Personal Update

Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Ultra5, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    I don't know exactly where to put this and staff please feel free to move it if need be.

    For I do not know how long, I may not be acting how I normally act. A monumentally traumatic personal event has happened to me and I will still be here, but my mind doesn't quite know what to think right now.

    Destany and I are no longer in a relationship. After talking about it we agree that it is best we not call ourselves together anymore. We are still friends and still keep in contact.

    I apologize to Destany for reasons only she need know about and for anything I may say until everything is sorted out. I apologize to members of HC for I do not know if I will be able to post and my mood may shift more violently than usual for a while. I beg your forgiveness and understanding. It is a very hard time for me.
    -Harry Massie a.k.a Ultra5
  2. BirdMasterWren

    BirdMasterWren Member new

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    If anyone has questions or concerns you can contact either of us.