re appereing hopefully

Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Celsius, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Celsius

    Celsius Celest reg

    Trophy Points:
    yeah sorry for my random disappearances still. I'm going to try to at least pop back in here at least 3 times a week by placing this in my FF tab to remind me. lD that and i'm now finished with SS for like 2 weeks now. *was bawling at the ending is all i will say*

    between that time of me and the other admin finishing yeah we had a few SS canon apps *including me* rushing in just last week on the DA LoZrp and got buried in that. lol but yeah that should all be all taken cared of for the time. lD till i have to update the dec event.

    ps also getting less work time so more free time for me.

    Also if i do seem to dissapper again pester me on steam.the screen name there is: celsius_rain
    i always have my steam account up. usually on tf2 or portal 2