Rayna Reinhardt (Devoted)

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by HiganRetour, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    Honor: Devoted

    Name: Rayna Reinhardt

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylian

    Place of Origin: Darunia

    PWC: 1/1/4

    Treasures: Elegy of Emptiness (30)

    Rupees: 45 (75 as per devoted limitations - 30 per elegy of Emptiness)

    Height: 6'

    Weight: 168 lbs

    -One steel longsword of exceptional make and extraordinary condition. Crafted intricately into its blade are a series of holes. A slash is the precursor to a high whistle, a thrust's sound much lower. The middle of the blade is dulled, so as to allow it to be held, providing increased maneuverability in close combat. Its pommel has inlaid in onyx a Ni diesis (music note, c-sharp). Known as the Sword of Songs.

    -One yew bow of exceptional make and condition. Durable and worn from use. Length of one meter. Draw weight of 70 lbs. The quiver has 13 arrows, all of exceptional make, feathered with goose and headed in iron.

    -One bottle of plain make and poor condition, currently filled with water. The cork is notably worn away, eaten slowly over time. There is an air bubble along the face.

    -One lantern of plain make and poor condition. Has oil to last but one night. Held by one chain of short length, can cause much sound if one does not practice proper care.


    A drawing by yours truly (open)

    A drawing by Duck (open)

    A tall, pale man, noted for his long, black hair, with one lock dangling close to his right eye. His nose is long and narrow, but does not stick out much at all. His jawline is similarly narrow. This along with his slim lips, often curved into a mischievous grin, paint him in a villainous light. His eyes are a yellowy gray, and dart around a lot, taking in all there is to take in.

    He always wears dark cloth, of various make and style, and armors himself with lightly with a black leather vest, a pair of bracers, shin guards, and a fine set of polished leather boots. His sheath and quiver are of the same black leather, hand crafted.


    Rayna is always cheery. After all, there's another sucker beyond every hill, and men have eyes on the front of their head so they can always move forward. Deliberation of past events is a means to bog one down, a foul humor if you will.

    The image he associates himself with is that of the falcon, flying high above hapless sparrows. That which he seeks, he gets. How to get what he needs? Robbery, fraud, he has no moral scruples with that which makes his money. The shine of a rupee is an excellent motivator, he finds. Killing villagers, though? No point. Gets the hands dirty. Raises a fuss more often.

    He values those who are valuable to him. A partner in crime, sure, but large upfront investments aren't Rayna's style.

    The greatest vice of Rayna Reinhardt is greed, pride following by no large amount. He speaks cleanly and formally; he is not the scum of the realm, he's a self-styled king. All that is, is his for the taking, so why would he not see himself on top?

    Should, in his myriad adventures, things get dicey, he prefers bow to sword. Sure, he knows the pommel from the point, but against anyone with formal training, he would be simply outmatched. It is good to know one's limits, and by his count, his are few and easily addressed. (It should be made clear that his unabashed moral bankruptcy is not seen as an issue in his eyes.)

    Residence: The world is his throne. He resides where he wills it. He just happens to will a bed of leaves and a ceiling of sky more oft than not, as late.

    Backstory: A life among the well-to-do had he. Away from strife and war, and with little drama in the abode of his parents. His crimes were not a result of poverty, and were not needed to upkeep his lifestyle. No, it is perfectly clear that his actions came because he was one rotten egg, better to have never hatched.

    After sixteen years of fawning over him and grooming him to continue the family trade -- selling carpets and rugs -- Ranya's parents found themselves at a point where education would not suffice. He would learn the ways of those of his class, and those beneath him. Teach him some humility, and respect for those under him. His parents had come from nothing, after all, and they thought his privileged position had spoiled him. He was instructed to take to the mines. He might not be able to swing a pick axe so well at a young age, and made for an inefficient miner, but that was half the point: to see firsthand the hardship he was spared thanks to his parent's wealth.

    What they didn't know sending him to the mines was the friends he had. Thieves of lowly class, their practices awakened something deep inside him, something he'd kindled since he was born. For them, stealing was a way of life, a means that met ends meet. Sleight of hand intrigued, seduced, and he was all too willing to take the skill for his own. And not just that, but the misleading and beguiling manner of speech. Rayna saw with his own eyes a man offer his horse, his livelihood, for a tip about treasure that -- of course -- was found only days before he got there; if only he'd been faster, perhaps had a horse to ride. The way these boys and men played at their games, scraping for wealth... why, it bewitched him. He only needed to up the ante.

    It was nary a week at the mines, and already he had gone from miner to supervisor to planner, overseer. His family ties had helped him enormously in that regard. By the time they found out, he was already too important to the operation. He directed further carving of the caves and made projections about future profits. And if some rupees found their way into different pockets, what did it matter? How would they notice?

    Notice did one Shou Futoko, some years later. And profits were split, and discrepancy between yield and result grew. Hell, at this point Rayna was robbing the whole city blind! His only problem became the hiding his rupees. He started funneling them into assets -- a small home in a quiet part of town, purchased discreetly, a horse oft borrowed by one of his friends.

    Just two years ago, Shou finally spilled, and it all came crashing down. While Rayna had thought his laundering had been a stroke of genius, and it had been far away from the eyes of his parents, many and more witnesses could be found. His spending was no big secret, and the only surprise was the scale on which he had stolen from the community.

    He was banished. His assets were seized, leaving him only a set of clothes, a bow to hunt, and such tools. Disconnected from his family and friends, all he had known, he set out to the world. If asked now, he would claim he dominated the land, and looted the Sword of Songs (as he calls it) from a cave carved into the face of a cliff. In truth, he struggled to learn his way, found the sword off a dead guy, and was incredibly lucky in his inborn talent for campfire-side cooking. Either way, once afloat and able to live off the land, he decided to take up his old ways, switching silver tongue for sleight of hand. Going from the bottom up would teach him respect for those that had been so far below him. He could almost laugh at the thought; he'd learn his parent's lesson after all!

    -- --------

    Pretty damn full of himself.

    Has recently met a gerudo, and found friendship/partnership readily. He doesn't remember where she put her hat, but he hopes their working to mutual ends will prove lucrative.

    I believe a short profile is a good profile (and Rayna thrust his hand into my heart and squeezed, demanded more for his backstory), and hope that small appearance and personality sections do not weigh negatively on your decisions. A good character is almost like a mirror; you frame it just so, but your audience sees what they wish. I believe the image I have made of Rayna is an excellent frame that allows you to see what you want of him, while still being colored in the light I desire.
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Re: Rayna Reinhardt

    This character currently passes as a regular character, but does not, as of yet, qualify for either level of Hylian Honor.

    If the various grammatical errors are fixed, along with several unnecessary lines being removed (i.e. "It would be an insult to insinuate that the reader... The greatest vice of Rayna Reinhardt is greed...", as such a line is contrived and does not actually lend anything to the character itself), this character may be submitted as Devoted.

    In order to be Ascetic, both the backstory and personality would require a fair amount of additions, as neither currently flesh out what sort of character Rayna is, nor why he is who he is (i.e. "A seed had been planted by the friends he had, though, the ones he didn't tell his parents about. For them, stealing was a way of life, a means that met ends meet." is mentioned but is not explained in full detail).

    This character will be moved to the appropriate accepted forum, but is open to reevaluation should you wish to submit it for either level of Hylian Honor.
  3. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    As for the why ("nor why he is who he is"), that's actually a point I try to make with the character -- he's just a bad egg. Upon witnessing the art of swindling, he found in himself a desire from deep inside man. I will remove the "of course, the reader is a genius and already knows this" bit; just a bit of referential humor on my part.
  4. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Re: Rayna Reinhardt

    This qualifies for the current standards of Devoted, and will be moved accordingly. You may choose to use your 50 starting rupees if you so wish, but you are by no means obligated to use/acknowledge/include them in the creation of this character.

    As before, should you wish to move this character to a different level of Honor, or back to regular, simply request that the character is reevaluated, or in the case of being moved to regular, have it be moved to the proper character subforum.
  5. HiganRetour

    HiganRetour New Member new

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    It should be noted that having his thief background, he had the rupee riches. As per devoted limitations, I gave him 75 rupees, and spent accordingly.