Roleplay in the Southern Hyrule Fields (Open)

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by ReisesPieces, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. ReisesPieces

    ReisesPieces New Member new

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  2. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

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    Hi, I'm Eternis (I am too forgetful to know whether or not I greeted you, and sadly too lazy to either check or rectify the situation), and am MORE than happy to accompany you on your quest in the Southern Hyrule Fields (with Holle), assuming you confirm that situation in this thread (because I prefer it that way).
    I'm happy to join you, just say yes specifically here.
  3. Lightascetic

    Lightascetic Member reg

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    Hi there! I'd like to volunteer Keera for this. She'd fit really well, seeing as she is a healer (I skimmed your introduction, but I'll read it over properly this evening, in a bit of a rush!). =)
  4. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Um. I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but this should probably go into the Quest Bureau for approval from a mod.

    Also, reises, in the future, it's generally better to post in the Quest Bureau, then wait on approval/people before starting; though it's entirely within the rules to do the quest before posting in the bureau, you may end up with a thread that wasn't actually kosher for the setting, that gets struck down as non-canon, and then you just kind of did all that work for nothing. Which makes everyone sadface.

    That said, I assume that this is only one quest in a chain, on account of crossing from North to South or vice-versa being really hard if you don't happen to have wings, there being a fairly sizable distance there, and assuming your character has done the research on this/otherwise has a reason to know where things like the Kokiri Forest are (admittedly this may be my own personal paranoia so I could be overstating that part; she seems to have done research on things). If so I don't see any real problems with it, though you still may want to post in the Quest Bureau so that you don't have to live with the fear of your actions "not counting" so to speak.

    ...Geez, I'm sorry for the wall of text, and I'm double-sorry if that sounded snooty or otherwise offensive, since I really didn't intend it to be so. All that done, I hope things go well and if you'd have me I'll see if I have anyone free.
  5. ReisesPieces

    ReisesPieces New Member new

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    Oh jeeze, I didn't even know I had to post in the Quest Bureau. Thank you so much for letting me know! :) I'll post there right away.

    As far as crossing from North to South goes, that is only what Sofia is hoping to do. Whether that happens or not probably depends on the roleplay and if the people separate or get side tracked or whatever as that tends to happen sometimes. I don't expect her to make it across in this thread simply for how long it is going to take her. That is just her long term goal for the moment. And she knows the basic lay of the land from her hunting trips and speaking to the people who live in the cave with her as they would have some idea of the layout from pre-ganon and post-ganon war.

    Again though I do appreciate you giving me the heads up :)

    And for Eternis and Lightascetic I would love for both of you to join in :)
  6. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Yeah, as a long-term goal it sounds totally okay. Happy rp'ing then! Sorry for the rough start :c