The Thief

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by Fcgfyv, Jun 2, 2013.

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  1. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

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    "Aargh, I broke another one!" Slink exclaims in anger. He had been at his post for hours with no customers, so he tried whittle a stick with his knife to pass the time. He wasn't being very successful, and in between his feet there was a pile of wood shavings and broken fragments of sticks. This was starting to frustrate him. He notices some sweat rolling down his head, so he puts on his bandana. He reaches over to the tree behind him to grab another stick, when loud clanking sounds disrupt his concentration, to which he almost falls from his perch. Not too far below him, he notices a man stumbling around with a lot of objects. Was he a merchant? If so, he would be very foolish to bring so many valuables without at least a guard, if not an escort.

    Slink grabs the vine rope in his lookout, makes sure that it is securely tied around his waist, and rappels down the side of the tree. Once he reached the bottom, he quickly untied his knot, and ran to meet his guest at the edge of the woods.
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