Vento Stellae.. for formality

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Chi, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Chi

    Chi Pre-everything insanity girl reg

    Trophy Points:
    Guild Name: Vento Stellae

    Guild Master: Blyss(Amore)

    Brief Guild Summary: A guild of adventurers and ambitious people. Their goal is to be stars in the night for the people of hyrule, showing them a path through the darkness. They are encouraged go out of their way to assist others for good or for cold hard cash. Though one doesn't need to necessarily do good deeds, evil acts are shunned upon unless the pay is extremely good. And when they say extremely good pay, they mean, it will pay off at least a fourth of a giant flying fortress kind of pay. (And those are expensive)

    Lucia(Dr. Genz)

    Blyss puts up 50 rupees for the creation of her guild.