Ronaldo Kawager, Crazed Kikwi

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by UnnamedDude, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Name: Ronaldo Kawager

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Race: Kikwi
    Place of Origin: Lost Woods

    PWC: 1/5/3

    Arcane Bolt (-20)
    Blizzard (-30)
    Capture Staff (-45)
    5 Rupees

    Height: 2’6‘’

    Weight: 34 lbs

    Equipment: A strap with a holster for his staff and a vuvuzela. For annoyance tactics.

    Appearance: Small and cute, but always with a slightly unhinged look in his eyes. Much of his body density is his torso, as with most kikwi, and though his legs are short and stocky, his arms are a bit longer than average, if also a bit thinner, so they seem disproportionate among his people. This lets him wield his short little staff with a bit more ease, though, so he doesn‘t complain.

    Personality: No one is quite sure what exactly this guy is thinking. His thought processes are unfathomable, and he constantly makes remarks that confuse everyone else. Despite--or perhaps because--of this, he is indomitably optimistic and cheerful, if somewhat reckless and naïve. No matter what happens, he is the type to laugh at any situation, up to and including crises.

    Residence: Doesn‘t have one. You can‘t chain down a dreamer, man!

    Backstory: Ronaldo‘s always been a bit odd. There was just something about him that seemed to scream out to the world, “this kikwi‘s a few nails short of a workbench.” Nevertheless, he has led a fairly charmed life so far; despite his odd manner of thinking and strange actions, he‘s never run into many problems. Some may even find the distant eyes and babbling refreshing, in troubled times.

    As such, no one was entirely sure why Ronaldo decided to leave the woods; it wasn’t as though he had any troubles there, and nothing especially earth-shattering happened to change his dreamy disposition. And when questioned, he of course provided some nonsensical answer involving some sort of “great being” bidding him on some sort of quest, and something about a circus troupe.

    The others, who were of course worried, made him at least carve out a small staff for himself, and some of the more magically inclined imbued it with a binding spell, for his own protection. With their (very hesitant) blessing, Ronaldo set out for the outside world and, through some nigh-miraculous whim of fate very soon discovered a traveling band of players. Although they didn’t quite understand his reasons, he rapidly found himself becoming their mascot. One of the mages in the special effects crew actually managed to teach him a couple spells to make his entrance flashier, and he was soon narrating the scenes.

    However, after a few years he tired of it, and struck out on his own, for reasons known only to himself. The last time he was seen traveling about the countryside, but occasionally rumors of an odd kikwi rambling on about strange things come to surface.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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  3. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Ronny gets Courage for promotion.
  4. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Ronaldo gets a little more courageous with the recent Veteran update.