My essay debating what my essay should be.

Discussion in 'Creative Works' started by Dr. James, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. Dr. James

    Dr. James New Member new

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    So as a few of you will have picked up from my ramblings in the chat box earlier, I found myself writing a somewhat obscure essay earlier tonight. I wrapped it up not too long ago. Figured I'd post it.

    I can’t decide on an issue to discuss for my discursive essay. I REALLY can’t decide on an issue to discuss for my discursive essay. I’ve been pondering the issue for around a month or so and despite some extended periods of deep consideration I’ve, as of yet, not been able to settle on any one topic. There are a broad range of options, an innumerable amount of issues for me to research and expand upon. It is because of this that I find it to be a near impossibility for me to close my eyes, reach in and pluck any one specific point of discussion out of the abyssal goodie bag of choice.

    Of course, in such an essay the point of discussion is frankly unimportant. As long as there is enough related material to pour onto a page with the appropriate presentational style there really isn’t much that can go wrong. Yet, alas, I still can’t decide.

    Well, I suppose that leaves me in a rather unfortunate position, given I’m pretty sure there is no way around writing an essay of this sort and I’m already being hounded to hand in a draft. Frankly the only multi-sided issue that has caused me any philosophical distress in recent times has been the topic of said essay.

    As always there are the usual suspects, commonly used in these situations are things such as Euthanasia and Abortion, “Size Zero”, whether or not we should have gone to whatever war and other common ponderings but none of those really grasp my interest so much that I have any desire to research them. With that in mind, is there any appropriate topic that I do have enough invested interest in to consider writing about? Probably not.

    Like I had said, the only internal argument I had been suffering upon was what discursive element I should select for my essay. I raised the issue of basing an essay upon this with my teacher who quickly shot it down, but given my pigheadedly stubborn nature, I began to consider the possibility of doing just that.

    Difficulty is the main concern I have in making this decision. Structuring an essay in this manner could potentially be a distressing but admittedly interesting concept. Even if I do manage to produce something I’m happy with, is it going to be considered appropriate? Will it be accepted? I suppose the only way of knowing is to hand in the essay and see what happens. In addition, there is no researchable information or any sort of source material for me to base points or arguments upon, just the oh so biased ramblings from within my own mind.

    Other than the enjoyment I suspect I would find in undertaking an essay with such an abstract topic, I struggle to find any reasons to go forward with the concept. It would most likely be very difficult to write and may be thrown back at me anyway, leaving me in an incredibly strenuous situation. It would be so much easier to just submit to the recommended and probably wiser choice of discussing one of the more traditional choices available to me.

    All of these conflicting thoughts when in reality my mind has already settled comfortably on one side of the net. I suppose you could say it makes the essay itself redundant but I would have to protest such an assumption. Obviously it wasn’t the best possible decision on my part but to put things in the most blank of terms, I have produced an essay. I have proposed contrasting arguments and evaluated the values of many of them.

    Beyond this I don’t know what to say, even while writing this piece I was apprehensive about the decision I had made but as I bring the argument to its resolution I no longer feel any ambivalence, which I suppose is the best argument I could put forward as evidence to the agreeable nature of any topic I could have possibly chosen. Funny how that worked out.