Split Augment

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Saria, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

    Trophy Points:
    This Augment helps to negate the "The caster cannot cast this spell again within a approximately one minute of the last cast (regardless of whether or not she was split apart with the last casting)" clause, decreasing the cool down to ??? seconds.

    However, the natural laws of entropy begin to apply with more frequent casting. A handful or so casts within a short amount of time will leave the caster dazed, confused, and disoriented. Dashing in an out of reality too frequently can cause hallucinations and in unskilled casters physical ailments such as nausea or vomiting. Too frequent usage of this augment can cause long term damage to the user, varying from minor, random auditory hallucinations to eventual total psychosis.

    This treasure variation is a of Zant's frequent use of teleportation abilities. Because everyone knows Zant was the pinnacle of stability and sanity. :tpr: If you love me a lot add another augment to turn it into a major treasure and negate the cool down completely but using it like that a lot basically guarantees long term psychological issues to the point of eventual insanity (Denethor tier). But cloud said that was too OP.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014