My apologies

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Ultra5, May 28, 2013.

  1. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    This has been too long coming, but I am afraid I must withdraw from Role Playing here on HC. I feel that my absence for surgery is as good a time as any to say this. This has been a good while coming. Posting in RPs had become more and more a chore and was starting to become both boring and a hassle. I am terribly sorry to everyone I just left in mid RP. I wish I could have finished then, but having tried five times today alone only to end up staring at the screen hoping inspiration hit me isn't a way to have fun. Again I offer my apologies. I will still be around both in the discussion threads and the c-box, so I won't be out of touch. At least after my surgery and possible recovery that is.
    -Harry Massie a.k.a Ultra5
  2. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Aw nuts just when I come back to RPing

    I'm sorry to hear that U5 D: I hope everything'll go well with your surgery and you have a quick recovery!