The Start of a Journey (and help)

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Kienamaru, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

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    Alright so I recently finished up my character sheet and got accepted a few weeks ago I think. Anyway, I'd like to find some travelling companions for a journey. I'm not the kind of person with the creative mind to weave a story so I'm afraid I won't be doing a leading role. If anyone is interested in starting up a RP in Hyrule Castle Town or in the vicinity of the town, let me know and I'd be more than pleased to have my first rp here. If at all possible I'd prefer to have partners around or below 20 if that's okay. A little bit about my character.

    He's the son of a merchant from Hyrule Castle Town and is interested in finally getting out to see the world. He is 15 years old and has a bit of skill with magic.

    (for the help that I need. The only kind of structured roleplaying I've ever done was DnD. How do we determine attack strength, health, and all that stuff? Do we have boss fights and etc? What are some key things I might need to know about rping if I want to be successful?)
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    For your help: As far as I know, the Hyrule RP doesn't use any stats whatesoever. You determine attack strength, health, and all that stuff purely on common sense. You can have boss fights if you want, but to my knowledge they're anything but mandatory for Quests.

    EDIT: Also, to make the name of your character an url in your sidebar, use name of character here.
  3. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    I'm not staff, but unless someone has already I'll help elaborate on what BP said.

    She's correct, there aren't any stats on HC, nothing of the sort. How hard your character hits, if they swing before the opponent, etc. All of that stuff is based on common sense/logical analysis based on the strengths and weaknesses you've given your character and that you've(or someone else has) given the opponent.

    So, say, for example, your character was stabbed in the arm. There isn't any HP damage he would take, but it's clear that he'd be quite injured, right? It's kind of along those lines. Since you've played DnD, I'll try to use that as an example, for combat at least. Roleplaying here is a lot less strict in terms of rules and mechanics. There aren't any turn orders(Although in the case of DnD it's supposed to be all happening at almost the same time), you don't have to make rolls to do certain things, nothing of that sort.

    As such, it can be somewhat difficult to get into at first, so I'll give you some advice. The most important thing to do is to keep realism in mind, as it's what drives combat since there's a lack of stats and such. Can the character you made do X? Then do X(If you want). Can he not do X? Then don't do X(Or have him fail at doing X, your choice). Of course, it's not quite THAT simple, but it's not very hard.

    Second, don't be afraid to go too far with something or do something you're not sure about. Trust me, some people here will be happy to tell you if you make a mistake or if you're going overboard with something, and it's best to learn the limits of the system by going too far than always creeping along hoping you don't mess up.

    Of course, with that being said, don't be afraid to ask someone, especially Quill, he's Nice McGees. If you're not sure about something, someone probably knows and can help you out.

    Another thing is what you said about not being able to weave a story. Don't worry about that, because that's okay! Even if you're not very good at it, it's not a requirement. Although stories can be fun, sometimes the funnest RPs are the spontaneous ones you make up post by post. I dunno how much roleplaying experience you have, but unlike DnD, where things are done in sessions and there needs to be a certain level of planning from the GM generally, posts aren't quite like that. You have time to think about what you want to do each post, so it's perfectly acceptable to make it up as you go.

    Other than that, I'm not sure what else to say off the top of my head, other than RPing basics listed in the whatever thread. Hope I helped, if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

    As for boss fights, grand boss fights are like the best part. Like BP said though, they're not required at all. Actually, combat isn't required at all for a quest either, it can just be character interaction. You can have cool boss fights if you want though, and you should, they're really great.

    Oh, and sorry for posting here when you're just looking for someone to RP with, hope I gave you some helpful advice!