The Crane - the heart of your fears

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Tsubori, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Alexia Humble (Better known [or lack thereof] now as The Crane)
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Race: Hylian
    Place of Origin: Hyrule Castle town
    PWC: 1/5/3 
    Rupee riches
    Magic proficiency

    `Terror Miasma
    Original: Tsubori , Spell - offense
    [Conjuration], [Illusion]

    W5: 125 rupees
    W4: 180 rupees

    Prerequisites: user must be wisdom 4 or 5 and have experienced extreme fear before.

    Upon concentrating all their focus on their own fears, the user of this spell begins emanating a strange mist, black in colour. The mist will usually stretch to about fiffeen feet from the user, If inhaled, this most triggers the most horrifying thoughts available to the victim. The more breathed in, the worse the effects of the spell. The degree of how affected they are is obviously dependent on their courage but only those with courage 5 are able to fully resist it's effects, if only a bit anxious or on edge. 

    At courage 4, the victim become paranoid and sceptical, and will see shadows shift and bend in strange ways. Courage 3 brings on generally terrifying visions and horrific sounds, causing them to likely panic and try to flee, though with the miasma in their body, the visions often follow. Courage 2 brings more personalized fears, where people the victim loves will distort and shift or die horrible in front of them many times over. This is where the person's specific fears show their face, haunting them until the effect runs out.

    Those with courage 1 are in most cases incapacitated for hours, if not days. However, players should keep in mind not being an ass and using it on player characters without their player's permission. Obviously, in part to the fact that they're already using their fears to activate the spell, the caster is immune to the spell.

    That would probably fall under the category of major unique treasure. 

    Remaining 75

    Height: 4 feet 4 inches
    Weight: 75 lbs
    Equipment: Alexia wears a strange glove as a weapon, one where the index finger is an elongated claw, sharpened to an insane degree. Apart from this, she's only really equipped with no less than six cloaks, worn at all times. 

    Appearance: A mysterious figure to say the least, Alexia herself is a somewhat pale, thin woman, and her shoulder length blonde hair is wavy and dry. Golden colored eyes peer darkly out from her mask.

    Physically, the woman isn't particularly imposing, especially because she likely couldn't hold her own in a fight. Her main strength lies in her mysterious nature, and the fact that nobody knows what she looks like, or even that she's a woman due to her mask and cloaks. Even when speaking, she masks her voice using a low, guttural tone nullified even at that by the mask.

    For clothing, all she wears is really her cloaks. Underneath, wearing anything more than underwear would probably give her severe heatstroke due to the intense heat just from six cloaks. The thing that makes her the most mysterious though, is the black silver mask that covers her face. From what everyone can tell, it's simply a normal face, of a rather grim looking one. Though the slits in the eyes let her golden eyes appear through. Occasionally a few strands of her blonde hair are visible from the eyeholes, but it's hardly enough to be able to tell anything about her.

    Personality: The first and foremost thing about Crane is her psychopathic obsession with fear, be it her own, people she knows, or a complete stranger's. This makes the woman naturally fearful, meek to anything she is unused to. Especially when she doesn't have the anonymity of wearing her mask as The Crane, Alexia is a shy, easily intimidated girl, not unlike a child. 

    Despite her obsession with fear, and success in her field, Alexia doesn't consider herself truly evil, as she hasn't actually killed someone before. She has obviously messed people up beyond recovery, but she considers that loss as a price for her studies. Even she doesn't know what she hopes to gain from this, but she believes it will become evident to her one day.

    Due to her extreme exposure to her own fears, Alexia goes very frequently between being afraid to being sad to being angry. This makes her extremely unstable, and likely very dangerous to be around.

    Residence: Underneath her old home, she has a "Lair" if you will. Here she has a whole collection of (currently) 89 diaries, all containing the findings she's had about people. A small bed lies in the corner, along with all her books from her childhood. Locked behind a heavy door and given food every day is a man named Samuel. Crane took him captive, and uses him as a test for any of her fear inducing magic. Due to this, he's obviously long gone insane.

    Backstory: Alexia started as a very sweet young girl, exactly what would be expected from a nice, well off family. Her parents both loved her very much, and growing up, she lived them too. Every day was full of fun and joy, with her mother and father often playing games with her like hide and go seek. There was even one point in the house that when she hid there, her parents never found her. Behind the bookshelf in their basement was a staircase leading down to a long forgotten room, and nobody had ever found her when she hid there. Her mother liked teaching Alexia a few small things in magic, but one night when she was eight her lessons were cut short. 

    Two people had broken into their house, armed and dangerous. They wanted some rupees and jewelry from the the place, but neither was a hero, so that wouldn't be allowed. Alexia's father grabbed a sword, and  went downstairs. At the time, the girl was in her room, but when she heard the commotion, she curiously wandered downstairs. One of the robbers took this advantage, putting the child at knife point. When Alexia's mother realized what was happening, she too came into the room, begging the robber not to do anything. The rest is the most vivid thing Alexia remembers about her life, as whenever she uses her Miasma, this is the fear she thinks about.

    Her mother was crying, father furious. One of the men stood in front, demanding money with the other behind her, knife to her throat. The threats were flying back and forth. They'd kill her, her dad would kill them, it just went back and forth until to prove a point, the man holding Alexia swept the blade across her cheek, drawing blood and cutting deep as the girl screamed, tears in et eyes. 

    The situation was too much, especially after seeing her daughters's blood. She desperately threw herself towards Alexia, but the nervous robbers interpreted it as an attack, slashing in retaliation. Throat bloody, her mother fell. The knife used did as well, and Alexia was released. She ran over to her father, hugging his leg with her whole body trembling.

    The men weren't murderers, they only wanted to steal stuff and never had any intention to actually kill anyone. Her father's voice bellowed out to them, dashing forward and decapitating the one who'd been holding Alexia. Now extremely remorseful, the last robber tried to reason with her father. Claimed what he had done was out of fear. Screaming at the top of his lungs, his exact words ring perfectly in her mind. "Scared?! You were scared?! Look my daughter in the eyes and tell me you're the one who's scared!!" He knew how terrified she was, and she immediately ran off to her hiding spot, only emerging after her father was swearing and crying about the other man getting away. It was odd... He didn't seem scared... 

    Days later, she asked him about it. Wiping his eyes from the memories, he told her that everyone deals with fear differently. He was just as scared as she was. That made her curious. She thought about her desperation to get to Alexia, and wondered if that was how she showed her fear. And the robbers... She began thinking through people, not knowing if she'd ever seen them show fear or not. Secretly, she began working off of a spell her mother had started teaching her, one that made people more joyful around her. She had never finished it, but now Alexia had a new interest. She began trying to use her mother's spell book with that spell and modify it to incite fear. She kept it from her father of course. 

    A year had passed, and Alexia had made considerable progress on the spell. Her father, on the other hand, was in the market when he saw the man from that night. He didn't ask questions. He didn't wait. He walked up to the man, cutting his throat on the spot. He knew it was the murderer, and it was; however, the man had no proof. The guards swarmed to him, and with no proof of his deeds, Alexia's father was locked up. He demanded that the guards find a place for his daughter, and not leave her alone. 

    Despite this compassion, when the guards came to put Alexia into foster care, she didn't open the door. Fear overtook her and she fled to her safe place. Even when they knocked down the door to search for her, she remained hidden, terrified that the monsters would find her and hurt her. The guards eventually left, figuring the girl had run away. 

    This left Alexia, a nine year old girl, all alone. And once more, she was perplexed by her fear, making her even more intrigued by it. She began keeping a log on her own times she'd felt fear, and continued working on her spell.

    Within a month or so, she needed more food than what they had, so she donned a cloak, hoping nobody would know who she was. It worked, and she used the money from the house to support herself. As her studies went on, she found the spell worked best when thinking of the desired emotion yourself. She decided to test her new spell.

    Now ten and putting on a ton of cloaks to conceal everything from her frame to her skin tone, she went out in the night and found a lone boy, about 14. She got his attention, and once he became curious about her, she unleashed her miasma on him. The boy passed out, shaking in terror, and Alexia brought him back to her hideout. From then on, she used him as a test subject for any advances she made, ensuring her spell turned out perfectly. 

    When her spell was perfected, she began stalking people in the night, ensuring they were alone, and using her miasma on them, recording the results of their fears. One thing that seemed consistent in all people was the starting "Calm" as she called it. The victims would see a lone crane walking closer, and this was when their fears began to unfold in front of them. Since her testing, the myth of the Crane has been told to many children, none of them really knowing the truth within the tale. 
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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