Tran (finished)

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Seththeshadow, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Seththeshadow

    Seththeshadow New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    100 rupees
    - 10 rupees (Scent Seed Supply)
    - 75 rupees (Deku Nut Supply)
    15 rupees
    + 50 rupees (Rupee Riches)
    65 rupees

    Name: Tran Denzia

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylian

    Place of Origin: Lost Woods

    Current Location: Hyrule Castle-Town

    PWC: (1/3/4)

    Treasures: 65 rupees

    Abilities/ Magic: Rupee Riches, Sense, Scent Seed Supply, Deku Nut Supply

    Height: 4'2"

    Weight: 85 lbs.

    Equipment: Tran has very few possessions. Everything he owns can be stored in the shabby pack he carries on his back. He has a small, sharp knife with only one cutting edge and a scarred wooden hit. This knife is carried in a sheath in Tran's right boot, on the inside of his leg. The knife is generally hidden by his pant leg.

    In the pack Tran carries a dirty knitted hat, just large enough to over his ears. He also has an old leather duster jacket, his pized possession, rolled up and hidden at the bottom. This jacket is many years old, and was stolen from a shady young Hylian man, who in all likelyhood stole it himself. Any food Tran happens to have at the time is store at the top of the pack. His food supplies generally consist of a loaf of bread.

    The only other item Tran carries is a rupee pouch, worn on his left hip. This is very frequently, but not constantly, empty.

    Appearance: Tran is a short, scrawny Hylian boy with dirty-blond hair and blue eyes. He rarely bathes, as he lacks a place to do so. Tran wears ratty brown cloth pants, held up by a leather belt, and an over sized v-neck cloth shirt tucked through the belt. The neck is loosely tied together by leather strips. He has brown leather gloves, of which the fingers have been cut off, and calf-high leather boots. The boots are the best looking and newest item Tran owns; tightly held to his legs by laces. The inside of his right boot has a slight, almost unnoticeable bulge which is his hidden knife. The boots, much like the rest of his cloths, are dirtied by wear and weather. Tran also wears on his forehead a faded green bandanna folded as a headband. This he frequently uses to disguise his face while thieving.

    Residence: Tran does not have a place of residence. He is technically homeless, and lives on the streets of Hyrule Castle-Town. These days he tends to sleep in the Goron Slums, since fewer people give him funny looks. Although, should he choose to return to the Lost Woods, Tran has family and friends who would take him in.

    Pet: While living in the Lost Woods, the then eight year old Tran noticed that a small red squirrel would frequently come and dig in the dirt by the front door of his families home. After several days of watching this, Tran began to bury small quantities of nuts in that area. He began to make himself known to it, by sitting nearby and watching as the squirrel dug for the nuts. Slowly a trust was formed, and the Hylian and animal became companions. Tran dubbed the small squirrel "Click", after the noise it would make while trying to communicate. Although the pair is completely unable to understand each other, they are rarely separate. Click resides on Tran's shoulders most of the time, but occasionally hides in his pack.

    Backstory: Tran was born in Darunia to Koon and Liara Denzia, two years after Ganon began his assault on Southern Hyrule. When Tran was two years old his parents, convinced that the South would fall, and Ganon would soon sweep through the North, fled to the Lost Woods in hope of survival. Deep in the shadows, the small family was confronted by a group of Hylian thieves. Tran's father caught a glimpse of one of the least experienced thieves coming through the woods and managed to talk his way out of the confrontation with their lives, and rupee pouch intact. The leader of this group was impressed by Koon's wit and love of his family, and invited them back to the Thieves fortress, where they settled. For the next 10 years, Tran lived happily in the Woods with his family and friends.

    Soon after Tran's eighth birthday, he picked the pocket of an experienced thief, much to the amusement of the rest of the population. This thief, a Hylian named Jorge, was surprised yet impressed, and decided to teach Tran how to steal. It took several weeks to persuade Koon to let his son become a thief, but he finally gave in. By his twelfth birthday Tran had learned all he could from his mentor, and decided to leave home. His father, of course, would not allow it. To him, a twelve year old was still too young to leave the comforts of home. Although the threat of Ganon had all but subsided this far North, Koon deemed the land too dangerous for his only son to live off of on his own. Tran had other ideas, and used the skills he had learned in the last four years to escape from home. By now he had a decent knowledge of the Woods, and managed to exit on the Western side.

    Tran knew very little of Hyrule to the West of the Woods, but he set off alone anyways. He wandered West and South for a week, before catching sight of civilization. The settlement he saw was Lon Lon Ranch. He stayed there for three days, before attempting to steal from the wrong man and getting run out of town at the point of a pitchfork. From there he went West again. Soon he was within sight of Hyrule Castle. Tran moved into the town, and lived off the streets, stealing to survive, and begging when he could not steal. On the streets of this great town Tran learned to survive on his own. He picked his targets carefully. Rich, high-class Hylians and the occasional street merchant were the game of choice. Tran has been in Hyrule Castle-Town for a year now, and has yet to be caught.
  2. Seththeshadow

    Seththeshadow New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Re: Tran (still needs work)

    To anyone reading this. Does the height/ weight seem correct for a scrawny 13 year old? I'm bad at that part of character creation. :P
  3. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Re: Tran (still needs work)

    It's shorter and lighter than usual for a human that age, but just barely within the 90% percentile range.
  4. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    I see no reason for this to be rejected, but I feel Tran's pet should have a little more description to it. Accepted.
  5. Seththeshadow

    Seththeshadow New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Thanks Guy! :D

    If anyone notices spelling or grammar errors, please point them out. I would be very grateful. D:
  6. Seththeshadow

    Seththeshadow New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    +1 Courage for becoming HC Regular.