water Hop: Due to their light weight, wooden bodies, and natural agility, a Deku Scrub or Korok may rebound and jump off the surface of water a few times in quick succession. This is particularly useful for getting across deep chasms of water that submerging themselves in would otherwise be lethal.

    Life: After spending a few seconds concentrating their magical power, the user unleashes a healing force on a nearby ally, mending their wounds, curing their poisons, and ridding them of non-fatal diseases. It cannot bring one back from unconsciousness or death, however. The spell can also be used on oneself, but takes more time to concentrate--just under a minute. Regardless of the intended target, if the user's concentration is interrupted, the spell cannot be cast and they will need to start it over once again.

    Feather Fall: After momentarily projecting the user's magical powers below them, they are capable of slowing down their descent to a fourth of its regular acceleration and velocity. The spell can be cast on the user or any other individuals within their range of vision simultaneously.

    Nayru's Affection: The user swipes an open palm in front of them, which after a moment creates a transparent blue aura in its wake, similar in texture to glass, which sustains in the air for a moment. With good timing, this aura shard can deflect any form of projectiles--magical or mundane. The aura shard then shatters once the spell ends, then dissipates to nothing. Through this aura is frail, it has solid form and is extremely sharp, capable of damaging those who touch its edges--particularly after it shatters. Its effect is similar to that of the Reflect spell.

    Physical Description: Victus stands at a small 3'7, and weighs around 61 pounds. His bark-like skin has a dark maple color to them, and the leaves on his body are a lush light green with streaks of orange. On his head the leaves that make up his hair are slicked back to lay smoothly against his skull, while he also has a bushy beard of leaves that are braided at the bottom. Around he next he has a small wreath of his leaves which extend down his back in two bunchs that give the impression of a cape.

    Residence: None

    Personality: Victus is a seasoned adventurer, and as such he is calm under pressure. He is kind-hearted and a great listener, always willing to lend a helping hand if someone requires it. He is brave but not foolish, and enters battle with prayers to Nayru and simple plans to protect those he is with and take care of the opponent without resorting to killing them unless they are truly evil.

    Backstory: Victus grew up in the Lost Woods, near the small mining town of Darunia, where Victus would often visit to meet the hunters who would often trade goods with the small Deku Scrub in return for directions and woodland oddities he would bring them. It was a peaceful but exciting life to grow up around. Victus was part of a large family, having seven brothers and sisters, and being the oldest of the kids, he took on a very mature role in the family. When he wasn't taking care of his siblings or helping his father gather food , he would spend time with the Hylian hunters and learned stories about Hyrule Castle-Town. Victus long urged to travel to such a place, but his family and his thoughts on his size made him decide not to for many years, until he finally got the courage to do so.

    With such long journey ahead, Victus made the decision to travel with a group of Hylians heading to Castle-Town so he could live within the city walls. He packed up his things and when he arrived at the city he found refuge at a local church, where the kind abbot gave him a room to stay in. In return, Victus agreed to do chores around the church and soon picked up the ways of a Follower of Nayru. When a group of adventurers came by the church to ask for assistance with healing a fallen comrade. While they were there, they told Victus stories about their travels across Hyrule and other far off lands, fighting monsters and helping people. This truly inspired Victus to become an adventurer.

    After 30 years of adventuring later, 15 spent travelling the lands with adventurers, and the better part of his latest 15 years travelling with the sole desire to help those being harmed in Ganon's wake, Victus has explored much of Northern Hyrule, and taken few tender steps into Southern and seen many strange and wonderful locations. He has seen countless battles and travelled with many adventuring groups. Usually when he's not with a group of adventurers, he visits the church where he was trained, the village where he grew up, or visiting random locations to help people in need.
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Great job, I like it.
  3. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Pledged 50 Rupees to The Deku Brigade's charter.
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