Renard Sephalos

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by demo, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. demo

    demo New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Renard Sephalos, commonly known as Seph.

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylian

    Place of Origin: West Caves

    PWC: 4/2/2

    Treasures: Crossbow, Spin attack, Sense

    Height: 6'2

    Weight: 200 lbs.

    Equipment: Seph prefers hand to hand combat over fighting with a weapon unless at a range. His Crossbow is made from maple wood and bright steel with black trimming.

    Appearance: Seph has long blond hair, blue eyes, and a five o' clock shadow. He wears no shirt which shows his highly muscular chest but has a long, white, unbuttoned coat over the top of it and has black trousers. Black fingerless gloves cover his hands as well as black boots covering his feet.

    Personality: Seph is quite kind and laid back, never trying to be greedy. He tries to mask his true emotions of slight depression by keeping a smirk on his face. His largest downfall is his pride and rash behavior which often puts him in tight spots and makes him jump straight into things (sometimes literally).

    Residence: Seph lives alone except for his pet fox so he only has a small amount of room within the cave. He keeps a bed for both him and Shiva and a chest with a few belongings within.

    Pet: Seph has a pet white fox named Shiva.

    Backstory: Seph had a hard life even before Ganon's invasion. He was born to an unwed mother in Saria. She had no job so she often stole or begged for money, they barely had enough to get by. When he was 4 he found a baby white fox cowering and shivering behind a building. After much coaxing he brought it home and named her Shiva.

    One night when Seph was 6 Saria was invaded by Ganon's minions. He, Shiva, and his mother ran for the edge of town. They ran into a moblin at the city gates. His mother was a somewhat proficient archer and fought the moblin. Seph watched in horror as the moblin implaed her on his spear then threw her off. His mother fell next to him, wispered "save yourself" then went limp. Another village man ran past Seph and confronted the moblin. Seph picked up his mother's crossbow and fled with the other surviving villagers.

    Seph spent much of his time training in physical combat while still practicing archery some. He was always taller and bigger than other boys his age which added to his ego. He would often get in small fights among friends, almost always winning.

    Rupees: 100-30
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Your math checks out, and your backstory doesn't conflict. Have fun!