Trudging on Fanfiction authors- not cool [rant thread]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blonde Panther, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    (Not sure where to put a rant thread properly, but I need to get this off my chest.)

    I just read through this article about Zelda fanfiction falling into decline. And I feel deeply insulted in my pride as a writer of fantasy fiction (both fanfiction and original). Which doesn't surprise me much, considering that entire site seems to be a blog for people who think they're god and they're the only ones who are right. But that's not the point.

    Let's take a look at the third paragraph, near the end. Ms. God says
    Now, there is a hint of truth to this. It's common knowledge that 90% of what gets submitted to FanfictionNet is crap and shouldn't be published. I see this in the Fire Emblem section where I am active, as well. Which is why I choose not to read most of what's in there. However, when we finish reading the article, I seriously miss something most people do mind to say and that I, myself, always make sure to include.

    Note how, above, I said 90% of FFnet is crap. The other 10% is readable, good, or gems. Ms. God forgets to include this in her article or apparently considers FFNet a site of which the plug can be pulled and the internet would be a better place.

    This seriously hurts my pride. I try my best to be part of the 10% and FanfictionNet is the only place where I can get confirmation (not unimportant with my self-image) and supportive criticism from people who know the source material and work with it themselves. I used to upload stuff to Deviantart, but DA is a very cold and unforgiving place for anyone who is not visually inclined. Talented visual artists like my Thai friend have a place there. Writers like me don't.

    Now I ask you. Where should I go with my fanfiction? Posting it here on HC would be pointless, since it's the wrong universe. FEPlanet has a separate section for Fire Emblem fanfiction, but the forum is near-dead apart from the RPing section and filled with trolls. I can name at least two or three people on that site who are amongst the active crowd and I would rather not have look at it. I never visit fansites for anything else than canon material, so it would be hypocritical of me to send it there.

    First world problems, I know. But my self-image is bad enough as it is, and I don't need people who think they are god for whatever reason walking over me because I submit to FanfictionNet. If you can suggest me a BETTER place to send in my works for free and with unlimited upload space, as well as enough traffic and attention to non-visual works to actually get noticed, I am all ears, Juliet A. Singleton.
  2. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    I see nothing really in that blog that makes her come off as nothing but a better-than-average writer/storyteller.

    For your main question, if you are confident in your work to considering yourself apart of the "10%" of good writers on the Fire Emblem section of, then continue to post your stories there, and the other people in the 10% will be there for you.

    I believe what Ms. Singleton was trying to get at was the fact that is easy and open to use, which makes it prime for crap to appear on it consistantly. Like DeviantArt, the old Game Maker Community Submission database and Youtube, they are open to the masses and simple to use, have a large audience and don't really filter everything (that isn't illegal or above their site's rating mind you), so they each could be blamed for their respective problems they created in communities (Lens Flares=Art, Horrible Pac-man and Mario Clones, Justin Bieber, ect).

    In the long run: Why change where you post your fanfiction if YOU are happy with the current location, even if someone else says they don't care for it? Would you not write anymore if a friend said "lol fanfiction is stupid, no real writer does it"? Really now, it only comes down to if your enjoying what you are doing and find the means working well.
  3. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    I wouldn't be opposed to you posting your fanfics here. I mean, our creativity section isn't just for LoZ stuff, and we could certainly use more things in there. But, I have no idea where else you might submit to. Fanfiction is the only place I can think of, and while it's true there's a lot of bad fanfiction, there is definitely the 10% you were talking about.

    "In the long run: Why change where you post your fanfiction if YOU are happy with the current location, even if someone else says they don't care for it?"

    But yeah, CJ makes a good point.