Serina DeLotte, Troubled Kokiri

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by UnnamedDude, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Name: Serina DeLotte

    Age: 98

    Gender: Female

    Race: Kokiri
    Place of Origin: Kokiri Forest

    PWC: 2/2/5
    Eternal Youth
    Fairy Companion
    Language of Fauna
    Needle Storm
    Roc‘s Cape
    Song of Healing

    28 Rupees she found while traipsing about

    Height: 4 ft 4 in.

    Weight: “Asking that is not very nice, you know.”

    Equipment: Some clothes and a bow. Her little red cape, as well.
    Appearance: Being a Kokiri, Serina has the gentle appearance of a young girl. Her frame is lithe and slender from her repeated explorations of the forest. Her red hair comes down around her shoulders and is long enough to cover her back. Her eyes are a pleasant green.

    As far as clothes go, Serina wears a typical green sweater, and a pair of shorts of a lighter shade. Her boots are well-worn from no small amount of curious hiking.

    Serina is quiet and always serious, perhaps as a result of her guilt. She always pushes herself very hard to protect the forest and the Great Deku Tree...despite being very afraid of things, herself! She is also fairly nice to strangers, offering to help being her second nature.

    Residence: Her house is typical, essentially a single-chamber dwelling carved into a huge tree root. It contains a simple hook for her Roc‘s cape and a large bed.

    Pet: She sometimes keeps company with a little sparrow, whom she affectionately calls Jayjay.

    Her fairy, Aria, is sharp-tongued and fiery, always willing to get Serina into action or trouble; whichever happens to come along first.
    Backstory: Serina has always had a fairly strong affinity for animals, even among kokiri. Perhaps too strong. She spent many days simply venturing out into the nearby forest to converse with them and, combined with her natural curiosity, often does not come back until late, after having found at least one new thing. The time she actually spends in the village and interacting with fellow Kokriri was comparatively small. As such, even her closest friend Melana was rather distant from her, and though Serina was not unfriendly in the least, she grew farther apart from her brethren in the forest. While not necessarily ostracized amongst the Kokiri, she was certainly not in the “in” crowd. It should have come as no shock to her when her friend found another person to spend time with.

    Yet somehow, it did.

    She felt almost betrayed by this. The own friend she had of her own species was more interested in this Keiliegh girl. Eventually the two were introduced, but they had never been especially close. And Serina wanted to keep it that way. She put on a nice face, a good girl act, but the bitterness kept coming back to her. Gradually she phased out of their lives, somehow growing farther and farther from them as they played their songs in the treetops… Serina started making a cloak for her friend, but somehow couldn’t bring herself to give it to her…

    She received her fairy companion from the Great Deku Tree sooner than they did. It may have been an act of pity for her, or an attempt to console her. While she and her fairy, Aria, did indeed hit it off and grow closer, she was never a substitute. At times Aria seemed to know this and snapped at her.

    Days passed. Countless days. Uneventful days. Meaningless days.

    And then, that day. What would she give to erase that day from existence. She remembered having a particularly bad day in the forest, tripping and stumbling, being scratched at by small animals, getting rained out. Total devastation, some of which was due to her not acting like herself at all. She had finally had enough, had wished that Keiliegh just vanished from her life.

    In a spate of cruel irony it was Melana that disappeared that night. She disappeared and was never heard from again. Keiliegh had come back to the village that night visibly rattled, without company.

    Serina was disconsolate. For a while nothing seemed to matter to her. She had tossed the old cloak into a corner of the room, trying not to think about it. She had never even given her a parting gift. What sort of friend was she?

    After a time, her despair drove her to finally pick up the dusty old cape, carrying it with her to the Great Deku Tree. She knew not what she was doing, but…

    Before she registered her actions she was pleading to the Great Deku Tree. She begged to bring her friend back. But such things were beyond even his power. However, he did imbue her cloak as a way of reparation, and taught her a small bit of magic. These things, he would tell her, were to watch over and protect the others precious to her.

    Shouldering guilt, Serina tried to make amends in any way she could. She became more social to the villagers, even to Keiliegh, promising herself she would never allow any harm to come to any of them. She would have to.

    She carved her own bow, a smaller, weaker one than most, to fit her size. A few tries were necessary to get it right, but she persevered. Even if she couldn’t have a weapon made by a professional, she had to have some sort of power to protect what was left.

    She wouldn’t be able to live with herself otherwise.

    [For the record, yes, I did get Tsubori’s permission to make this character and connect her backstory to that of his character in this way.]
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Alright, I think you might have made a mistake in your rupee count. Your Kokiri has a C score of 5; Needle Storm costs 22r, Roc's Cape costs 35r, and the Song of Healing only costs 15r. Combined, this only makes 72r, to be subtracted from your total 100r granted at creation. This leaves you with 28r; you might have meant to type '28 Rupees that she found while traipsing about' instead of "8 Rupees she while traipsing about," but you need to edit your post either way.

    Other than that, it seems fine. Just fix your left-over rupee count, and have fun!

  3. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Upon Reg promotion she gets additional wisdom.
  4. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Serina gets one Power for Veteranship and Navigation from Racial Perk update.