Terralyn Jiana - Ruin Maniac

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Tsubori, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Terralyn Jiana 
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Race: Hylian
    Place of Origin: Hyrule Castle town
    PWC: 2/5/2
    Magic proficiency + 50 rupees
    Rupee Riches + 50 rupees

    Ice enchantment - 45 rupees
    Compaction pouch - 60 rupees
    Dominion rod - 35 rupees
    Archmage's Pathfinder - 75 rupees

    Remaining 35

    Height: 6 feet 3 inches
    Weight: 150lbs
    Equipment: To ensure her Archeological studies go well, while in her actual outfit she'll carry a compaction pouch, containing her small one person tent, portable mattress , small excavation kit, and all her physical treasures. 

    Appearance: Terra is a pretty girl, if a bit unkempt. Her thin stature is a show of the meals she's forgone to keep up her research, and her sleepy eyes definitely stand out. She is afflicted by central heterochromia in both eyes, with silver pupils, blue piercing out from the centers. Shoulder length black hair shaggily waves around her head, about as well kept as the rest of her. When she actually attempts to do anything with it, though, she ties it in a brown ribbon, giving her a nice ponytail.

    When it comes to her body, two decades of not so much activity have left her a tad unathletic, but by no means incapable. Lots of movement between places and carrying have actually given her a bit of arm and leg strength, but she surely doesn't have the cardio to keep any of that up. Apart from this, she has a relatively large chest, which much to her annoyance, gets her attention sometimes when she doesn't want it. Normally Terra can be seen slouching or leaning, a credit to the amount of care she has in her usual appearance. 

    The two outfits for Terralyn are fairly basic. The first is her Archeology outfit. It's a beige button up shirt with somewhat shorter sleeves, and tight, light pants of the same colour, ending at halfway down her shins. To top it off she has a red bandana to keep her hair away from her eyes even more and beige leather boots.

    Her casual clothes are just that: casual. All it is is a white tank top, grey cargo pants and sandals. This is mostly for if she's around her house, but she certainly doesn't care if she's like that outside her house as long as it won't hinder her work. 

    Personality: Terra is an odd breed of girl, where instead of any type of personal gain, all she desires is to uncover the secrets of the ancient world and reveal them to the current one. This is all in the wish of being like her father, who's been missing for the past ten years. The main thing her father gave her was a love for ruins and temples, anything ancient and explorable, really. This means that she's very daring and headstrong when exploring, even when in great danger. When inside or around her fascination, she becomes oblivious to almost everything else. She'll rant to no end, and go into a fangirl mindset, announcing everything regardless of whether the people around her actually give a damn.

    When dealing with people normally, Terra is a sarcastic, socially awkward person, but that's not to say she doesn't try to talk to people. She just sucks at it. Her mood is usually pretty good, especially if she's on route to or through ruins or anything. One problem with her is that she normally seems very tired or sleepy, due to her extreme diligence in study and research. 

    She considers herself to be quite the optimist, able to see the silver lining in any situation, though her delivery in explaining it is likely to get botched.

    Residence: Out in the plains near the lost woods, Terra has a small cabin, and within this cabin is a bed and many desks, all strewn with maps and translation keys and anything else she can get her hands on. Nary a hellhole exists that is as unorganized and messy as this cabin, yet she still somehow seems to know where everything is within it. She only uses it between travels anyway.
    Backstory: Terra was born to a family in Hyrule castle town where she lived for most of her life. Her mother stayed at home, watching over her, and her father was an explorer. He had a passion for ruins and temples, and Terra looked up to him. He taught her about ruins, and how they all seemed connected. From his research and explorations, everything he'd found led to a single place. The Savage cave of Ordeals. Terra was fascinated with his tales, and all of the things he did, so she idolized the man. Her mother taught her the fundamentals of magic, and she picked it up alarmingly fast, given her father's genes.

    This brought on massive confusion when one day he never came home. Terra was devastated, but her mother tried to coddle her. Instead, the girl went to her father's study, looking at everything. And it was there that she found a map leading her near the lost woods with a key underneath it. She took all of her father's research and used some of her allowance money to buy herself a compaction pouch for his notes. She then ran away from home, striving for where the map led her. 

    Eventually she found it, a small cabin less than a kilometer from the lost woods. Using her key, this girl of no more than fourteen years walked into her father's hideaway. There she found things beyond her wildest dreams. Proofs of all his stories, including trophies from his victories. 

    So there Terra lived, looking over every scrap of paper her father had placed in the cabin, and she also discovered his tool kit and dominion rod, claimed from some ruins. Using his research, she continued where he left off, exploring every various ruin and temple she could find. Her hope was not only that she would finish what he started, but maybe that of she continued searching, she would find out where he was and what had happened to him. These were her goals, and she was undeterable.
  2. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    The character is fine, but there is a small problem. Your rupee costs add up to 160, so you'll have to remove one of the items. Other than that, it looks fine to me, though!
  3. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Alright, all fixed up, methinks :D
  4. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Alright, it's fine to me! Approved!
  5. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Updated for regular promotion.
  6. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    This will be Terra's transaction post. It will be updated for all the money she gets and loses with treasures.

    Starting balance:
    60 r.​

    Transaction 1 (The Lizalfos breeding grounds via income)
    +Archmage's pathfinder -25 r.​
    Current Balance:
    35 r.​