Smuggling Pocket [Open] [Review]

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Razgriz, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

    Trophy Points:
    Smuggling pocket
    Original- Razgriz, Spell - Utility

    W5 or C5: 30
    W4 or C4: 40
    W3 or C3: 60
    W2 or C2: 90
    W1 or C1: 150

    Extremely popular with smugglers and couriers, this spell allows a character to create a small pocket dimension in which one small object, no larger than a large knife, may be stashed and retrieved at will. The character must first spend a few minutes magically “imprinting” a unique magical signature onto the item after which the item will disappear into the dimension.

    They may recall the item at any time which a silent, mental rite lasting a few seconds and it will immediately appear in contact with their hand and otherwise in any orientation (so a knife may appear hidden in the sleeve, or grasped in the user's hand), but may not be summoned as so to “appear” in a person or object. Any object which has a soul, is in some way sentient, or alive (such as Piccori, magical constructs, and some magical items) will naturally resist the imprinting process and so cannot be used with this spell. Lastly the object will return in the exact same condition as was placed into the dimension, regardless of time passed; thus a fresh fruit will return a fresh fruit, a pictobox will return with the same pictures as it entered with.

    In order to “restash” an item it must be imprinted again.

    Only one item may be imprinted at a time.

    It is impossible to recall another person's item under any conditions; only the user that put the item there may recall it and if a person dies, any item in their pocket dimension is lost forever.
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    I like this. It's a cool little bit of Conjuration magic. I like how you clearly say, "no magical or living objects."

    "Once an item is recalled it cannot be recalled again immediately as the dimension is empty and in order to “restash” the item must be imprinted again."

    I'm not quite sure what you mean here. If an item is recalled, it's in the Hyrulean dimension. How could it be recalled again if it's not in there anymore? I think that you do a good enough job explaining that this is a storage spell; you don't really need that part. I do, however, like the implications of "the item must be imprinted again to 'restash' it." Perhaps you could make that the subject of this sentence?

    I'm also not quite sure why this treasure necessitates a pre-requisite. Very few of the magics require a prerequisite; even a Compaction Pouch, which functions similarly to this spell (albiet on a much more powerful level), does not have any.

    My last note is... why Wisdom? I understand that when a spell-treasure is created, the automatic impulse is to say, "Wisdom!" I'm thinking that this may work better as a Courage treasure. It essentially revolves around smuggling, after all; just something I'd like to discuss.
  3. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

    Trophy Points:
    Removed the prerequisites and let courage be used to purchase the treasure in addition to wisdom. Also removed the redundancy and added that if a person dies the item in their pocket dimension is lost forever.
  4. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    I like this, it's good. When you mention that bit about torture or mind control, is that just saying that if someone can force you to cast this, the spell will still work? If so, I think it may be easier to just say that nobody but the user may access their own pocket dimension.

    You have my vote.
  5. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

    Trophy Points:
    That is true Quill, I've changed it accordingly (sometimes I just get carried away with the idea :P)
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    lol I know what you mean c:
  7. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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