Summon: Like-Like

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Quill, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    This is a proposed replacement of the current treasure, which is based off of P/W/C and a summoning-ranking system.

    Name: Summon: Like-Like

    P/W/C Type: Wisdom

    Appearance: n/a

    Description of Function: The caster may summon a single Like-Like that will do his bidding to the best of its abilities. This Like-Like is identical to wild Like-Likes in all respects, including having the ability to suck tangible items from its victims. The caster may spend an additional 10 rupees for the ability to summon another Like-Like; however, this maxes out at five total Like-Likes. The caster may also spend an additional 10 rupees for the ability to summon Like-Likes who can burrow under the ground, leaving only a small 'item' on the floor to lure in its prey.

    Limitation: Any Like-Likes summoned past the caster's limit will supersede the oldest.
  2. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    Trophy Points:
    So I think this should be okay, but I don't know how I feel about someone having five of these. Like-Likes are really irritating creatures that even the Hero never had to face more than a couple of at a time. Five would be horrifying, especially since you could re-summon them. I'm thinking either just 1 or 3, though I would like R.D.'s input on this as well.
  3. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    I'm fine with that. Ardee?
  4. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

    Trophy Points:
    Just one. A single Like-Like can take ample amounts of punishment and can strip a character of defensive armaments with their canon abilities alone. They're also sizeable creatures. 5 is definitely not gonna fly.
  5. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Summon: Like-Like

    P/W/C Type: Wisdom

    Appearance: n/a

    Description of Function: The caster may summon one single Like-Like that will do his bidding to the best of its abilities. This Like-Like is identical to wild Like-Likes in all respects, including having the ability to suck tangible items from its victims. The caster may also spend an additional 10 rupees for the ability to summon Like-Likes who can burrow under the ground, leaving only a small 'item' on the floor to lure in its prey.

    Limitation: Any Like-Likes summoned past the caster's limit will supersede the oldest.
  6. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    Trophy Points:
    I wonder if they have teeth...

  7. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

    Trophy Points:
    Christ, I'd hope not.

  8. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Canonical or Original?

    `Summon: Like-Like
    Original: Quill, Spell - Utility

    W5: 30 rupees
    W4: 45 rupees
    W3: 60 rupees
    W2: 80 rupees
    W1: 105 rupees

    The caster may summon one single Like-Like that will do his bidding to the best of its abilities. This Like-Like is identical to wild Like-Likes in all respects, including having the ability to suck tangible items from its victims. The caster may also spend an additional 10 rupees for the ability to summon Like-Likes who can burrow under the ground, leaving only a small 'item' on the floor to lure in its prey. If a Like-Like is summoned past the single limit, it will supersede the existing summoned Like-Like.
  9. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    Trophy Points:
    Original should be good. Approved.