Opal Tengrove, The Littlest Bond Villain

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by UnnamedDude, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Name: Opal Tengrove

    Class: Diminutive Dark Lord (Self-Proclaimed)

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Race: Picori
    Place of Origin: Lost Woods

    PWC: 4/3/3
    Foreign Language
    Language of Fauna
    Minish Veil
    Lost and Found
    Dark Affinity (-80)
    20 Rupees

    Height: 1.4 Inches

    Weight: Negligible, seems to be about 38 grams.

    Equipment: Tattered leaf cape, Needle sword, acorn shell shield.

    Opal has dark, almost black skin, and fiery hair, a testament to her corruption. She also bears a strange, ornate red mark on her cheek, and stands with a haughty posture, trying to hold herself higher than she actually is.

    She wears white Picori garb, though, which stands out fairly heavily against her skin. She also dons a cape made from autumn leaves, and carries a piece of an acorn as a shield around with her. She also never leaves home without her trusty needle, which comes in handy far more than would be expected.

    Opal is perky and lively, surprisingly; she has a great appreciation for her freedom and lives life fast and to the fullest, taking almost insane risks at times. At times it’s difficult to say whether she’s devoted to living or longing to die.

    What most people wouldn’t actually realize from a casual conversation with her is that she has a profound obsession with beings in distress; she loves to see people get in trouble and is not above putting people in such awkward, or even dangerous, situations. Typically she does not stoop to outright killing anyone, though this is mainly because she does not consider it fun if there is no struggle.

    To that end, she tends to spend a lot of time devising elaborate, slow-moving traps (all with deliberate design flaws to ensure that victims have something to struggle for)… that are almost invariably trampled by larger beings like Hylians, who usually get out with little more than a stubbed toe or pratfall.

    Lives in a cupboard in a house in Hyrule Castle Town.

    Opal, perhaps as can be inferred by the marks upon her body, is not entirely responsible for her current state of mind. Before her…affliction (which she would refer to, paradoxically, as a gift) she was largely the same as the stereotypical Picori; delighting in hiding little gifts for the other races of Hyrule and doing her best to avoid unnecessary trouble. Unfortunately for her, she and her parents, somewhat unusually, lived in the wilds of the Lost Woods, so trouble was exactly what often found her. She spent her days attempting not to be caught in the crossfire of the bandits, their victims, stray monsters…

    Being a minish, she naturally did not incur the wrath of any of these comparatively titanic beasts. Rather, they were completely happy to simply ignore her…even if occasionally they came perilously close to inadvertently crushing her. It was, if not a particularly exciting life, one that left Opal content.

    Such days could not continue forever. Ever so slowly, she began to tire of finding new hiding places; so few of the people who ventured into the forest ever found them, or even managed to find their way out. One such person, apparently a mage, was attacked by a few angry beasts who called the forest home… and promptly dispatched them with something that Opal had never yet seen. The aura he projected both frightened and…fascinated her. Intrigued by the magic he used, she ultimately began to follow this Hylian, sometimes hiding objects she thought to be helpful around him. He was, almost surprisingly, quite perceptive and managed to find many of them. To Opal, he simply became more and more interesting. When he walked, he did so with a purpose; she knew not what it was, as he was so silent, but it was clear he was here, in this place, for a reason. She felt as though he were greatly angry at something…

    He eventually came upon a bandit outpost, but beyond that all things are hazy in Opal’s memory. He called out something, arrows flew, and spells were slung. The last thing that she remembered was a black mass of energy heading towards her…

    When she awoke, the place was a mess. There were dead and wounded among the forest, and she heard some of the survivors muttering about the man (though the words they used were far less complimentary) who’d come all the way from Hyrule Castle Town to do this. There were mutterings of all sorts of things; some thought it was a bad idea all along to fleece him, whatever that meant; others felt this was a severe overreaction; still others thought that he should’ve been killed the moment they saw him.

    It was confusing, but she knew she had to leave to find that man. She didn’t know what she would do, but she was certain she wanted to see him again.

    As she departed the woods, she took a perverse glee in watching a wounded bird try to take flight, and passing by a puddle, she saw her new form, darker and marked. She laughed. So she was certainly changing. Her mother and father would be unlikely to approve of this, but she didn’t care. This would be very, very interesting…

    As she traveled the fields, she took pleasure in seeing the skirmishes between Ganon’s servants and Hyrulean men. The fighting excited her. Or, rather, any form of hardship and struggle… against anything all… gave her some sort of amusement. She was vaguely aware that she hadn’t always seen the light and known the beauty of such distress, but she never once felt that her new fascination was wrong…

    Eventually she did find her way to Hyrule Castle Town, and took up residence within a common house’s cupboard, but she still, as of yet, has not found any leads on the mystery man.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    No real problems with this, accepted. I PM'd you about something, though.