Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approval]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by UnnamedDude, Jul 11, 2012.

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  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Name: Passage of Puerulus

    Leo's in a real bind, and he's hurting for money. In his desperate bid to survive his crushing debt anyway, he crawls to HAREON's doors. Now the question is, will he be able to make it in?
    Leopold Puerulus/UD
    Jayden Darrah/Tsubori
    Ilona Racquel/BP
    Leopold: Residence: A room in HAREON's headquarters, in HCT, Master of Machines and Magic, 35 Rupees
    Jayden: Deku Nut Supply, -25 Rupees
    Ilona: 50 rupees
  2. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    So after checking with Willow, we both feel that the 'Residence' treasure doesn't warrant a 50 rupee cost. In fact, it doesn't really warrant any cost at all. The Residence treasure is meant to be for huge things like mansions or palaces and the such but doesn't need to be applied to smaller abodes such as this.

    That said, drop a post in here when you've re-worked the treasure, even if it's just getting 50 rupees to hang onto, and I'll approve this quest.
  3. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Upon consideration I guess I'll give Leo Percussive Maintenance and 35 rupees.

    I'm sort of assuming that since the residence isn't large enough to justify a cost, it's just given automatically at the end of the quest?
  4. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Upon reviewing the library I guess I'll go with the fifty rupees for Ilona indeed. Confirming her participation.
  5. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Okay, I'll be throwing in Jayden and a Deku seed supply :3
  6. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Just to be clear, as the Deku Nut Supply would cost Jayden 100 rupees, he would have to sacrifice -50 as a cost of undergoing the quest, not -25 as it indicates currently. If you could update that before final grading, that would be appreciated.

    No need to keep it waiting any longer for now, though - consider this quest approved.
  7. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    According to Tsu's sig, which he tells me is more up-to-date than his profiles, the PWC point from veteranship went towards Courage so Jayden has C3 now, and thus the price is indeed 75.

    If you'd like I can ask him to update it or otherwise take action to clear up this misunderstanding. Sorry and thank you.
  8. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    On another note, the topic is up.
  9. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Due to UD being MIA, Tsu and I decided to work our rewards into the thread that we had and put a bit of an abrupt end to it. Ilona will walk away with +50 Rupees, whereas Jayden will get a Deku Nut Supply, losing 25 rupees in the process.

    If UD not getting his rewards endangers our own, please contact me so we can work out a compromise.
  10. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Uhhh... no. There's really nothing I can say but no. Rule #8 clearly states that your character sheets must be up to date. They are the only official things; the signature is not official. Either update your character sheets or follow them as if they were.

    UD not getting his rewards won't have an impact on you guys, don't worry. I'll grade it with just the two of you in mind; if he ever comes back and wants his rewards, the thread will be re-opened for him.
  11. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Alright, whatever then. I'll change up all my profiles when I have the time, but all the things in my signature are entirely legit. I really do feel it's a pain in the ass to have to change edit three things per change.
  12. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Then don't update your sig. :O Easy fix.
  13. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Toko, don't taunt him XD
  14. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Light-hearted taunting aside, it really is at the discretion of the user on how signature readouts are employed, so its their choice to make one as elaborate as Tsubori's, and they'll have to add whatever information it needs in such updates, and that's nothing we, as the staff, can control. All we ask is that the actual character sheets be kept up to date on P/W/C counts, rupees, and acquired treasures.
  15. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    Toko covered that pretty well, thanks.
  16. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    There, Jayden's is edited.
  17. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    BP, you're set.  You RP'd well and you included your rewards, which (as of now) isn't necessary for rupees.  Let there be much rejoicing!   :tpr:  Take your rewards, update your character sheet, and move on.  Congratulations!

    Tsu... I'm sorry, but Jayden can't claim his rewards.  As it stands, the character Jayden didn't do much.  One of the rules for acceptance is that "each character was significantly involved."  Most of the content in your posts focused on NPCs, not on Jayden, and while NPCs are good, they shouldn't detract from the main character.  If the NPC parts felt secondary to the PC, it would be one thing, but they so outweighed Jayden that I can't pass this.  Your use of NPCs weren't bad; they made the complex feel a little more alive.  It was just that while telling us what they were doing, you neglected your main character.  If nothing else, consider using Jayden as the lens through which the story is told, instead of jumping around and around the NPCs.  The parts that were Jayden were few and short, and he's supposed to be one of the three main characters to this plot.  Also, on the last page, you posted once.  You may have planned for a more Jayden-intensive section further down the thread, but I'm grading this RP as it is, not as it might have been.

    Since the problem is that there isn't enough Jayden in here, you need to extend this to focus on him.  I know you don't like editing, but you could extend this either by solo-ing or continuing with BP.  Keep this centered on Jayden, both through actions and dialogue and in internal thoughts.  Including NPCs is all well and good, again, but try not to let the focus wander away from Jayden.  Thoughts and descriptions of the surroundings and the NPCs' actions are usually good ways to do it, since nearly everything not between quotation marks is Jayden's.

    UD, if you ever want your rewards, it won't take much for you to get them.  You RP'd solidly on the five pages of the thread, so just ask a Mod to open it back up and you can get your rewards pretty easily.  Until then, though, this isn't complete for you.
  18. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    I added the post, if you saw.
  19. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Re: Passage of Puerulus [Three-Man, HAREON, Awaiting Approva

    I did, good job. Nice foundation of character development there at the end. I'm sure you get the idea, so I won't press it any farther. Accepted. Claim your rewards, update your sheets, and move on.

    UD, if you ever want to claim your rewards, just PM a Moderator and ask us to open the thread back up. You RP'd enough for it to count.
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