
Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Guy, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Someone mentioned that residential property should cost something, in much the same vein that treasures do. Another individual mentioned that they should be completely free. A third party suggested that the first residence in the character's origin can be free within certain limits, but additional residences, residences in other towns, or an extravagant origin residence should cost more.

    I'm personally vouching for the third option, but therein lies the question: exactly how much will a residence cost in a given situation? How does it scale up? There's the question of size, location... quality... fortitude or the ability to withstand assaults... etc.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Well, I like option three. Some people live with parents, some live in community homes, some have no homes, but people should have the option to not be a street urchin if they want. The home they come from should be moderate, explained in their backstory why they live there. If it is something akin to something "extravagant" then it should either be greatly explained or not allowed outright.

    As for buying other places (and expanding them, adding to them (say a Forge and Anvil, Library of Information, Alchemy Lab, ect) along with where they buy it and how big it is, should probably be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, mainly because no two buildings will probably be the same. Much like how, in AD&D (v2 at least), there is a list of how much time/labor/material/actual peices/size/ect it costs for everything from small houses to huge castles, so that the DM can figure out the cost between buildings. Of course, doesn't have to be that big, just discussion with a Staff member or two about what they want, and then decide on a price, and if the person doesn't like the price range, they can either redesign, raise more rupees, or go to a different town (or the wild) to build instead.

    It makes sense that, depending on the area, availability of material, current working conditions, economy, ect, that the price of owning or building a residence would change between purchases.
  3. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Hm, yes, we might as well go with that. It's what I'm doing with Mythic Mounts and Legendary Vehicles anyway.

    So, I suppose that matter is settled unless anyone objects.
  4. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

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    No objection here. I think Chaos' idea is good.
    (my message kinda feels like a useless post :P OH WELL!)