
Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Zoraman, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. Zoraman

    Zoraman New Member new

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Natala

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Race: Gerudo

    Place of Origin:Western Caves

    PWC: 2/1/4

    Treasures: A Long Sword of Goron Iron (Sword 5 lbs),Goron Braclet

    Height: 5'4"

    Weight: 115

    Equipment: Baggy pants, a top, and a hair tie

    Appearance: Natala has a dark tan mostly due to her blood, but also to do with her outdoor activities taking up most of the day. Her hair is jet black, and straight, she has a red hair tie in it to keep her ponytail. With the hair tie out her hair reachs down to the small of her back. Her eyes are chocolaty brown color mixed with a bit of hazel.

    Her baggy top oly covers her bosoms, and is white with blue waves across it. Her pants reach down to her ankles and are reach about 1/4' out on each side. Her soes are black, and only cover the top of her foot before the toes, and the bottom of her feat.

    Personality: Natala is very head strong, and rambunckious, she hates being still, and confined to one room/small area for to long. She is the eldest Gerudo of her syblings, but is the black sheep overall.

    Her older sister is a Hylian, and lives in Castle-town, why her younger sister is no more that 5, and has their mother wrapped around her fingure. So she normally forgoten about, and to do something about it she commets theft. With a rich father she knows she can get away with it, and is smug about it.

    Residence: Impa


    Backstory:Natala was born in the western caves of southern Hyrule. Her father is a hylian and while he was trying to find a good person to paint, Natala’s mother found him, and they fell in love. Her father already had a daughter who was five at the time. Now once Natala was born her father was just starting to make a name for himself as an artist, and times were tough for them. Once they got enough money they moved up north to the northern part of Hyrule.

    For the next few years Natala was a good girl for the most part, a tomboy, but still good. That changed when she was ten, and it seemed like her parents, nor her older sister, whom didn’t like her in the first place, ignored her. As an act of rebellion she started to steal things from around town. It started out small, and for the most part it stayed that same, but her parents were busy and her sister still stuck up changed that.

    The first time she deliberately got caught nothing really happened, so she kept doing it until she got the attention she needed, but it wasn’t the kind she wanted. Once possible they moved to Impa, and her thievery began once more, but not on a daily bases. One day she saw a Goron forging a sword, now her family knew this Goron, but she decided to try and take something from him, which resulted in a hot steal sword frame almost hitting her in the face.

    When the Goron recognized her he asked her why she didn’t simply get money, and when she explained her situation the Goron understood. He even made a deal with her that he’d give her the sword she wanted if she paid it off by working with him. As time went buy she got intrigued by the crafting of steal, and asked him if she could ever teach her. He told her that at the age she was at now she was too young, but if she came back in a few years he would, but for the time being he gave her a Goron Braclet free of charge.

    Now it’s a few years after that and she is on her way to find the Goron.
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Please state the rupees spent for each treasure and your leftover rupee count afterwards. You should have 10 rupees left over. Also, remember that your Gerudo receives certain treasures upon creation; don't forget to include them in your sheet. Other than that, this is fine. Have fun!