Stone Skin

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Blonde Panther, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Apologies for not using the template, but I don't think I need it in order to make my point clear here...

    Current description for Stone Skin
    Did you miss that?
    I think this needs to be removed. People could use it to make their Goron breathe underwater and that's just one thing I can think of off the top of my head. People who intend to use this to godmod can come up with much more powerful uses for this loophole.
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

    I second this. Their not needing to breath would actually suggest that they could survive in an airless environment/vacuum. I do not want to see space gorons. :U
  3. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Canon conflicts. On the one hand, we have the TP Goron. On the other, we have MM Link. I would rather go with the MM, personally, since deep water was what I always imagined as the Gorons' weakness.

    But, Will, do you mean I can't make my Gust Bellows / Dragonrider Goron and fly out to deep space to combat the possessed moon? :tpr:
  4. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Same here, Quill. I actually forgot the TP Gorons because I'm so used to Goron Link INSTANTLY DYING when he so much as dips his toes in knee-deep water.
  5. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

    Well let's be honest here, the main reason we have MM!Link being teleported out of water whenever he was in goron form was basically for multiform balance. I was always okay with the lack of needing to breathe from Gorons in TP and beyond because even then it has its own drawbacks, like how for all intents and purposes, gorons still can't swim, or even float.

    As for people who attempt "Space Gorons", or Space anything for that matter, we'd end up slapping him down anyway, regardless of the presence of this particular feature.

    As it stands, a Goron that needs to breathe while underwater is essentially condemned to a slow death from drowning due to its weight making it impossible for it to escape deep water in time.
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Moving this to Unaccepted. BP, if you've got another point you'd like to bring up, just PM me and I'll move it back no problem.