The "Hero" Goes It Alone [Open]

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by AdriusVale, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. AdriusVale

    AdriusVale Member reg

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    It was a nice simple and peaceful day to the everyday Hylian in Castle Town, but little did they know that on this particular day a young man with his head held high and his sights towards the goal of making a difference in the fight against Ganon was about to embark on his journey one that likely lead to him getting in WAY over his head. Though to Adrius that didn't matter in fact failure and the risks didn't even cross his mind, though this was simply due to his naivety. He walked out of Castle Town from the drawbridge mentally saying goodbye to the familiar sights and sounds that he has known all his life. The wind brushed against his face and ran through his hair as he steps off the drawbridge and into the field of Hyrule.

    Filled with zeal and wounder he dashes to meet the world and explore what is and wounder what might be. After a minuets of dashing through the open field the wind still hitting his face and the sun beating down on his head the young man dulls his speed to a trout deciding to take in the world around him. He noticed the few trees that didn't have cats in them or people walking by them for the first time he was experiencing the truest form of nature without the distraction of people, but in that moment he realized something.

    In all his excitement over leaving he had never realized it. He is alone, isolated even for the first time in his life. If he screamed no one would hear it. This thought swirled inside of his mind as he fell to the ground and looked at the clouds. He didn't know how to deal with this new feeling it frightened him to an extent.
  2. AdriusVale

    AdriusVale Member reg

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    Adrius got up from being on the ground and set off south. He didn't know what he would find but he figured it was better than standing in place. While meandering around the smells of nature eased his nerves a bit. I've never been out of the city before this is frightning, but I must have courage like Link. This thougt it what allowed him to move forward in this time of distress.

    He walked until he fell into a hole from not paying attension. Man it's dark in here but I know how to fix this. He illuminated his sword with his Light Enchantment and saw a skelleton in gis face. "Ahh!" Adrius screamed in suprise.
  3. AdriusVale

    AdriusVale Member reg

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    After a few moments in shock Adrius tried to snap himself out of his fears. It's okay Adrius it's just a skeleton it's not like you'll die down here....where no one can find you.....all alone. "I am so dead." He crouched down against a wall as he spoke; his fear restricting him. "I need to get out of here." He managed to pick himself up off the ground and walk forward using his sword for light. "They say true courage is moving forward even when you're afraid, goddesses give me strength."

    The young man crept forward threw whatever he had fallen into, his fear still slowing him down. He did not know if it was the cold, dark, damp, and frankly smelly cavern he had fallen into or the fact that he was where he is alone that scared him more, but lingering in this place wasn't going to answer that question. After a bit he heard a noise and frantically looked around to see where it had came from. He saw nothing all around, but he realized he never looked up in doing so he notice that his light had woken up some keese.

    "Keese these should be easy to defeat." The group of keese swarmed Adrius as he swung his sword around him. In his frantic flurry he managed to only strike down one keese and re-illuminated his sword. They had backed off of him but he had a good way of hitting at least one of the four remaining keese. He held out his left hand with an open palm and gather his magic into it. He was afraid but he had prayed to the goddess that he have strength so he did not worry.

    He aimed steadily and shot a white ball of light that struck one of the remaining keese, and the ball burst into a pale moonlight. He had three Keese left and his resolve was a bit stronger than it had been previously been; the young hylian refused to die here. He waited for the keese to draw closer his mind calmed in the heat of combat. As they drew near he struck three times and dispatched the keese. "I hope there aren't more of them."
  4. AdriusVale

    AdriusVale Member reg

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    Adrius continued onward his sword providing a dim luminescent light that radiated for a few meters. He could see the trail ahead but no end in sight; he continued to worried about what was down in the cave as he wandered forward . His feet began to drag as he began feeling fatigued from the long walking and combat. I'm exhausted, I need to take a rest . He sat down against a wall and began to fall asleep his eyes growing heavier by the second as he nodded off into a blissfully unaware sleep.

    He awoke to being dragged off unaware he looked around. He looked around and couldn't see. When he stopped a room became lit he noticed he had been taken by bandits. "What do you want?" Adrius was not about to kill bandits. They all looked like they could take him in a one on one fight let alone him out numbered ten-to-one. The one who approached him appeared to be the leader. He circled the young man sizing him up to see if he was a threat.

    "How did you find this place?" The leader of the bandits inquired now looking the young hylian in the face. The group of bandits seemed eager to kill Adrius depending on the response that he gave. He explained what happened how he fell and then he got knocked out, and he awoke above ground and started back to Hyrule castletown in what he believed was north.