The Guild Hall has been deleted

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Guy, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Bitoko has recently decided to abandon the idea of the Guild Hall and making guilds officially recognized. As I strongly agree with this decision, I have taken the liberty of deleting the Guild Hall Forum and its forums, and have consequently moved all the threads therein to the role-play Archives.

    If anyone has subtracted rupees from their total in pledging to a guild, feel free to reclaim them. In addition, please understand that the guilds which have already been created may still exist within Hyrule if you wish it so (as the Deku Brigade certainly will be). These guilds will simply not be officially recorded, nor receive any form of inexplicable bonuses.
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Thank you Guy, I was planning on deleting them, I've just had a very busy week.

    So yeah, guilds will still exist, but only in character.