Tordain Gallows (The Jolly Joker)

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Eternis, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Tordain Gallows (Jolly Joker)

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylian

    Place of Origin: Hyrule Castle Town

    PWC: 1/2/5

    Treasures: Bonus Treasure [Handheld Illusion] (Racial Perk), Specialty: Illusion (Racial Perk), Business [Profession: Clown] (Racial Perk), Illusive Shadow (20R), Actor's Illusion (40R), Handheld Illusion (Free), Adventure Pouch (40R).

    Rupees: 0

    Profession(s): Clown (1)

    Height: 6'5" (1.91m)

    Weight: 220lb. (100kg)

    Equipment: Clown make-up, 3 clown dolls (one child's toy sized, one child sized, and one the same height as Tordin, complete with his outfit), Clown Outfit, Clown Bag (A rather large Adventure/Compaction Pouch, coloured as if it were a circus tent), 7 over-large clown noses that honk, Seltzer water, flower-sprayer, six sets of six flour-filled juggling balls, three cream pies, sixteen deflated long balloons, and a telescopic ladder.

    Appearance: Tordain, without his outfit, is one of the plainest men you could ever see. Average height, weight, build, brown-ish hair that in some lights could be blond, and in others, black. Nondescript brown eyes that sometimes look kinda greenish or blackish, depending on the situation, and an average nose complete the look to make him entirely forgettable.

    His clown outfit is a different matter. Red and yellow-striped pants, complete with suspenders cover a white pair of heart-strewn boxer underwear. His tight, long-sleeved orange and green shirt offends the eyes in such a way that they are constantly drawn to it, and then to the bright yellow carnation often festooned just in front of the shirt. Looking up, they see a simple white-washed face with bright red lips painted in an over-wide grin past the corners of his own mouth, and black make-up surrounding the eyes, which when closed, reveal that the eyelids are painted to mimic the Jolly Joker's eyes exactly, as if here were still looking straight ahead. His bright green clown wig is a shock of curly hair cascading down either side of his face. When his white-gloved hands aren't juggling, they're often making balloon animals or otherwise clowning around.

    Residence: None he personally owns, but as a member of the Guild of Clowns, there's always a room available for him in the "House of Mirth".

    Pet: None

    Backstory: Tordain Gallows was an orphan who had the severe misfortune of being brought up in the Clown's Guild, known externally as the House of Mirth, but internally as Dullard's Heaven. His first task there was to memorise the full "Book of Jokes", the complete list of jokes officially accepted by the Guild, guaranteed to make people feel mildly uncomfortable, at the very least. This tedious task took him three years to complete, as he had been unable to read when he arrived at the age of four.
    From then, his training began in the art of slapstick. Here, he shone. He was a natural clown in this regard, capable of hitting the others with just the right amount of force to look convincing, but not actually cause pain. Unfortunately, this caught the attention of General Giggles, the head of the secretive Battle Clown section of the guild. Once again, Tordain proved his natural talent, managing a three-man ladder tie and seven consecutive pies in the air before reaching the age of twelve. He was taught the arts of Battle Clowning until, at the age of seventeen, the clown who first took him in taught him how to use his first illusion.
    While not nearly as good at illusion as he was in terms of Battle Clowning, he loved every minute he spent on it. His first illusion was a simple one, just that of an apple in his hand, after a month of hard work. From there, nearly every waking moment for the next several years was spent on the art of illusion. He was taught how to disguise himself via illusion, and to make more and more minor modifications to his image in this way. His shadow itself became a tool for him, and illusions started to get easier and easier for him to cast. At the age of twenty-three, his many talents caught the notice of the shadowy Council of the Jugglers, which pulled him out form his regular clowning and initiated him into the council.

    What they did after that, not even Tordain himself remembers, but at the age of thirty, he was sent back onto the streets with his full clowning ability and his Clown Bag full of tools, scraping out a living as a street performer in Hyrule Castle Town.
    That is, until he heard the "Honk" as a man walked past him in an alley while Tordain was in plainclothes, waving a white-polka-dotted red handkerchief in his face.

    The Jolly Joker stepped out of the alleyway two hours later, bouncing along to a fountain plaza where he was due for an appearance.

    Left behind in the alley was a thuggish thief, strangled to death with a pink balloon elephant, a bright red overlarge clown nose placed delicately over the thief's own.

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    A few things...
    - The only real reason I can't accept this is that Illusive Shadow should cost Tordain 20 rupees, not 10.
    - Under residence, the line abruptly ends after, "None he personally owns, but as"...
    - It would help someone read this more easily if you hit the enter key more often... especially under the treasure list.
    - There's no reason to have the "Honor" line at the top, since Hylian Honor is now a defunct system.
  3. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

    Trophy Points:
    Changes made.
  4. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
  5. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

    Trophy Points:
    Better Magician
    Due to me becoming a regular, Tordain gains +1 Wisdom!