This One Time, In Morgue Swamp.... [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by SenpaiPancake, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name:This One Time, In Morgue Swamp....

    Description: What happens when you put together an obsessive Ice Mage Hylian, a racist vampire Kokiri, a jackass, fire-loving Deku, and two douchey, swindling thieves, bumbling through the Morgue Swamp? Shenanigans. Lots and lots of shenanigans.

    Oh. And putting down an uprising of the local River Zora for the Zora of Lake Hylia.


    Ignis Nemus - SenpaiPancake
    Sapientia Mercator - double_r111
    Blyss - Chie
    Rayna Reinhardt - HiganRetour
    Hatshepsut - Duckstapler


    TBD - SenpaiPancake
    Ice Rod (50 rupees) - double_r111
    TBD - Chie
    50 rupees - HiganRetour
    TBD - Duckstapler
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Hurp. I'm not trying to be a douche, but I am pointing out that a proposed quest like this can't be accepted in its current state for the latter 2 of the 3 reasons. Just as a reminder to anyone who's reading this, the quest system was designed so you could make a quest out of a role-play--not post a quest and role-play that quest. It seems apparent that the "goal" of the RP hasn't been decided yet, but after a few posts some conflict could be introduced, and along the way everyone could find a treasure of some kind (or if not, then meta-rupees). You could then just post a quest thread after that point, rather than posting it first without any real direction, and then editing it again several times later.

    Again, I'm not trying to wave my finger and say "Bad Jarin." I'm just trying to point out what many of us seem to be forgetting... That is, you really don't have to define your RP with a quest before you even starts the thread.

    EDIT: As Jarin has edited his post, it now has "some intended goal," but for some characters it still lists a reward as "TBD." As soon as those rewards are clarified, then you're good to go.